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24 Days and Counting!



Day 24

I am counting down until I have my plication procedure. This is the first day of my blog. I feel very excited/nervous [excervous??] about everything. I find myself catching sight of my body in the mirror as I walk by it. I wonder. . . what ME will emerge post plication? How Exciting! I can not wait to find out! I am happy about my decision to take control of my health.

I began my pre-op dietary instructions 2 weeks ago. I chose the protein shakes and the low fat frozen dinner with ample greens: salad and soup. I started 1 month early because the 5% body weight that I had to lose came up to 11 lbs. and I wanted to make sure that I met it! :P So far I have lost 10 lbs and need to lose 1.5 more in 24 days. I know that this is no problem and feel good about being on task.

This fantastic thought just occurred to me yesterday. For the last 12 days I have begun a permanent weight loss journey. My weight from here on out will only go down. As I sit here smiling with this thought in mind, visions of great looking clothes dance in my brain.



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