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Practice Makes Perfect



So WOW. How to handle this all? Right?

It was overwhelming for me to think about going from liquids to soft/regular foods. Liquids were easy because all I had to do was to make sure that I had liquid in my hands at all times throughout the entire day. I simply finished one kind and grabbed another. Easy PZ.

For me, in order to master something totally foreign to me, while adhearing to the golden rule of no liquids within an hour of meals requires clarity. For me, clarity means scheduling. So this example is just for those who might want to know what it looks like to track things my way:

6-6:30 am Breakfast : usually oatmeal or cottage cheese and crackers (high fiber gluten free low calorie: Mary's Crackers)

6:30 - 7:30 am NOTHING

7:30 - 10:30 : Liquids: 32 ozs of water and a 16 oz protein drink w/ 23 grams of protein (syntrax nectar)

10:30 - 11:30 NOTHING

11:30 - 12pm Lunch: usually cottage cheese, grapes, crackers, or mashed potatoes (gluten free mashed potatoe flakes)

12 - 1 pm NOTHING

1pm - 5pm Liquids: 32 oz of water, 10 oz ensure w/ 9 grams protein, 2 yakults (for probiotics, zero lactose)

5pm - 6pm NOTHING

6 - 6:30pm Dinner: a fraction of a lean cuisine meal with mashed potatoes and veggies

6:30 - 7:30pm NOTHING

7:30pm - Liquids

What I love about this plan is that the time frames are flexible. You can cut back an hour of liquids to add in a snack of fruit, etc. I also love that breakfast is a no brainer because when you wake up you already get an hour of not having had anything before, so that is a freebie!

It should also be mentioned that I am gluten intolerant and cottage cheese aside, lactose intolerant, (cottage cheese has very small amounts of lactose so it sits ok with me), and vegetarian so my diets are based on no meat, no gluten, and no milk. Given that this is quite the speicalty I hope it can help others in the same boat

With this way of scheduling, I get my 64 ozs of water in, at least 32 grams of protein in (plus what I can get from cottage cheese) and this is good until I can learn to incorporate more high protein foods. I'm still new to food phase so still looking up high protein low cal recipes :) I actually still enjoy my liquid intake more than my food intake. I do love incorporating fruit too, I believe I missed that more than anything.

I also love that after 7pm i'm not eating anymore and having just liquids, so that sticks to another addage i'd always heard, don't eat food after 8pm.


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