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End of Week 5 Post Plic: August 24, 2012



Ok. Last week was pretty frustrating. I gained 4 ozs., went from 190.2 to 190.6

That was frustrating in itself because it meant that I not only gained 4 ozs, (it's not the amount I gained but the fact it went the WRONG way) but that I did not lose anything all week long, and believe me it felt loooooong.

I was super constipated all last week and right up to yesterday *sigh* and OUCH!!!. Very! And I know it was the culprit that contributed to this set back. Still its hard getting over the psychological aspect of it. Not having lost anything all week, having adhered to everything exactly, and the distention of my stomach which omits my concentration on just feeling good about feeling thinner. Frustrating. I tried to get around that by just focusing on how I have lost 31 lbs. and that i'm sure this can't go on for long... grrr

I called the OCC and received advice from Dr. M so here's to hoping that this week is better! I weighed in this morning, and I was at 189.2, so I have lot a pound this week so far, here's to hoping its a better week!


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