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End of Week 13: October 19, 2012



OK. This week I am up 1 lb. I gained. :/ I know why.

I discovered gluten free pizza from the local and we ate it twice this week. Also, I had a corn quesadilla in a quick pinch because I was running late on another night, and taquitos on another night. Yep. That's a lot of grease and cheese.

Thanks to prunes, it didn't constipate me, but it was too much grease and cheese even though I only did eat a little part of them. SO, this coming week, no cheese anywhere and no grease. I'll be cooking at home which I prefer because at least I know what goes into it. I normally cook anyway. This week was just hectic and not planned out. So, ok, i'm at 176 this week, a 1 lb. setback and no loss. To keep me motivated I just appreciate the weight I have lost, know I will lose more beginning next week, and focus on how good it feels to be in slimmer jeans. Also! A major victory, I have not had anything sugary like candy, frosting, or the like since my procedure! Might not sound major but my weakness is sugary things like that. They are the thing that derails me every time. And I have not had 1 single piece nor will I. When I feel in the mood for something like that, which is not easy 2 weeks before my period, I have a tablespoon of peanut butter and even that is in large moderation.

I know my lack of planning and ungreat choices threw me off this week and will change that. On to week 14! :)


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