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4 Months post op Gastric Sleeve



Cutting to the chase.........Down 64 lbs!!!

I have never thrown up, not once since surgery. I am a slow eater and I know when that "one bite" is going to be the one that sends me into burbing, belching and being miserable for the next half hour. So I avoid that feeling at all costs.

The hardest thing for me is actually eating all meals and snacks every day. I tootle along with my day and then my stomach starts feeling yucky and it dawns on me I need to eat. One may say this is a good thing and IT IS NOT. What I have experienced the hard way is that I don't lose weight if I don't eat. Sounds crazy right? I think it has something to do with metabolism.

Also, it is VERY VERY important to get in at least the minimum amount of protein a day as well as water. Just make up your mind to have a bottle of water in your hand or within reach at all times and sip sip sip during the day.

I am happy with my weight loss considering the only exercise I am able to accomplish due to health issues is swimming. I do water aerobics three times a week consistently.

I can eat anything but dinner rolls. They seem to sit like rocks as well as a few bites and you feel like you ate a pillow. Again, that is why I emphasize this surgery is a tool. I could easily eat chocolate every few hours but that is not going to help me lose weight. Choose your protein and veggies and you too will soon be on your way to a new person. Take care everyone. Good luck.

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