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I am just Loving me



I am anxious, feeling hiper alert and just plain excited that I am finally going to have the sleeve done. I made the decisión only a month ago, but after researching for entire nights and consulting my family gastroenterologist, decided to go with Dr Ortiz. I could not find a bad review for him or the center and If I am going to take the risk (no doubt any surgery is a risk) I should look for the best odds. I have come to terms with the fact that it is a selfish decision, I am doing this for me and nobody else. And that is OK. I am a good daughter, mother, a wife and an accomplished profesional and my priorities have been evident my whole life (not necessarily in that order :-) ), it is just this time I will set all of that aside and do this for me. So, after talking it over with my husband, he is supporting my decision. He is my hero for overcoming his fears and standing by me as he has always done. I have not told anyone else, don´t want to worry them, and also don´t want to have to convince anyone.

My surgery is JUne 26th, I have so many arrangements to make so I can take the time off and leave things prepared for any outcome. Otherwise, I am so ready, Wish me luck!


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