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Day 3



The first step to a move to Hawaii has turned into a successful relocation from the Bay Area, CA. in June of 2015.  It is now New Years Day 2017.  I'm in need of a lifestyle change and have committed to discipline myself this year in order to accomplish this goal.  I love the plication I received in 2011 and now know that I will always be an emotional eater.  "In my own way", so to speak.  I have a good support system here and intend to use every advantage God has given me to get out of my own way.  I believe my EGO is divided into divisions that have different intentions for my life.  My faith has taught me to be aware that my EGO enjoys chaos and anger, creating my bad choices and a vicious cycle that keeps me hurting most of the time.  I'm going to the mattresses, to quote "The Godfather".  It's an internal war that I intend to win. 

So far, I have cleaned out the frig and pantry of foods that I know lead to weight gain for me.  These foods are for maintenance only.  I've given myself till my birthday July 6 to achieve my goal of 40 lbs.  I am now 200 lbs.  I can do this.  I guess I thought my surgery would protect me from old habits and I'd never gain weight again.  But, that's just not true.  I will get used to eating smaller portions again and use the 3 bite rule for foods I crave.  Not eat late in the evening.  Cut out sweets.  Limit fats and bread. Use my friends as sounding boards regularly.  Work out at my gym 3 times a week, 1 hr. min.  Journal here once or more a week.

HAPPY NEW YEAR and Thanks for Listening


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