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Kathy 8/29

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  1. I had my first fill on 10/6. I notice a difference but only slightly. It is weird because some days I feel like I can't eat anything and other days it is no problem. I guess it is finally sinking in what everyone has been saying. It is only a tool not the total solution. DARN! I was hoping I would be the exception and I wouldn't have to do anything. I guess it is time to take things into my own hands. I am going to shoot for 2 pounds a week by really listening to my band and stopping when I am no longer hungry! I am also going to eat the protein first and not drink with meals. We shall see. This isn't as easy as I hoped it would be. But I WILL NOT waste my $8,500.00. My family made a tremendous sacrafice for me. I need to make it worth it. Starting weight 240 Pre-Liquid Diet 233 Pre-Op 220 1 Week Post Op 217 First Fill 222 Today 220 Next Monday 218
  2. Okay, I had my first fill on Saturday and I dont feel any different. He put in 1.7 cc. I saw it on the flourascope but I do not feel any different. I am very worried that this isn't going to work for me. I am going to give it two weeks and then maybe go back if things havent changed. Why would a fill not change anything?
  3. Hi Eric's Mom, remember me, Kathy, your band sister? Don't feel bad. I can eat everything too. My fill is tomorrow. I am going to T.J. I'll let you know how it goes. Do you have yours scheduled yet?
  4. Hi EricsMom, Good work on your weight loss. I have to admit I have started eating other foods beyond just the liquids. I just couldn't do it anymore. I still eat only soft foods and chew everything to excess. I went to Subway yesterday and got a salad. I could only eat about 1/4 of it. So I think I still have some restriction but not very much. I am going to continue doing what I am doing as I still am losing weight, but I do feel a bit guilty. I hope I dont ruin anything. How is everything else going? PreOp Diet Weight - 233.5 Op Day Weight - 222.5 Current - 217 Goal - 125
  5. Hey my fellow band sisters Danielle and Stephanie, how are you doing? I wondered where you two had gone. How are you both feeling? I am fine. Today is my first day back to work and everything seems good so far. I have to say, this liquid diet has been so hard. I added the protein shakes and soup and that helps. So far I am still feeling restriction and can only eat a little or drink a little at a time. I am very worried when that goes away and I havent had a fill yet. I have lost 14lbs and don't want to gain it back! My stomach is healing nicely although it looks like I had a fight with a plate glass window, and the window won! My 4-year-old thinks I feel down some stairs and thats how I got my owies. It has been very hard to not go in the pool either as it is 110 degrees here and has been for 4 days. UGH. I was lucky and didn't have the gas, or at least haven't yet. It is kinda weird that I feel full but then I can hear my stomach growling. It is like I have two stomach's now and it is hard to know which one to listen to. I hope you are both doing well! Kathy
  6. Hey Danielle, it is Kathy here. How are you doing? We got stuck in Mexico because of the border strike and couldn't go home till late Friday night. We went down to Rosarita and sat on the beach for awhile. I am feeling about the same as you. My port is very sore, but better today then it has been. I started the yogurt drinks today and they seem to go down okay. I am very hungry, but I know that I will get to eat soon (just not as much) so that keeps me going for now. I have been taking my husband's Vicodin which has helped me with the pain and with sleeping. I haven't told anyone either. My husband told everyone that I was having some female surgery. LOL. Of course no-one asked any questions after hearing that! I am looking forward to hearing from Stephanie. Take care and keep in touch Kathy
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