Hey my fellow band sisters Danielle and Stephanie, how are you doing? I wondered where you two had gone. How are you both feeling?
I am fine. Today is my first day back to work and everything seems good so far. I have to say, this liquid diet has been so hard. I added the protein shakes and soup and that helps. So far I am still feeling restriction and can only eat a little or drink a little at a time. I am very worried when that goes away and I havent had a fill yet. I have lost 14lbs and don't want to gain it back!
My stomach is healing nicely although it looks like I had a fight with a plate glass window, and the window won! My 4-year-old thinks I feel down some stairs and thats how I got my owies.
It has been very hard to not go in the pool either as it is 110 degrees here and has been for 4 days. UGH.
I was lucky and didn't have the gas, or at least haven't yet. It is kinda weird that I feel full but then I can hear my stomach growling. It is like I have two stomach's now and it is hard to know which one to listen to.
I hope you are both doing well!