Hi LapBand Friends,
I had LapBand surgery 4.5 years ago and initially lost 80 lbs. I was delighted with the immediate results. But after one year, I started experiencing symptoms of malnutrition, including enemia, severe fatigue, dizziness, headaches, depression, nausea, leg cramping and skin issues. I wasn't getting in all my protein or exercise because of my demanding career. I certainly was not getting a well-balanced diet. I became very ill and ultimately had to give-up my job and a six figure income. I completely underestimated the amount of daily care and management this new lifestyle would require. I started eating solid food and protein to gain my strength back. But I have gained back about 35 lbs to date.
I recently had my annual upper GI and EGD and learned that my band has slipped. In looking at my films, the skin above my band looks very stretched-out and limp. My surgeon has suggested three options: 1) have it repositioned ($13,000); 2) covert it to a gastric bypass ($27,000); or 3) have it removed altogether ($10,000). The risks of not doing anything, I'm told, are not well understood, but not recommended.
I'm concerned about the integrity/strength of the stomach lining above the band. If the band is repositioned up higher and reattached to weak skin, how safe is that? Since another surgery is inevitable, I'm considing just having it removed. But I fear the consequences of this option too.
What would you do?