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Everything posted by trishfla

  1. Thanks! I'm finally down about 90 pounds and that is something I have always wanted to do.
  2. I was wondering if someone had any knowledge about having the band and scuba diving. I believe I remember sometime ago seeing a post that it was ok, but I wanted to see if anyone knew. Thanks for any input.
  3. Hi Lauren, I believe you and I are about 2/3weeks apart from when I had my surgery and when you had yours. I can tell you I went through the same thing during week 4 and 5, where I felt I could and did anything things I knew where bad for me. I just had my first fill on Monday and I feel a lot better and feel I'm back on track. So hang in there and I believe you will feel better once you get that fill. Trish
  4. Hi Kim, congradulations, it sounds like you are doing well. I ran into the same thing you did during the 2nd week. I'm glad you are doing better now. Me too!!! I'm at 27 pound lost and have my first filled scheduled for 9/24. Take Care Trish
  5. I'm also scheduled for St. Pete on the 24th. This will be my first filled (Operation was on 8/13) I would love to have the number for Tampa also, just in case!
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