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Everything posted by trulifesaver

  1. Snowbird, thanks for replying! That thing you wrote about having to gain weight before anyone helps you is my thought exactly!!! I have been having a really hard time finding doctors or counselors that understand. I broached the subject with my doctor and she acted as if I was crazy. "Megan, why do you think you need a lapband?" Hmmmm, shall we do a recap? I am 5'4" 190 lbs, as a result I have bladder retention, depression, CONSTANT fatigue, horrible bulging veins which not only hurt but I am sure predispose me to things like DVT. And the list of negative ways in which this fat affects my life goes on and on. I have been overweight since I was 11 years old and obesity runs heavily in both sides of my family. I once told a dietician that I think I have a compulsive overeating problem and she looked at me and said "I don't think so, you're not that big." I mean good god do I have to 500 lbs and struggling to breathe for someone to take me seriously when I say that I have a problem and that I need help? The ways that this has already affected my life are too numerous to count and I am sure that it will hold me back in an untold number of ways if something does not change. Does anyone know how I might get some real help or find a doctor that will be on my side?
  2. Hey Everybody, I have been looking at and researching the Lap-Band for sometime now. I think that it along with counseling would be a great tool for me. I am about 190 and my BMI is only 32.6. I have about 70 lbs that I need to lose. I am sure that I could lose some of that on my own, but not all of it and I woud probably gain it back. Is there anyone else on here that was banded and had a smaller amount that they needed to lose like myself? I have BCBS and I have not researched with them, but if they are like most insurances, I will not qualify because my BMI is not high enough and I do not have any diagnosed co-morbities. Although, I do have depression and varicose veins due to my weight (I'm only 22) and I think I have bladder retention, I'm not sure if they are considered comorbities? So, I will undoubtedly be paying for it myself. I would most certainly have to take out a loan to cover the cost of banding, but I have poor credit. I feel that if I do not make a change soon, I will continue to gain weight rapidly... Being obese is stealing my life and all of my opportunities away from me. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions for me? I would love to hear from you.
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