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Everything posted by TammyinNebraska

  1. I'm a newbie too! My surgery is out a ways--January 24. I'm a nurse so since the holidays are "just around the corner" this was the soonest date with the least amount of explaination. Not only am I a bit afraid of failing--tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, TOPS, Atkins,.......to infinity and beyond!!!.......but I've also met with some harsh criticism from any coworkers who do know what is pending for me. (If you had more willpower, you wouldn't be needing surgery OR even....If you can't even follow a simple diet--how do you expect to be a good role model as a nurse?---OUCH!!) My credibility has suffered in my workplace--but you know what? If I have to....I can get another job. What I can't get is another body without help. I have exercised and struggled for years--I refuse to be beaten down or defeated. I CAN follow a diet when I see results but I certainly can follow a program if I have a "buddy". I'm naming my Lapband "Lappy" the body-buddy. I have faith in those who have gone before me to open my eyes to the hazards and I'm sticking to the trail you all have forged! Ready or not---here I LOSE!
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