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Everything posted by Kimberly

  1. If any of your pills can be cut in 1/2 to make them smaller then buy a pill splitter at the pharmacy and take 2 halfs. That is what worked for me on the larger pills. I kept my portions to 1/2 cup and drank(ate) as often as I was hungry. Things were pretty uncomfortable the first several days but got better for me around day 11. You're almost there and hopefully you will feel a little better as each day passes.
  2. Walking helped relieve the pressure for me. =D>
  3. I have not thrown up in 14 years and don't plan on starting now. What I mean by "taking a deep breath and blowing it all out" is a deep breathing exercise for calming and relaxation. Something that does not involve food. You will be fine!!!
  4. Try eating a Lean Cuisine, taking Gas X strips and breathing deep then blowing it all out. That is what helped me. I have read that Metimucil will help with the hunger. You will be fine.... I was very nervous also. That is normal with anything like this. Good Luck =D>
  5. The "burn like an iron burn" is a perfect description of what I feel when I sneeze. Thankfully this pain goes away within a couple of minutes, but is still worrysome to feel that kind of pain. It has only been 3 times. I can't wait for those moments to stop! I was banded on Nov.6th by Dr. Ortiz.
  6. Anyone else going for pre-op on the 5th and surgery on the 6th of Nov.? I'm flying in from Seattle, landing in SanDiego at noon on the 5th. Kim
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