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  1. I am still getting about a liter of liquids a day into me and I am sip sip sipping almost non stop. I am doing broths, gatorade and protein shakes to keep up my sugar levels, electrolytes and get some protein into me. I have been keeping my fill doctor posted by email and I am just trying to keep from worrying. I tend to heal more slowly than most folks, so I am hoping it is just that. Think happy thoughts.
  2. I appreciate the wishes. I worry about getting dehydrated at this point.
  3. I had my very first fill two weeks ago today. I did great for the first week. Only mild discomfort as I found my limits. Then on day 7, I had some apple slices for breakfast. I chewed well, aware of the fact that it can be a problem for some people with the band. I wasn't too worried though because it was the second I had since my fill. But I got progressively more uncomfortable through the course of the next 3 hours or so. It felt like I was stalled out and nothing was moving through the band. The cramped chest feeling passed by lunch time and I didn't vomit or have any pbing. However, I felt like I had scraped off the lining of my esophagus. That night it swelled up and I was having difficulty drinking even small quantities of water. I called my fill doc the next morning and her nurse told me to come in. I had a hard time with that as my closest fill center is 300 miles away... on snowy roads. So after six hours on the road I get to my appointment. My fill doc then asked my how long I had been throwing up. I hadn't thrown up at all. Turns out she had thought I was completely blocked.( Next time I have trouble I will call down to Doc Ortiz. ) And I didn't have to come in after all. She said I had probably scraped off the mucosa lining my esophagus and stomach stoma and I should go on liquids for a week or so. I am to swig mylanta every three hours and let it heal and the swelling go down. Well it's been a week and my husband is ready for me to have this band removed. I am confident the swelling will go down but in the mean time I am having a tough time keeping enough liquids moving through me and keeping my sugar levels and protein intake up. I am able to sip a teaspoon at a time but thats about it. Option 1 wait and heal. Option 2 Drive another 650 miles round trip in a day on icy roads through a deserted patch of America to get the fill removed or reduced. Any advice? information or ideas? I would appreciate it.
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