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Everything posted by aub

  1. I have had my band for a little over 2 years now. Everything was going great, I was 210 when I got the band put in, and 6 months ago I was 140. Six months ago I went to get a fill I already had 2.8 cc's in my band, and when she checked to see how much I had in there it was empty. So, she filled me to 3 cc's I went back a month later and nothing. We continued this 2 other times, and each time it was empty. When I left there each time I was restricted, so I just dont get this. Today I went in and did some sort of MRI to see where it was leaking, and nothing!!! The doctor tried for 2 hours, he had me get up and walk around and move around and no leak. He had my band so restricted I could barely swallow. He tried everything he could, and yet no leak. So I am wondering how this would happen, because if the doctor was missing my port I would not have felt any restriction when I left there. Am I just going crazy? Has this happened to anyone else?
  2. Thank you for your feed back, I appreciate it.
  3. Thanking you for replying, I appreciate it. I needed a little positive feedback. When I got the band put in I was with 2 friends who did also, and I get so mad sometimes because they have lost so much more then me and they don't even work out, or eat right, and even drink alchol. So thank you, I guess yesterday I was just having a little freak out.
  4. I have had my band for some time now. My surgery date was 12/15/06. I weighed 210 on surgery day, I am now 157. So in 13 months I have only lost 53 pounds. I work out, I eat right most of the time, but yet here I am. The doctor who does my fills says this is great, but I have heard from others who say I should have already been at my goal weight. I get very discouraged when I hear this. I am only 5'2 1/2, and it says I should weight around 115. I personaly think that is to much, I am big boned, and I believe 130 or 135 would be good. Any one else just feel like they are stuck also? Also, when you are done eating, do you think it is normal to feel your port? And for some reason some days I can feel the port, and it is sometimes uncomfortable. Is this all normal, or is just me? Thanks for your time.
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