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Everything posted by KitKat

  1. Gosh, after reading this - it is confusing and bit disturbing as well. I realize that everyone has a different experience and will come away from this issue with good and bad but to hear Clynn, it sounds perfect and wonderful. To hear others, it is not so great. Personally, I think a 50 pound weight loss in 8 months is phenominal and I would love to have that happen to me!! I understand what you're saying though Sue. It is hard to hear that, typically, most people can only eat a bite or two of a hamburger or half of a kid's meal - forever. I love food, hence being fat! But - wouldn't it be nice if we could just eat a bit more than that and still lose, along with exercise, of course. I am confused but I know that I'm confusing myself. Clynn is right, it's a decision every individual has to make but for me, I have to get as much information as possible. I would like to know - does the port interfere with anything in your life, for instance, sex - or anything else? Can someone else feel it? Is it visiable to the naked eye? Is it uncomfortable? (Not that anyone has seen me naked in about 15 years but there's always hope )! And I do hope I'm not being too graphic here but I need to ask.
  2. Johnny, where did you have your VG band put in? Where can I get more information on it?
  3. Thanks Donna! I have checked here and the closest fill center for me will be in Atlanta, GA, about a 5 to 6 hour drive. That does put a bit of a crimp in things for me as I will have to drive there but at least I have found something. I'm still working on understanding the fills. I realize that you have to find the "sweet spot" but then, is that it? How often, on average, say - yearly, do you have to get fills? I will also ask Lori this question since she's agreed to help me with these things but I just wondered what others in forum have to say. I am older but I am in college so it will be harder for me to get to the fill center in Atlanta. Thanks for your comments!
  4. Hello everyone, I have researched lapband for quite some time and I even went to a seminar in Memphis, TN a couple of years ago. I was told then that I needed to be at least 100 lbs overweight and, in general, I felt like it was an assembly line situation on top of everything else. I left there pretty discouraged. Today, I watched Oprah and I was so impressed with Cassie and her mom. To be so young and so determined! I admire Cassie's strength and resolve to change her life at such a young age! And, I admire her mom for getting the best care for her daughter. =D> I have been inspired by both of them and if Cassie can do it, I can do it. She may have been one of the youngest and I may be one of the oldest! I have tentatively scheduled my lapband for March 10th and will go ahead with it if funding works out. Please wish me luck! I live in Northeast Mississippi but I'm a retired Marine's wife so the travel is no big deal to me. I was tall and skinny until I turned 50 and had to quit exercising because of nerve damage in my feet (long story). I have gained 70 lbs since then and now weigh 230. That is hard to admit, much less say in a forum! Anyway, I will be 57 on 2/12/08 and this really is something to think about at my age! Not that I'm ancient or anything but I am a grandmother. The thing is, it sure would be nice to play with my grandchildren and run with them the way that I want to. And it sure would be nice to get off some of the medication I have to take everyday. The bottomline is that being fat makes me feel OLD! Sorry for the ramblings! One question I have is about the "fills." I understand that I'll need to find a dr here to do them and I hope that won't be a problem but I live in a rather rural area in comparison to a big city so it might be tough. Also, getting a dr here to do a fill when I've had the procedure in Mexico. I'm sure they'll think I'm insane. Are the fills painful? How often do you need them? Do you have to get them for the rest of your life? Thank you! Best wishes and peace to everyone! Any and all advice or comments are appreciated. >
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