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Will T

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Everything posted by Will T

  1. I agree with Rhonda and Lisa-the-babe. I would do it again tomorrow. All my life the skinny people (grrrrrrrrr) always talk about "Ohh... I need to lose weight... I'm getting a little big..." And I gained pounds watching the Food network. I have lost a lot of weight, thanks to the band helping me make different choices. I now have to fine tune this process, and figure more do's and don'ts so that I maximize my band's potential. But, without ANY doubt, I would do it again tomorrow. But first, I'd go buy more soups and get a passport. : )
  2. I understand what you are experiencing Tracy. I had my second fill on July 22, and have experienced only 5 days without having an episode. My weight has gone up because I eat poor choice foods in order to have energy to do normal work. I called the fill center, and they suggest an un-fill, but at $280 a pop, I'm not willing to spend it JUST to have to pay another $280 to get a fill in another month or two. My condition is almost identical to you, and I think Evette's thought about stress is part of my issue. Teaching school began in early August, which is when the condition increased. My stress is not incredible, it's normal stress from a normal job (if you've ever taught, you know what I mean). But I will sit at a table, eat one spoonful of anything non-liquid, and after 30 seconds, I walk calmly to the restroom, knowing what is about to happen. There isnt enough matter inside to cause a blockage, or distress... just a spoonful. If it just sits on the band, there is restriction, which is what we want. Mine deal with an ability to burp away whatever gases are in the lower pouch, and are not getting through for some reason. It is painful, and it is embarassing. There are certain foods that are helpful - cool foods, such as ice cream (I know it's bad, but it is wonderful to sit, and NOT have to go to the restroom) and a few soups. My energy level has dropped to beyond lethargic, and I have to drink most of my energy (energy drinks such as vitamin water, etc) and milkshakes DO make me feel better. I do not know a solution at this point but to bear it out. Something has to give. If I go for an unfill, I probably wont go back for a fill for a long time, and I will destroy the progress that I've made so far. A day at a time has been my motto since day 1 of the banding process, and I will continue looking at this.... a day at a time. Evette... awesome picture again... : )
  3. WOOHOOOOOO on the chandelier.... The swimming pool... in the pool, on the side of the pool... that way there is less pressure on the port. If no pool is handy, spooning in the shower works GREAT. Upside down in the pool is not adviseable, because one or two parties will have to hold their breath for a LONG time. To quote a famous movie from my generation... "It's the pelvic thrust..... that really drives me in-saaaaane....." Anybody else in the mood for the "Time Warp again...?"
  4. LMAO.... yeah.... right..... you'll LOVE the attention even more than you love it now... 'nuff said. pssst Erin... just ONE time a day?? sheesh... you guys are missing out.
  5. You ARE getting immediate results, just not in the way you want it. I was you - the midnight snacks, all of it. Nothing was better than a few graham crackers, peanut butter and some cold milk after hours. In just 4.5 months, I never do that any more. The more I was filled, the less I snacked, whether it was from pb'ing or just being so full I wanted nothing else. Re-learning to eat properly is something I had to face as well. I liked large bites, and chewing, and leaving every plate on the table clean. Not any more. If I eat a large bite, I visit the restroom and pb. Right now I have learned that a chicken nugget is WONDERFUL if I cut it in half and eat slowly. I cover it in wonderful flavored sauces for variety, but a half-nugget is just enough to keep me from pb'ing. And, I'm starting to get used to it. I'm even getting accustomed to asking for a to-go box when I order, and immediately fill it up half-way. I put it in an empty place at the table, and go with the meal on the plate. Many times I add more to the to-go container. Consider this a positive experience for you. Your body has accepted your change (the band) and is helping you to accomodate it. The scales will respond on THEIR schedule, as your body does. I had to accept that. It took me 40 years to build this creature I'm in, I can give it a few months to change into something wonderful. As my old football coach would say, quoting HIS football coach, "Pain is a great teacher."
  6. Sheeeshhh... you girls really know how to tease a guy..... from Lisa's description that made all the guys gasp to Phoenix's.... and then the hot boots.... ohhhh myyyyyy. I need to change topics right now.
  7. Donna, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. He obviously sees incredible beauty, both inner and outer, in you. As the others have said, and I echo, it is the person within YOU that you do this for... for your inner peace, for your life-long desire, whatever... this is a YOU-journey. And this is NOT a selfish whim, by any means, this is an opportunity for us to be victorious over a foe which has kicked us pretty good over the years. Your husband is very lucky to have someone like you, who has great insight and considerable thoughtfulness. You will succeed.
  8. Cheryl, I completely did not see your response until tonight... I'll add you asap
  9. you girls keep talking about sex drive as if its a BAD thing.... is this something that happens to female bandsters?? Zip the band goes on... zip the... oh never mind.
  10. Wow Kimmy... you have such skinny legs!! wtg girl!! what's the difference between a size 12 and a size 10?? We men do it easier... by waist size. Is 10 and 12 like a butt-cup size???
  11. Donna, don't let up on your desire in front of him. Keep the attitude that the band is what you need, and want, and also let him know how important his support would be for you. If he feels you will change your mind and decide against it, he will keep his perspective and 'help' you change your mind. A marriage is a partnership, but BOTH partners must be cognizant of the other's state of being. He must understand how YOU feel, and that YOU are different physically (meaning your metabolism is different). If he REALLY loves you, then he must come to an understanding in HIS mind that you have different needs to help you accomplish your goals. We all don't paint a wall the same way, but it gets painted with support. Stay concrete with your determination. It will help you when you finally get the band. You WILL win this weight battle.... I can tell it already.
  12. Linda said: See??? We men DO come up with good ideas every now and then! Woooohooooo!
  13. nawww... all of those taste... diet Arby's Jamocha shake, and ask for a double squirt of the jamocha. Now THAT'S a chocolate shake. Or Ben and Jerry's double chocolate fudge ice cream shake. Only take a few swallows, and save the rest for a little later... if you can.
  14. Y'all have a great time!! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!!
  15. Me too. I'd fall on my knees and bow saying "I'm not worthy..... I'm not worthy..... I'm not worthy..." a la Wayne and Garth...
  16. I knew insurance would not cover mine because I asked. I'm like Lisa... I went to OCC because it was inexpensive compared to the American doctors (lowest estimate I had was $19,900, highest $27,900). Now I agree with her... he was the best doctor for me. OCC exceeded all my expectations.
  17. That feeling is worth a fortune. Oh wait.. it did cost a fortune : ) I like the times when i eat a little, then wait .... and lo and behold.... I'm not hungry anymore. I'm FULL... just after a little bit of my former portions. Just that confidence... that feeling of success from eating a little bit and being quite content with it... makes my band priceless. Way to go Jenn! Now, we'll hope the career situation improves for you. Good luck with it.. Bill
  18. WOW!!! [plop] I'm sorry, this is Bill's computer, also known as HAL-9000, completing his message automatically. It seems that he fainted from overexposure to the photographs embedded in the thread. He would want me to offer his highest compliments and admiration for "sticking to it" as he would say. He will revive eventually and continue to post periodically. As he would say "be well" HAL-9000
  19. will T headsnaps.... Atta girl Vix.... you tell 'em!!
  20. Ummm... well.... If you can read my posts, then I will smile It is one reason I am back from the same issue Jacque and stormy are facing, plus a little more zing of a personal threat. I wasn't going to let someone like that keep me down and away. I always learned it was mostly better to walk away than to sit there and take it... but that little "ignore" thingy worked wonders...
  21. Wendy's chili.... just sip the broth from it. It's wonderful. If you feel like it, try a little of the substance. It's been cooking in the broth for hours, so it will fall into pieces with little effort. GO SLOWLY. If the meat and/or the veggies seem to cause pain, sip the broth from the spoon. Get as much broth from it as you can. If your band slips, you would know it. Your pain would be immense and continual. And... YES YOU CAN DO THIS.
  22. i edited the post. "My controls", then go to "Manage ignored users"
  23. I suggest you click on the link in the upper right hand of this page that says "My Controls", then go down to the lower left to "Manage ignored users" and include anyone you feel has been negative and rude in posts. The words they type will NOT APPEAR for you. It worked wonders for me!! We are all in it together, and once the sourness is gone, the rest of us will escort each other on this journey. Remember... go to your profile page and block anyone you feel isn't helping you. There are TOO MANY AWESOME posters in here to allow people you feel are hurting your efforts to drag you down. Bill
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