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Posts posted by Mackenzie

  1. Hi everyone! I havent posted on here in a LONG time! I am now 30 weeks pregnant and ready to have my baby so that I can finish losing my weight! On another note, I ate some chinese food today and it got stuck and I did PB. A few hours later i went to have a snack of cheese and crackers, I ate 2 and that got stuck and I was sliming. I tried to eat a chip and I pbed... (not a very good food day aside from my oatmeal and fruit this AM).

    Anyway I am paranoid that my band is slipped...or do you think its just reallly aggravated? Im not really sure what Im supposed to do. Ive had things stuck before, the discomfort lasts for 3-10 minutes and its over, but this has been going on since about 2pm.

    I guess Ill stick with liquids for a few days... Any advice would help. I really hope my band hasnt slipped. :o

  2. Kim,

    First of all, congrats on how far you have come. Second, I am in the same boat. How frustrating is it?! I can eat really well and nothing, or I can make some poor choices...and nothing. I am in the gym a little here and there (excuses excuses, but sometimes there arent enough hours in the day). I def. think Im going to try this for a month and see where it gets me.

    No one said itd be easy that is for sure and that has been proven to me these last 2-3 months with nothing happening on the scale. GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US!! ! :D

  3. Lauren,

    Food was a comfort thing for me too....I dealt with a lot of things by eating. Stopping an addiction or a coping device is a pretty traumatic thing! Your mind is probably protesting on this change. I think its good that you are going to the doctor for some help. Hopefully that will be able to help you transition into dealing with lifes up and downs like a "regular" human..whatever that may be...bc i know havent found what that is yet! good luck, and congrats on 55lbs!!!!!! that is awesome!

  4. My grocery list usually includes (minus the junk my hubby gets)

    LOTS of boneless skinless chicken breasts


    veggie burgers

    red onion

    spinach (frozen and baby spinach)



    balasmic vinegar (i use a lot of vinegar on my salad)


    broccoli (i eat steamed broccoli a lot)

    sweet pots

    slim fast optima (sometimes i have that as a mid morning "snack")

    egg whites (i make egg white/spinach/onion/cheese cups on sunday-for breakfast thru the week)

    skim-mozzerella cheese


    crystal light

    edys frozen yogurt (black cherry vanilla-its a lot creamier than ice cream- and only 100 cal's for a cup) yum

  5. I know I havent been on the forum as much as i used to...but i pop in once a week or so to see whats going on. I really liked this post for a few reasons...I have been stuck in a rut for about 2 months now. I should be almost to 60 lbs lost around the end of the month (at the pace i was going) but now im struggling to get past 42-45...its driving me crazy.

    It doesnt help that I have the worst sweet tooth EVER and that I have had a "relapse" if you will! When i get home I want to snack on something, then i want dinner, and of course i need something sweet afterwards.

    I see that you mentioned that you dont have any cravings anymore, and also that youve lost weight. I think this was just the post to get me back into the game. I love the high I get when i lose a pound or 2 in a week. Its so refreshing...i have lost sight of that latley. I think i am going to def. cut way back on the carbs- bc, yes, usually there isnt any room for them anyway. maybe if i can go a week without any sugars I will be on my way to -50! thanks for sharing your new plan. Whatever works! :D

  6. this is quite the loaded question i think..... Like any addiction, they are not easy to break. The band does no take the FEELING that compulsive or binge eating gives you. For the first few months I was constantly struggling not to eat. The pre op and post op diets are no walk in the park because you cant just eat if you are bored or had a bad day...but really, what kind of life is that? Food should not control your life, you should be able to control the food that you eat.

    Getting the lap band was the best decision Ive ever made. I am much more confident, I am happy, I feel pretty..the list goes on. But it was not easy to get here, however being proud and happy with yourself is a better high the a bunch of food ever gave me!

    Best of luck!

  7. I got my third fill yesterday and since latley I have been parinoid about my pouch being stretched...I asked if I could do a barium swallow just to make sure everything was ok. Of course, it is. My fill doc raves about how perfectly the band is placed (thats why she loves Dr. Ortiz) and also that my pouch looks awesome. It was really amazing to watch the barium go down. Unfortunatley, it was going down, very quickly. Hence why Ive only lost abot 3lbs in the last month an a half. I guess its better than gaining.... :P

    My fill doc tweeked my band by watching the barium and I can already tell a difference. Before I was getting hungry about 2-3 hours after a meal, and my meals were about 2-3 cups. Now my meals are about 3/4- 1 cup and I am full. I also am not getting hungry for about 5-5.5 hours which is AMAZING to me.

    I am ready for my gym membership in Sept. so I can help my band since I havent started that yet.

    It is important for all of us to be proud of every pound we accomplish. This isnt a race to see who can finish first, or even a race with ourselves! I know sometimes I have a hard time remembering that!!!

    I hope everyone is well!


  8. I find myself making WAY too much food. My eyes are mind are bigger than my stomach....I ate fairly healthy before, i just ate SOOOOOO MUCH! So if make the same things i used to, i am amazed to what I eat now than before....it really is amazing

  9. Sooooo I have two questions for you all..

    1. Where my port is has been a little sore the past 2 days.... I dont recall doing much that would strain it..... Could this be a flipped port? I go to the fill doc next friday, but my mind has been going nuts.... any ideas?

    2. This can also probably be answered by the fill doc (since i do fluro) however, stretched pouch... how do you know you have one? Ive read a little about that on here but its still a little confusing to me. I mean, i have eaten a little more than I should in the last week or two, however i do not drink while i eat and i have not pb'ed..I just actually get that really full feeling instead of just satisfied which is what we want to feel. Im 97% back on track..but what do you guys think?

    I am a worrier hahahah (if you cant tell!) Let me know what you guys think, i truly value your opion!



    congrats on everyone's success

  10. yes it is time for a fill!!!! I am scheduled at the end of the month for another fill. During this weight loss journey I want to make sure that I dont just depend on the band to help me lose weight. Ive read that the most successful lap band patients are the ones that can lose weight without the perfect fill.

  11. Hey Mackenzie!

    Are you taking a multi-vitamin everyday and drinking lots of water? I found myself slacking in those 2 areas, and once I started that, I lost 2 pounds in 2 days! Just a suggestion, good luck!



    ive been slacking as well... thanks for reminding me. :D

  12. Hey everyone! I havent been on here enough latley, have a lot going on in my life at the moment.... anyway... i have lost like 2lbs in the past month... :( I have a 10cc band so to get good restriction can take a bit longer, however, I have lost 45lbs without good restriction so I feel like i can keep going without it!!!

    I just needed a few tips from you guys!

    Has this happend to you? What do you do to get the scale moving again?

    I get a gym membership early Sept., so I know that will help. In the mean time its too hot out to go walking when my sch. permits.....

    I read one of MamaMichelles posts about pre-packaging her food and Im going to try that.

    Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone and that you all are succeeding!

    Mackenzie ><'

  13. Im with Michelle- if it werent for the show, I would still be trying to figure out how the hell Im going to pay for the band! I think oprahs big concern (as she has done before) is addiction transfer, which is a valid concern. I love Oprah, but i do agree, on this particular show she was a little under-informed

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