A couple of things to think about if you want to drink while eating: (and believe me, I do! I have diagnosed dry mouth and have to brush with special toothpaste, etc.)
1. You are wasting the $8,000 you spent on the band if you don't follow the doctor's directions. This is the absolute show-stopper for me. I just will NOT waste that money.
2. Chewing food creates saliva and is the first step in the digestive process, as spit is a digestive fluid much like that in the stomach. Chewing well and moistening your food with spit thoroughly before swallowing it begins to break down the food so that the stomach secretions can digest that much more efficiently. Drinking something while you eat dilutes this whole process. The diluted stomach acids take longer to break down the food, leaving it in your stomach longer than it should be, creating additional acid to try to overcome the dilution AND creating creating additional gas as the little bacteria critters "fart" while they do their job. (yes, all gas is the fart of some little critter in your digestive system. Funny that their accumulated gasses become our own.)
3. After removing all water from our dining table during meals, I have noticed that as I chew my food thoroughly, the last chews actually seem moister. It seems that I can produce productive spit after chewing a while. It is those last chews that I actually notice the deeper flavor of the food.
4. The ice cube idea is great.. but you need to just wet your mouth and spit it out, not suck it down. (Unless you have those tiny ice cubes.) This would be particularly gross in a restaurant, as you would be spitting in public constantly. (If you were raised by wolves, it won't really matter anyway.)
5. After eating, I go to the bathroom and "swish" my mouth with water until I don't have any food particals washing out. I do this because of my braces, but everyone could probably benefit from it.
6. Listerine strips are your friend; they removes the urge to drink anything. I also chew sugarless gum to hold off for that hour.
7. I use the kitchen timer so I know when I can drink again.
Hope this helps some of you..