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Paula Bee

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Everything posted by Paula Bee

  1. Where is the site for what you can and cannot do before a fill? I know I read it here someplace, but I wondered where that information came from.
  2. Aw, shucks! Thank you all for your birthday wishes. I had a wonderful day with all my kids home, except I ate too much crab soup and crab cakes. Good thing I am getting a fill on Tuesday! Hugs to you all!
  3. I smile every time I think of Cassie... She rocks!
  4. I am so glad you posted. You are a real-life example of things we can expect. I hope you keep posting!
  5. You are looking fab! (Sorry about the "fab." I guess I have been watching too much "Ten years younger! ) Thank you for sharing..
  6. Thank you for sharing your journey with us! I will have to follow your example and take more pictures.
  7. Not too long ago, in a galaxy far, far away. This is the secret weapon of the people of this universe. It is used to burn the enemies' eyes out.
  8. I have always had questions about breakfast because of the "divide the plate into 4 sections" rule. One section is green vegetables.. I am NOT going to eat green vegetables for breakfast... at least not a half a cup. A few tossed on an omlet is one thing, but 1/2 cup? ....
  9. I am 54 today. Yippee! Not fond of birthdays, but they are certainly better than the alternative.
  10. Oh my goodness! You didn't offend me in any way. Not even the rape thing, which is still hysterical to me, as she lives in a nice area and I just go up and down the street while she sits in a lawn chair and watches to make sure I am safe. LOL.. I am 54 today, and she is 72.. I can just see her running down the street and attacking an assailant with her handbag. LAFFING.. You cannot offend me.. I am only uplifted in this forum. Thank you for your important part of this.. Hugs back
  11. Your best friend, your band, did its job. Isn't it great! You are right... it hurts like heck. Keeps you from wanting to do it again. Go, Band!
  12. First of all, your water weight will be gone by then. Drink lots of water. Ironically, drinking water helps get rid or water weight. Also, just follow Dr. Miranda's instructions. They will work. Just hang in there, put the scale away until you have to go, and trust your doctor.
  13. Phazyme is your friend. It is in the gassy section of your pharmacy, Walmart, or where you shop.
  14. Definately keep us up to date.. we will worry about you until you do.
  15. Oh, dear.. good thought, but Mom has one step into the house. Guess I could do the one step 200 times.
  16. Other people tell me that, too, even though it is just my personality and not an attempt to get a laugh. My self esteem is pretty shot, so I have to believe others when they say something nice like that. Some of my less bad memories of teaching are memories of my class laughing until tears rolled for everyone.
  17. woah.. blush, blush, blush. I agree on the paper panties. I had no idea!
  18. Welcome to the forum, McCracken! We are glad to have you! Good luck to all of the new arrivals in bandland next week. I don't think you will need any luck, though, as the whole experience is great.
  19. You are right.. very cute! Thanks for the head's up!
  20. You didn't have a group for NO exercise! I am going to be in Baton Rouge at my mom's house for the whole month of May, and she is scared for me to walk cause she thinks I am going to be raped, (really, has she looked at me?), assaulted, or killed. It actually makes her blood pressure rise and she has an anxiety attack. This does not make me terribly sad because I HATE exercise.. the sweat, the thighs chapping together, the people looking at me, (or who I fear or watching me.) Mmm.. don't leave for my fill til Tuesday.. maybe, just maybe, I can walk for 30 minutes for 3 days before I go. Anything else will be the cherry on top for me. Wait.. does rushing through the airport on layovers count as exercise? Woot.. make that 5 30 minute walks.
  21. Isn't life good! And the forum just makes it better. Welcome to your new life!
  22. How excellent! Nicki and I will be picked up at the airport for our fills at around 10:45. (She and I "met" here and are going to share the cost of the transportation.) My fill is at 3:00, and I don't know about Nicki, but I would love to meet you for supper. It sounds wonderful! I cannot wait to meet you! My email is paula_bee@comcast.net.
  23. I took 2 changes of clothes, loose waisted pants.. they were fine, personal items, phazyme, wore comfy shoes, money for shopping, book, powdered protein drink in ziplocks. There really isn't need for much more. I liked the broth at the Lucerna, too, so I was perfectly happy with that. Definitely, less is more.
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