My whole immediate family knows, including my brothers and sister (whom Mom told.. argggg,) but I didn't tell them until after the surgery. Interestingly enough, my 3 children were ALL for it with no reservations about TJ. They said going out of the country is becoming the thing to do for elective surgeries because of the cost. India is filthy, but nobody says negative things about people going to India for boob jobs and tummy tucks.
My husband, on the other hand, has told practically everyone in his office. He works for Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida, which will not cover ANY kind of bariatric surger of any kind for any reason. He sat through all the meetings with Dr. Miranda, Dr. Ortiz, etc., not to mention the dozens of postings from here, and he has fielded questions from about 6 women in the office. He gave everyone the clinic's website and the forum website, and told them to call me for questions. I know that without insurance, that is the only way they will be able to afford the surgery.
Anyone else... well, it is nobody's business. I just tell them thank you and the same thing posted above.. smaller portions and better choices.