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Everything posted by God4me

  1. Kimmie, Can't wait to hear your new topics.......it seems by your last post........ the drama has finally ended...thank you! Look forward to your banding.. =D> ..so that you can share your own experience and we can help you in your journey! Best wishes! God4me!
  2. Kimmie, Got your post,......... can we just let it die now! =D> This is how mess keeps going and going! Do you have a topic that will be of interest? Please share, so that we can all grow by.....let's try that..... while were posting! Go and have yourself a nice day......... > wishing you the best once your finally banded! Blessings for all! Monet
  3. Well there you have it! There is always a story behind what we say..... or others sayings! Very interesting to say the least! Thank you for sharing! Monet
  4. Evette, Great myspace opening statement........ "Im selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. Female 26 years old La Costa, California United States http://www.myspace.com/evetteagain Wishing you the best... =D> Monet >
  5. Well hello Snowbird......again we are entiled to our opions........so there you have it! Feel a need to keep this going ?........ send me a private message. I have no problem agreeing to disagree and with being THAT said...... thanks for sharing your success! Carry on........ Any other topics up for discussion ? Blessings > Monet
  6. Thanks Mistyband for your post(s) Monet
  7. Snowbird....you can come out now......girl this post is all about you! Thank YOU for your success...cause girl your info is the bomb! =D> Blessings >
  8. Thanks everyone for your posts........our opions....are very important to us and sometimes define who we are and so ....each post has been well noted! On this forum, we are required to respect one another. I simpily posted to Snowbird and each and eveyone one of you could have sent her a private message as well....and so that you don't get your bands in a rumble, lets drop it! I would say that we should put that energy into LOSING WEIGHT! So that there is no confusion on this foum, your welcome to send ME a private message, if you feel the need to keep THIS going...... however, I can't promise you that I will respond....Be blessed :-h Monet
  9. Newbie, I'm a paralegal and I put out fires......but not like the ones you deal with #-o. Good question, lifting right after surgery will be a problem because of your incisions. Lifting a gerney or caring someone and keeping it steady, may require using your stomach...or say your balance slips and the gerney hits your incision....not good and may cause the incision to open. You may want to tell Dr. Ortiz this when he comes in your room to talk to you before surgery. I'm thinking he may assign you to light duty for longer than normal so that you don't incurr an injury. :-? When I was younger, I did EMT work so I have a good idea of what you do! Wish you the best ! Monet
  10. Snowbird! Thanks once agian for anwsering my question.....your the BOMB! > Monet
  11. Well I'll say.....your popular! Sista can't get in on her own post (smile) Now back to the post, I did not know that your daughter is Cylnn, she is the BOMB! Wow, Now I can see the advice is on the same level. What a great family! Thank you for responding! Now would you say that your weight loss was slow in the begining? Is the fill causing the the bulk of the weight loss? Snowbird, your choices are healthy ...so your saying that even with the good meals , you can only eat a little! No offense fellow bandsters....I posted to Snowbird ....so please let us talk.... thats generally why I thought we post to them directly....like others have done! You may do a private message to her if you like.....I guess! Thank you .... All is well!
  12. Well, It about that time for me . I am excited to say that thru my research, I found out that having one's first fill is when the real weight loss begins! =D> Getting a fill can be a interesting time.........too much or too little :-? Having a fill done at OCC, vs. going to the fill centers is my concern. Can anyone tell me how their experience went at OCC. How accurate are they? It is my understanding that if the fill is too much and there are slight discomforts.......who has time to got back to TJ and get an unfilled? It is typical that you don't know that you have a problem with your first fill untill perhaps 48 -72 hours later, after you try and eat after being on liquids for 3 days. At the fill centers, near one's house.....you have 72 hours to determine if they may have to do an unfill, if there is a problem...and free of charge. Although at the fills centers the "people are trained to do fills........a doctors office that the Fills center contracts with. :-? Need feed back on the fills at OCC! Just trying to make a decision to stay here in Vegas or go to TJ and get a fill. Money wise.....TJ wins, but what happens if my fill is off and I have to get an unfill????????? Needs some feed back on this matter! God bless Monet
  13. Hi Claire, Everone is different! Never had shoulder pain ...from gas!. Never had a war in my mind during post -op diet! My best advice is to continue to have an open mind! Having a baby is not the same or every woman ....so it is for this surgery! I had a great expeience and really did not have any horror stories! Just be prayerful and trust that God has your best interest at heart....that's matter! Blessings >
  14. Outstanding post Michele! Your so good at keeping the info coming! By the the way we are so glad to have you as part of our Las Vegas Support Group....your one in a million! =D> Monet >
  15. Hi Snowbird, Noticed that you have done well with your weight loss. =D> Need some tips on eating and how your fills played a part in your success! Also, your advice is th Bomb! Keep it coming girl... it really helps us newbies > Please post and share your secret! Monet
  16. Good for you girl.......that would have blessed me too! >
  17. Ladies, Ladies ,Ladies, your doing great! =D> The liquid diet should become your friend! Your first fill, back to liquids, and if and when you have problems......you will again return to liquids! It's hard but look at it like, it is of most importance for the health of the band, what I mean is that you have to heal with the band in place! I know it's hard, soon like Sparetire said.....you can go on to different textures, that will cause all of this to get better for you! You will get thru this, and real soon you'll be on solids...trying to deal with that! We are all in this together so just keep your chins up! > Monet
  18. Alright Ladies....your big day is here! God is with you and trust and believe you are in good hands! =D> Soon and very soon you both will be writing posts raving about your time at OCC. Take your lap tops if you have one......you will want to communicate with your famlies and everybody here! May the peace of God go before you! CHEERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D> =D> =D> Your Banster sister, Monet
  19. First of all.....Who are you? No offense, were you banded with the doctors here at OCC? I never seen you on this forum before I do understand how coming to this forum and gettng votes can set it off for you...but me personally....you just poped up.....and the rest of us, are like a family here!!!! You just signed on as a Newbie, wanting votes. :-? What is your weight loss story??????????? I hope that your not offended, just saying. Can you help me out! Monet
  20. oK Girl ( What happen....we were waiting on YOU. =D> Give us some feed back????? Yeah, I was trying to celebrate your progress and nothing from you? Hope all is well Blessings!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Hey Mistyband! I'm excited to hear all about your first fill! =D> Did it hurt? What happen the next 24-48 hours? Good restriction? How much weigh loss, if any so far from the fill? Where did you go? Did you drink the floro? Anything else you can share....would love to hear the details! God is with Us! >
  22. Hey ladies, thank you for all the Kudos!!!! I"m excited! Cindy good to hear from you.....I was looking at your card the other day( I need to call her). Busy paralegal.....just have time to eat and sleep! That book Wagal, I did check it out on line . I bought khaliah Ali's s book "Fighting Weight",ptretty interesting! (she was banded) Well girls we kick offf our Las Vegas Support Group today....about 8 bansters coming and we are excited! Cheers us on! Finally, I hear the real weight loss starts when we get our first fill......so I am sooooooooooooooooooo excited!!! Monet God never fails >
  23. Thank you Snowbird, Tell me more about the fills! Your right, I have read that when getting a fill, that's when the real weight loss starts! Tell me more! Monet
  24. Brittania, Thanks for your post! I have, my vitamin water has only 70 cals!!! (smaller bottle) Also I am losing 2lbs every 3-4 days! Like I stated, everyone is different! It works for me! I'm a happy camper Have you been banded yet?? Blessings <' />
  25. Well,I would first like to say......the band is the Bomb! =D> Don't listen to every thing you hear.... ..."oh, you will never be able to eat meat again" " this and that is going to get stuck" I had salmon and crab legs and a salad....portions were so small, it scared even me. Nothing got stuck! I ate untill I got satisfied and left it alone. I waited an hour and drank a viamin water, by the way they are sooooooooooooo good! Since having the band I have no desire to snack! Small portions seem automatic! I'm so happy that I'm not the kind of person that is spook out about everything I hear. Everyone is different! Quantania (my band) she is all about business! No time to waste ,no time to fear about what ifs....lets make this happen!!!!! We paid for an expensive appetite suppressant! So let's use it ! Look forwad to eating solids and get busy with allowing the band to do what you hired it to do! Be Blessed >
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