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Everything posted by God4me

  1. Alright bandsters, I know that more than 3 people named their bands. :-? Tell us what you named yours =D> God loves Us! >
  2. lisalisa, Girl your fine!!!!!!! We all had that and like Clynn said it's normal after surgery!!!!!!!! God is with you.....fear not! Blessings >
  3. Ok folks :-? I know somebody has loss weight! Please share!!!!!!..... Thank you! God is great! >
  4. Donna, I just saw your post....we were there together...How are you????? So you lost it...well we all so sometimes. Our bands our in the healing phase , so w have to be careful on what we eat. I'm sure you did not do any damage...but no more solids. Girl, you have to get to runway model status Good to hear from you!! How much weight have you loss? Blessings
  5. Thank you bandsters for your posts!!!!! Blessings >
  6. Donna, Yes, I was given shots in my stomach for surgery....I had a blood clot in my lungs 2005....when I told Dr. Otiz, they gave me lovenox so that I would not have one! I have not had a blood clot since 2005...Bless God! So yes they will taken measures to protect you. Also they will put stocking on your legs as well! Be Blessed >
  7. Hey anyone been banded for 1 month..what have you loss so far? God 4 us >
  8. Alright Vegas, =D> Keep those emails coming! Will call all of you this weekend!!!!!! So excited!!!!!!!!! Monet Blessings >
  9. Hi Mona Camille, TJ weather is matches California weather..there is a double line dividing the two. Veagas weather is often like LA weather. Swimming....not sure about that one, it's still chilly. Your getting banded????? Are you sure u want to swim....talk to the surgeons about that one :-? Check the weather on yahoo! You will do fine, your sister is banded right????? =D> God is with you. let us know how you've done....when this is all over! God 4 you >
  10. Hey MamaMichele, Welcome home darling!!!!! Congrats to you and "Bruce" (smile) I was so excited to read your post! =D> It happen just like we told you it would be! Are you coming to the support group? Email me and give me your phone number. Keep up the good work!!!!! lawdiva2006@yahoo.com God is 4 you >
  11. Vegas bandsters, Get your names in........ a meeting coming up in about a week! Or email me lawdiva2006@yahoo.com Ordering food, need to see who is no solids and who is on liquids!!!!!! God 4 us! >
  12. Thank you Mistyband, Your post did help and thank you sooooooooooooooo much! Keep those post coming! Blessings >
  13. Just bring comfortable clothes.....nothing too tight around the belly. Be cute now, but remember only you know you has surgery! A dress sounds good! We don't want to see our bandster sister on th 6 oclock news " surgery woman comes out of her clothes on airplane" I caught a plane back to Vegas and I wore sweats and I did well! Blessings to you >
  14. Clynn, Thank you for your post! I thought maybe I have had too much liquid.........good liquids.....you know Your an icon here on the forum......such positive advice. I have alot of questions for you!!!! I'm glad you stopped by! Can you email me at lawdiva2006@yahoo.com. Your band name is cute! Be Blessed >
  15. Alright Bandsters! I thought since we have this tool on the inside.....why not give it a name. My bands' name is quantania ( Quantity?????) She helps me stay focused! Try it........we do have to live with it! n Something to make you smile
  16. Well I'll say ladies.....what about the rest of us.......remember us little us that gave yal all the answers BEFORE you got banded......hello I am so excited for all of you. See, it was just the way we said it. =D> Trust me it gets better...enjoy not being hungry cause that will change soon. We all need each other, so keep the posts coming! You all sound like your finding your way. One question, how do you post the weight tracker on our posts??? Please let me know! God is 4 You >
  17. Ok, Let me have it bandsters! Please explain this to me one more time. #-o The weight you lose right after surgery....the time the band heals and losing weight once your on solids....how does that worK????????? When do you see the real weight come off????? Just help a sista out........... #-o All bandsters please post! Thank you very much! God Bless You
  18. Everyone Thank you so much!!!!! I still have sooooooo much work to do, but here we go! Dr. Ortiz, Thank you very much for the gift that God has gven you! Be Blessed! >
  19. Bandsters, If your incisions happen to open: #-o 1. DON'T PANIC 2. PICK UP BUTTERFLY BANDAGES AND NEOPORIN 3. Check for pus, swelling, hardness......Call Dr. Ortiz or Dr. Martinez, get doctors orders! 4. If none of the above....clean site and apply butterfly bandage and then neoporin inbetween bandage...... cover with large bandage, Keep dry! That should do it!. my port wound opened a tad bit and I jumped on it. It has closed and healed up. Praise the Lord! God 4 Us >
  20. Well, I have been banded now 13 days....and God is Faithful!!!!! NO COMPLICATIONS =D> NO HUNGER =D> NO CHEATING =D> ALL WOUNDS HEALED =D> NO REGRETS =D> FADING SCARS ( almost gone), =D> WEIGHT LOSS (Have not weighted yet...guessing about 10-15 lbs.) WEIGHT LOSS NOTICEABLE ( Everyone making comments) BLOOD PRESSURE GETTING LOWER( Expect to be off meds in a few months) > EATING BABY FOOD NOW ( so this was what it was like 42 years ago.....ummm good) GAS GONE ( Father forgive me, I know not what I do) DAY OF SOLIDS COMING ( March 13th, first meal Salmon and soft veggies....yeah) NO SEX YET ( not married, I assume the band will stay in place......can't wait to find out) FEEL MY ENERGY RISING =D> KNEE JOINT PAIN HAS LESSENED #-o WHO'S THAT GIRL IN THE MIRROR? OK, there you have it, is not God good or what,...... go ahead and give Him a round of applause =D> =D> =D> God 4 us >
  21. Just a word of caution...... At the hotel , they offer you jello when you return back to your hotel. I ate the stuff without thinking, and later became sick! So, the hotel may offer that.....don't eat it! :-? Grace
  22. Mona-Camile, Good for you! I'm sure you will follow the rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can not answer your first question, however with the instructions that Dr. Miranda gave for us to eat.....I never expected a basket, neither did they promise one. Once I got to the hotel, I just paid for what I wanted .....the way we were told to eat. Never had a hunger issue so can't help you there.......Sorry Best Wishes! God is Good >
  23. Thank you banders for your post.....I got it now!!!! =D> God loves you >
  24. Hey Helena, It will be this Month! I just need to gather every one's email.......all Vegas Bandsters. I need eveyone to email me and give me your emails and phone numbers, so that I can send you some information. I'm so excited about our group, we are going to have a ball. I have so much planned for us! Stay posted! God is 4 us >
  25. Thank You Girls!!!!!!!!!!!, Snowbird you hit the spot . I am so excited about the next phase! =D> God is Good >
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