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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. Any news on your yellowing yet? Been worrying about you!!! Hope you are ok.
  2. Oh my God girl, you are wasting away to nothing!!!!! Seriously, you look fantastic, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And congratulations to your mom, that is wonderful that she is doing this too. Good for her. You will be a terrific help to her and an awesome inspiration like you are to everyone here. I have missed you here very much. I hope you stick around some.
  3. Yes, I thinks it's normal to still feel a bit yucky after a week. Tired and bloated would be the main thing. Lucky for me, I was able to stay home 3 weeks because of my good disability plan here at work, so by the time I went back, I was feeling 100%.
  4. People also don't realize that the majority of the water the body needs each day comes from the food you eat. And on top of that, you CAN drink too much water and it will cause a problem in the brain similar to hydroencephalitis (spelling???). That being said, I still think it's cool and want one!
  5. Go here for $21.95............... http://www.a1supplements.com/HydraCoach-In...z.-p-17402.html
  6. I don't pretend to be a doctor, but I am thinking that is liver related with jaundice and brown orangy urine. Once you get the ultrasound, that should tell you more. Hopefully, they did ALL the liver values when they did your blood workup. If those came back fine, then I don't know. Please let us know how the ultrasound goes, and good luck to you!!!! I'll be thinking about you and worrying to! I do that a lot.
  7. No, never even heard of it but it sounds like something I WANT!!!
  8. As I posted previous, you need to get somewhere. Yellowing is a liver problem and should have nothing to do with the lap band as far as I know. If your doctors are not returning your calls, then why don't you call or go to the emergency room? Is your urine a funny color at all? Like orange or brown? Please call the emergency room and tell them what is going on and ask what you should do.
  9. No problem for me other than when I gulp a drink too fast and get it stuck. Then I have an enormous maount of slime in my mouth. Can't imagine how a body can produce so much of that stuff in such a short amount it time. YUCK!
  10. By the way, is that you in that picture? If so, you are gorgeous!
  11. Nope, never tried it. In fact not sure if I ever even heard of it. But depends on their credentials. What exactly do they do? Are they like personal trainers or nutitionists? Those would definitely be helpful. If you decide to do it, let us know all about it, ok?
  12. WOW you look fantastic!!! What a difference!! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are soooo pretty! We've missed you too so it is very nice to have you back!
  13. Awwww, you are such a sweetie, I love you girl!!!! ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) I've actually been away from here for a while too. Too much drama, but that should be over now. I'VE MISSED YOU!!!!!!! Can I get your Blog address again? I just love reading your adventures, you are an excellent writer and I like reading your thoughts. Very insightful (is that how you spell that word?)
  14. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, a baby!!!! I say, it's a girl! LOL, in case you wanted to know that. You might need to have your band unfilled, but I don't know. I thought I heard that before. Just keep your doctor well informed. Maybe even give Dr. Ortiz a call and see if he has any thoughts. So nice to see you here again. I was off for a while too.
  15. The first time after banding that I tried broccholi, it gave me the worst gas pains I have ever had. I thought my intestines were exploding! I was devastated because I love broccholi. Well, just last night I tried some again, A LITTLE and no problem this time. I was banded back in March so I don't know why it was ok this time. Maybe the timing, the amount dunno. Next time, just do a tiny amount and see how it goes. I feel for you, those pains I had made me cry! Well, not really, but if I was a crying sort of gal, I would have!
  16. THANK YOU BUDDY! Just exactly what I needed to hear, and it is so true! Thanks or the smile, and OH SO GLAD to hear from you again!
  17. Don't they also let you deduct the expenses for a traveling partner?
  18. Please call a doctor right away. I think yellow eyes is a problem with your liver. I know in cats it is and requires immediate attention.
  19. GREAT post Will, thanks for clarifying!
  20. That really surprises me because I believe there is someone on here who was denied surgery until she stopped. She had to re-schedule her date. So I am just wondering what his thinking was. Maybe because they were already there???
  21. Yes, I think you are right. In fact, I am pretty sure someone on here was denied until they stopped.
  22. I don't have problems with any of my pills and I take a lot. I am also very tight now and they still slip through. The only problem I had was with my HUGE antibiotic I had to take when I got bit by a cat. All I did was cut it in 4's and no problem.
  23. Does anyone know if these stair stepper machines are ok to use if you have knee problems? I have a problem going up and down stairs, but I am wondering if these machines are easier on the knees than regular stairs. Anyone know?
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