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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. Good for you!!!!!!!! It IS awesome isn't it? Wait until the bloating goes down completely, and you will see a much smaller stomach. At least, that is how it was for me. This is such an exciting time for you now, you will whiz through those last 11 days in no time.
  2. I would get to your doctor or a walk in center right away and tell them what you are having done. Maybe they can get you on a powerful decongestant as soon as possible. Maybe call the OCC also and see if they have anything to recommend. So sorry this is happening, I sure hope it all goes well for you!!
  3. Glad you are home and doing well. Jus remember, the best thing for the pain is to walk as much as possible. It really does work! Good luck and make sure you stay on-board with any questions you have! We have a lot of good advice for the newly banded out there!
  4. Yup, Lisa is right. Can't add anything more except, please don't worry. Everything will go so nice and smooth and you will love the place and the way they take care of you.
  5. You will meet with the dentist for a check up on your teeth. Then you will meet with the nutritionalist to go over the ins and outs of band life. Then Doctor Jiminez will do an EKG and a lung test. You just blow through a tube. If your lung function is low, you will get a breathing treatment. No biggie there. Then a blood test. I think that was it. It's all pretty easy. You'll be fine and it will all be over before you know it!
  6. No oatmeal or eggs until after the 21 days! I know all doctors say different things, but go with what your own doctor advises and nothing but liquid for 21 days. You could hurt your band. If you get really hungry and can't stand it, then go and get a milkshake. They are very filling and are ok on the 21 day program.
  7. I can't believe all the yorkies we have on the board here. I have cats no yorkies, but my brother had 2 of them. Victoria was the tiniest doggie I have ever seen and she lived to be 17. She was my brothers but the entire family loved her dearly. It was horrible when she died. Well, all I ate so far today was one of those little tuna fish salad with crackers kits. Gonna have to go have leftovers as soon as the hubby gets home.
  8. Not unless you gulp like a FULL glass of something all in one breath. Just remember, stop when it feels full and SIP only. The paranoia goes away the longer you have you band. Not to worry. Just come on here when you are in one of your "OH MY GOD' states and we'll calm you down. We all did it before you. And remember, STAY AWAY FROM THE LEFTOVERS! These 21 days are very very important!!
  9. Yup, you are being overly obsessive, LOL!! But, sweetie, I can assure you, we ALL were after being banded. We all had the same feelings and worries, so you are completely normal. We all got paranoid over the tiniest things, but you'll be fine. Just take small sips throughout the day. Remember to drink a lot too. I think some of us, forget that we need a lot of fluid so as not to dehydrate which in itself can cause some pain. It caused some severe vomitting for me from the day after surgery until a week later. But I ended up being fine and even with all that vomitting my band was still in place and just fine!
  10. It's ok, you'll get back on track today. I am ashamed to admit, that I actually pb'd twice yesterday, on FREAKING LIQUID!!!! Man, that hurt! But it was my own fault for gulping. ANd I cannot believe I did it twce. I am such a MORON! But, we all have lessons to learn, that was mine, and you had yours too. Today is a new day! I think you wiull see stuffing in a whole new ay now, LOL!!
  11. You have such a great attitude Stormy, I envy you. I was depressed because I couldn't eat all I wanted to and here you are happy you couldn't! VERY GOOD FOR YOU! But ok, to clarify....yes, I was depressed that I couldn't have my favorite foods, especially that world famous stuffing. I took a very small salad plate and only took a little bit of each thing. ANd ya know what happened? I didn't even care! I was bumming out ahead of time, but when it got right down to it, I was just fine and didn't even eat but 3 or 4 bites and I was totally fine. And then, like Lisa said, I watched everyone else pile up their plates and I was horrified to realize that is how I used to eat too! So, all in all the day started out emotional, but ended up fantastic!
  12. Congratulations!!! Glad you are on the other side now, but so sorry you are having pain. I am one of the lukcy ones and didn't have much pain at all. What a great Thanksgiving present to yourself! I had mine done on Easter monday! Just walk a lot and DO stay an extra night if you can.
  13. Well, it kind of depends on how many times you have gained and lost over your lifetime. I learned something really fascinating from my fill doctor. See, when you gain weight, your bones also gain weight. They need to grow bigger and stronger to help hold up your heavier body. You can lose fat, but you can't lose bone, so you will always have more weight on you because your bones are heavier. So, the longer you are heavy, the more bone growth you will have. So the doctor said (for me anyway) since I am 49 now and spent so many years heavy, I'll never be 130 again. Just not possible. They also have this neat scale thet weighs your fat, bones, water etc. and can weigh them all separately. Mine goes like this, I am 5'3 and out of all my weight, 149 pounds are nothing but skin, organs and bones. Since everyone must have a little bit of fat in them, my target weight is 155. In fact, it isn't possible for me to weigh less than 149 no matter how much I diet. So, thats what I was told and I find that very interesting because it means those weight tables aren't accurate for every person. And kind of makes sense now that those weight tables say you can weigh a little more each decade of you life. Because everyone's bones get heavier throughout life. Pretty neat huh?
  14. Yes, I think I'd call too. Seems weird that it is the same time each day though. Can it just be acid? Mine got worse after banding. But a few tums takes it away. Maybe give tha a try. Warm liquids also made me feel better.
  15. A very good reminder for the oldies and invaluable for the newbies, thanks!!!
  16. Of how to avoid overeating today............................. 30 minutes before table-time, drink a HUGE glass of water! Use a small salad size plate when the pumpkin pie gets passed around, just remember, you never know if it got sneezed on behind everyone's back! Picture someone mixing up a huge pot of stuffing with their bare hands - that they didn't wash after using the bathroom, LOL!!! That one works for me.
  17. No-one makes better stuffing than my mom! We have it once a year.....TOMORROW! So, we always get together on thanksgiving eve to start it and I was already depressed knowing how bready it is and how unlikely it is that I can have it. So, it's made, my mouth is watering........I can't stand it! I am weak, oh so weak! There it sits on top of the stove just calling my name....EAT ME RAMONA EAT ME NOW!!! I know I am weak, I can't hide, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR just one little spponful won't hurt. MMMMMMMM ok, maybe another, mmmmmmmmmm BURP! OW! Just like I thought! STUCK like a lump, a painful lump! BOOHOOHOO!. Ok, so a few minutes it will go away. And so it does. I feel fine. One more try won't kill me, just make it a smaller bite and CHEW it this time instead of inhaling it. PLOP! right back in the same spot. Son of a gun that HURTS! A LOT!!!!!!!!! My neice is laughing at me and says she can't wait to get a band so she can make freaky faces when she eats too! GROAN. Well, I give myself a c- on that test. It isn't calling my name anymore. All I can hear it saying is "STUPID, STUPID STUPID". And I have to agree. I think I'm over it. It's not so pretty anymore. On to the next test............NAH! that was the only hurdle I had to overcome. And I survived. I learned my lesson.
  18. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOO excited for you, it's been so long in coming. You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!! I will most defitintely keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You CAN and WILL do it! I started smoking at 12 and finally quite on march 3, 1997 and never felt better. But, it was and still is the hardest thing I ever accomplished. Which only makes it feel all the better for having stuck to it! You will feel that too!
  20. Good for you!!!!! It IS a great feeling isn't it? I too, hope to keep my holiday eating to a minimum!
  21. Shanalee, I care! ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))
  22. YEAHHHHHH to both of you ladies!! How exciting for you both.
  23. GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a fantastic feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!
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