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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. Sure you can, if you are used to walking. It's about 4 or 5 blocks, long blocks, but it was fine for me. Of course, I walked to the OCC and back from the Lucerna so depends on if you like to walk. Didn't bother me a bit, but it bothered my husband!
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA You're a fellow? I didn't know that, sorry! So yeah, be nice to me, LOL!!!
  3. YEAH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good for you for beating your goal! Now just make sure to do a little more each day! Even if it means running up and down the stairs in your house a few times to add those suckers up! YOU CAN DO IT! And, as a plus, in a few weeks after you have gotten used to walking more, you will be amazed at how great you feel! Sometimes, I simply can't wait to get out there and do it! It's like my legs NEED it. Plus, those doggie buddies of mine would miss me too much, LOL!!
  4. REALLY???? We are birthday buddies, thats so cool!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU my fellow scorpio!!!
  5. YES!!! I'll save for a day when I am REALLY miserable!
  6. And I did very good with my food choices all day so I could have a peice of ice cream cake! Yeah, it will be small, but I can't pass it up. I had 2 protein drinks today and I am fine. Those always keep me full so I figure for one day I can splurge and have my ice cream cake. But, I kind of doubt that those little crunchies are going to be a problem since I still have so much restriction. And before you all freak out and yell at me, my DEAR HUBBY had it made with frozen low fat yougurt! I didn't even ask, he just did it on his own! And this gives me 1 year to lose 100 pounds! I WILL BE SKINNY FOR MY 50th! I WILL!!!! Hold me too it people!!
  7. HELL NO, I worked too hard for those suckers!! LOL!!! See, I hurt my leg twice in the past few months. Once I fell and got cellulitis and a blood clot. Then I tore the calf muscle in the other leg (Then I got attacked by a cat - I am a walking catastrophe!) so today was actually the very first day I started walking again. I was told not to for 5 -8 weeks after my muscle tear and it is about 6 or 7 so I needed to get out there. It's been so long since I could do any real walking and I am a huge walking fan so I have missed it dearly!
  8. Well I missed this, but you know, you should never feel embarrassed about posting rants and raves. How many times have we all said that we are like a little family here. Ranting and raving can be very therapeutic and having us all around as friends can help you tremendously too! Don't ever feel embarrassed honey, because I for one, always respond to these types of posts more than any other because I realize that people are reaching out and need a shoulder. And a shoulder is one of the easiest things to lend! So, whatever happened, I hope you feel better now. (I have lost a father and a sister and know the deep pain that can casue, so I am very very sorry to hear about your mom). Redhead: If I could, I would find your EX-asshole, and kick him in the balls so hard, they would fly out his mouth!
  9. ((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))) 5% is better than no percent. And yes, at least you will have no regrets that YOU tried!
  10. No, a bigger band is most definitely not better! It takes more fills and a lot longer to get restriction. But, it all depends and your surgeon will determine that once he gets inside you.
  11. Ok, so it's 5:30 here and I have 9575 so far.
  12. My thoughts, prayers and good wishes are there for you! And Cara, I couldn't have said it better than you did!
  13. YEAH good for you, get going!! And remember, just because you have a spot close to the building doesn't mean you HAVE to use it. Or, unless I am wrong and you do HAVE to use it, do so! But, get out of the car and walk around the perimter of the parking lot before going in. I too, enjoy walking now. Was afraid to go out and do it by myself in the beginning but now, I actually prefer going by myself. It is my wind-down time to just relax with my own thoughts and enjoy the scenery. As an added plus, I have gotten to meet and make friends with all the doggies in the neighborhood and it is such a joy to me to walk down the street and have a barrage of doggies running to greet me, their new friend who slobers all over them!!
  14. Yes, you can't life for several weeks after surgery. Nothing heavy anyway. But normal work, walking etc is good for the band. Most people are back to work within days. And no problem scheduling a vacation either. I'd say give yourself 2 weeks then go to disneyworld and have fun! It really is a pretty easy surgery and doesn't hold you back from anything really. 2 weeks at the very most I would say.
  15. I was there 3 times this year and loved every minute of it! You and your friend will have a great time. There's a mall down the street and of course, Revolution Avenue.
  16. Ok, got my pedometer on. Remember folks, put it on your pajamas as soon as your alarm goes off. I am up to 2621 already today. Incidently Taz, I do sit at a computer all day too. But, what I do when I go to work is park as far away as possible. When I go shopping, I park at the far end of the parking lot. I take the long way around wherever I go. At lunch, I go outside the office and walk around the building. I take a long walk after work too. Remember, don't take the pedometer off at all until you are ready to slip into bed at night. At each break, get up and walk around. And it doesn't hurt to have a spastic bladder and you have to go to the bathroom 8 times a day at work. Lots of little tricks to learn to get those steps adding up! Good luck everyone and get moving!!
  17. Depressed because you lost 44 pounds in 4 months? Come on sweetie, thats fantastic! 8 - 10 pounds a month is normal and is what you want. Too fast and you will have saggy skin and it is easier to gain back then. Don't be depressed, you have no reason to be at all! And it is also VERY common to not feel restriction until your 2nd or 3rd fill. That is all perfectly normal. You are entirely too hard on yourself and you need to lighten up! You are doing fantastic!
  18. I can't see the pictures!!!!!!! It might be just be my work computer, I'll have to look when I get home but I wanted to add my congratulations now anyway!!!!! YEAH FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Oh good for you honey!! I am so glad for you! I'd be screaming too. Can't wait til it's my turn!!
  20. We had the same challenge going on a couple of months back. There wasn't too much interest in it then either. I mean, a lot of people started with it but then didn't follow up or continue. At the time, I was in a walking contest at work and was walking in excess of 25,000 steps a day. That may have scared some people off, I don't know. But, I did make it clear I was in a contest and was deliberately walking as much as I could to win. A few other people were involved but not too many. That being said, you should wear the pedometer the entire day, from the moment you get up until the moment you go to bed. 10,000 a day is the minimum that every one should be walking. That is not the amount for weight loss, it is the amount for good heart function. Anything over that is for weight loss. It may be hard to get up to 10,000 a day for sedentary people, but you need to get up to that amount as soon as possible to reap the benefits. But, as long as you wear the pedometer every waking minute, 10,000 isn't as hard as it sounds. Don't get discouraged, just get moving!! If I can find a decent pedometer, I'll join up again too. I always enjoy a good challenge. Just need to get to store and find one. All my old ones broke.
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