I trapped a feral kitten yesterday here at work and the littler sucker chewed hell out of my hand. Can't believe a hand can bleed so much but my car now needs a professional cleaing to get it all out. YUCK!
We caught the little baby in a have-a-heart trap but when I decided to try to cuddle it WHAMO! I should have known better and I DO know better. Don't know why I did it, it was very stupid. Anyway had to go to the hospital.
Lucky for me there is a current shortage of rabies syrum (how DO you spell that word?) and that my vet has the cat quaratined or I would be crying from 12 or so shots. So, the little sucker knicked my bone in my fingers and the puncture wounds are very deep. I have about 22 holes in my hand and thumb. And they are so FREAKING swollen they hurt so bad. I AM A DUMB A$$.
So I have to take a HUGE augmentin pill and I was able to get it down last night with a hot drink, but in the morning, my band is very tight and I don't know if I will get it down there. It is huge! Like the size of a bee. Biggest pill I ever did see! I forgot to mention the band when I got it or I would have asked for liquid. But I need to get one in me within the hour so do you think it is ok to crush? Some pills can't be crushed but I am not sure about this one.
On the bright side - we got the kitty! And I refuse to have him killed to be tested for rabies. As long as he is alive after 10 days then I am fine. If he were to die then I would have to get the shots. But, thats ok, I can handle the shots. They would have preferred me to kill the cat and have it tested (can only test for rabies by examining the brain) but I couldn't see killing the poor baby when it is highly unlikely that he has it. Contrary to popular opinion it is extremely rare for a cat to get it, and I can't see letting the baby lose his life for a scare like that. So, I was fully prepared to get the shots until they told me that as long as the cat is under observation at the vets office, I didn't have to get them yet. Only if the kitty dies within 10 days.
Of course, I spent the rest of the day in tears. Not sure why, must have been hormonal but I couldn't stop crying over the whole darn thing. I am such a dork!