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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. Wow, good for you, that is fantastic!!!!
  2. Hmmmmmm wish I would have thought about this sooner, I could of flew in for a visit too!
  3. I am another in the same boat. I have the larger band and am at 9.2 cc's and FINALLY have restriction. I was banded in March also and stuck at 30 pounds lost. I think you need another fill and once you get to the right spot, you will do fine. It's discouraging, I know, but don't give up. Not yet!
  4. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT is sooooooooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Yup, feral is wild. This poor kitty wasn't always wild. When he was about 8 weeks old someone tossed him and his litter mates out of the car window all around my work complex. One of the was rescued right away and this guy was outside for at least 4 -6 weeks on his own. Enough to make him a bit wild. I don't think he is going to be permanently wild. I jus scared the crap out of him and he reacted the way a at would if he was terrified. I know it was my own fault. I just hope and pray that he recovers and can learn to trust humans. And, that he doesn't have rabies! My hand is still pretty red and swollen and very hot so I may need to go in and get IV antibiotics instead of these horse pills. I'm going to call the vet later and see if anyone has had any interaction with the baby yet.
  6. I have ALWAYS had a simialr problem. It turned out to be coffee. Not the caffeine but the oil in the coffee. I can only have one cup a day no more or I get very ill and stomach burning pain. Thats been going on for years. Now that I am banded, it has gotten worse. So, I am down to 1/2 cup of coffee and I know I have to stop it for good. So, maybe try NO coffee and see if that helps. Or, try some tums when it happens and see if it helps. I have an acid problem but not like most people. I don't get the burning pain in my throat, I just get terribly nauseaus. A couple of tums does the trick. Just a suggestion - something to try.
  7. Congratulations!! I hope this works great! But I am a little confused, if you can't get much water down, why did you get a fill at all?
  8. well, maybe we can all relate............... I have a cold. (CRAP! like cat bites aren't enough!!) so I was in the drugstore filling my antibiotic prescription last night and I had to sneeze and decided to stifle it instead of sneezing all over the place (yeah, I know, another dumb move) so I stifle and what do you think came out instead? Yup, a super loud fart that I couldn't stop if I wanted too! I was embarrassed but it WAS funny! So, I ran out of there fast! Same thing when they tried to teach me to walk with crutches - I couldn't do that either, just not cooridinated enough, but I farted when they tried to show me, LOL!!! That was the worst because there was no hiding that it came fom me! Just 2 of us in a small room. Gotta love this band!
  9. Ask the doctor for at least a full cc to get up to 9. I'm at 9.2 and it's great. Good luck and please let me know how it went after you get home! So sorry for you to go through this but it is very nice to know that I am not alone! I have felt so discouraged and alone in this since March. So, I almost feel vindicated now that there is another out there in my same boat! So, thank YOU too for posting!! We'll get there!!!
  10. No, I can't keep the baby. 9 is over my limit. It is too expensive at this point because most of my kitties are special needs kitties. I know onw more doesn't sound like a lot, but unfortunataly, I just can't. Anotehr gal here was going to foster him until we could find him a home. Don't know if it's a he or she though. Vet wants to let it alone for a while so he can settle downbefore they traumatize him further. He is a little striped tabby but his stripes are the swirly kind, so darn cute! As soon as I saw him I thought his name should be James. If he turns out to be a girl, he can be Jaimee. Nope, no stitches but with all that blood I was afraid it was going to be rips in my skin but once I washed my hands, I could see it was just all punctures. About 23 of them. And some went down to the bone and it HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can tell it's infected too because it is red and hot to touch. So glad I started antibiotics. The holes are tiny though because the kitty was tiny. Only about 3 months old I estimate. I just hope he will be ok and won't be afraid of humans forever because of me!
  11. Make sure your capsules aren't time release capsules before you break them open. THat could be a problem! But good luck!
  12. I trapped a feral kitten yesterday here at work and the littler sucker chewed hell out of my hand. Can't believe a hand can bleed so much but my car now needs a professional cleaing to get it all out. YUCK! We caught the little baby in a have-a-heart trap but when I decided to try to cuddle it WHAMO! I should have known better and I DO know better. Don't know why I did it, it was very stupid. Anyway had to go to the hospital. Lucky for me there is a current shortage of rabies syrum (how DO you spell that word?) and that my vet has the cat quaratined or I would be crying from 12 or so shots. So, the little sucker knicked my bone in my fingers and the puncture wounds are very deep. I have about 22 holes in my hand and thumb. And they are so FREAKING swollen they hurt so bad. I AM A DUMB A$$. So I have to take a HUGE augmentin pill and I was able to get it down last night with a hot drink, but in the morning, my band is very tight and I don't know if I will get it down there. It is huge! Like the size of a bee. Biggest pill I ever did see! I forgot to mention the band when I got it or I would have asked for liquid. But I need to get one in me within the hour so do you think it is ok to crush? Some pills can't be crushed but I am not sure about this one. On the bright side - we got the kitty! And I refuse to have him killed to be tested for rabies. As long as he is alive after 10 days then I am fine. If he were to die then I would have to get the shots. But, thats ok, I can handle the shots. They would have preferred me to kill the cat and have it tested (can only test for rabies by examining the brain) but I couldn't see killing the poor baby when it is highly unlikely that he has it. Contrary to popular opinion it is extremely rare for a cat to get it, and I can't see letting the baby lose his life for a scare like that. So, I was fully prepared to get the shots until they told me that as long as the cat is under observation at the vets office, I didn't have to get them yet. Only if the kitty dies within 10 days. Of course, I spent the rest of the day in tears. Not sure why, must have been hormonal but I couldn't stop crying over the whole darn thing. I am such a dork!
  13. I don't have a problem with salad, but I know that many people do.
  14. Yup, black and white is very formal! So you get to go shopping!!!
  15. Good for you! You know, during this stage you can have as much liquid as you want. No limit so if you are hungry, then drink more. And good luck! You can get through this!
  16. Yeah, I think the liquid diet approach is best. Easy to get around.
  17. Not to be picky, but walking is not detrimental, it is necessary. Just didn't want anyone thinking they would get hurt by walking.
  18. Yes, dinner tonight was 3 bites, I'm moving up!! But no veggies yet! This is so cool, I can't believe how long it's been. I never thought it would happen. I was so sure I ruined the band or something. It is such a huge relief to know there is nothing wrong with it and it's finally FREAKING WORKING!
  19. I liked the Adkins too!! Free chocolate, thats what I call it!
  20. I am SO glad you got another opinion! Did the shot hurt? The doctor wants me to get them too but I wouldn't let them. Too chicken!
  21. Well, I am not a good one to ask because it took me several fills before I felt it, but then again, I have the larger band.
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