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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. Awww thank you honey, you are so sweet!!! And just an FYI, I tried to eat one of those tuna salad kits with crackers and had to stop after only 2 tuna topped crackers! YEAH!!!
  2. Good for you, congratulations!! I too had some severe vomitting problems after banding, but all is fine. And you wil be too. Get well soon, from another PA bandster! (I'm from Bethlehem)
  3. You are soooo right! That scale is nothing more than a discouraging, demeaning, defeating, downright rotten piece of machinery! I try to avoid it at all costs. I bought a full length mirror instead. We'll see what new names I can come up with for that thing after I start looking into it! hahahaha
  4. Don't be so SHY, thats not a little accomplishment, thats a huge one!! After being discouraged, heck one pound is a huge accomplishment!! Good for you, celebrate!!!
  5. Do you know what channel this is and what time?
  6. Thanks buddy, I missed you too!! Can you e-mail me a picture of your puppy? If you know how to do that, I can post it for you.
  7. Sorry to have been AWOL so long. Just been busy and also discouraged with this whole lap-band journey. Still not giving up though! But, after my 6th fill on tuesday AND a heart to heart with that doctor, I have come to the conclusion that going back to the OCC really isn't necessary - UNLESS you can go back for each and every fill. Nothing against the OCC, I was there 3 times and loved them and the trip each and every time. But, having fluro has really not mattered at all. My first 2 fills were with fluro in Mexico and my second 2 fills were at a doctor 2 1/2 hours away from me and my last 2 fills were with a doctor right here in my own town. The last 4 was no fluro. I do have the larger VG band that needs 10 cc's (Yes, I am a woman and it is rare for a woman to get that, but I have it all the same). Anyway, as most of you know, I have had little to no restriction since my surgery in March. Still lost 31 pounds, but none since June or July. So, in talking to my doctor yesterday, he told me that the larger band takes a lot longer to get it up where it needs to be to work (I knew this, I had heard this from every other doctor too) but I still felt discouraged because it was March that I had my surgery. He said that it is best to find one doctor to do your fills and stick with him. His reasoning makes very good sense. He said each time you go to a new fill doctor, that fill doctor, in not knowing you at all, will go easy on you the first visit just simply because you are new and he needs to get a feel for you and your band. And if you keep going to new doctors, you will keep getting small fills because you will keep being a new patient. Makes sense. Then he said all doctors view fills differently and have different attitudes and opinions so you have that to contend with each time you go to a new doctor. He said if I would have come to him from the beginning he would have given me larger fills to get me to the optimum level quicker so I wouldn't have to have waited so long for restriction. (The Maryland doctor 2 1/2 hours away only wanted to give me 1cc each visit - that would have taken me 9 visits if I stayed with her). I reminded him that I wanted to come to him but hwe wouldn't accept mexican patients until recently. It's not like I went to all these different fill doctors on purpose (its only really been 3). But anyway, I have 9.2 cc's now and he said I am right on the cusp of full restriction and if I don't feel anything this time, then I do need a fluro to check it all out. But, really up until now, the fluro really didn't have much advantage. But, who could know that before things happen? Anyway, I am still glad I went back to the OCC for my first fill just to have them check things out - for my own peice of mind. But, after speaking with my doctor tuesday, if I knew then what I know now, and had the ABILITY, I would most definitely pick one doctor close to home and use them for each and every visit. And truly, uless you have a problem the fluro really doesn't matter. A good doctor can easily feel your port, and missing the site or injecting into the tube is almost impossible. That is, if you have a GOOD doctor. Both the port and tubing have a different feel to them and you can tell when you are poking with the needle if you are in the right spot. Anyway, to make a long story short, that is my story and my opinion. Find someone close to home, cheap enough that you can afford several visits and don't be so uptight about fluro. It's not a big deal unless you have problems. And by the way, my newest fill feels great so far. Fluid goes down nicely, albeit slowly. So, I am kind of scared to try food yet because I can actually feel the water going through slowly like never before. I am not overfull but it is tight. I tried some smooth cottage cheese (not really a solid) and it only took a few bites to fill me up so I am very hopeful. And according to the doctors scale, I lost a pound from last visit. May not sound like a lot, but feeling no restriction makes weight loss hard and that coupled with the fact that I was in DisneyWorld for a week, well you know how that is. It's a miracle I didn't gain let alone lost a pound. And for those pet lovers out there, my web-page for my Pet Loss Memorials is just about up and ready. Would love some opinions and suggestions from you once it is up and viewable. CTIRIQUE CRITIQUE CRITIQUE Julie, hows the new little one and where is his picture??
  8. WOW, you look fantastic!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Hey honey, first of all ((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))) and try not to beat yourself up. I'm not sure what to say other than, I am kind of in the same boat. I've had 5 fills now and still nothing. Even my husband said to me today that maybe this was just not meant for me. I don't happen to BUY that, but it IS discouraging. I haven't gained any and my eating habits have most definitely changed for the better over the year, but I am not seeing any real huge weight loss either. And any that I do get, is from my own will power since the band apparently isn't working. I have an appointment tuesday with a local doctor and if it doesn't go well, I will have to figure out how to get back to Mexico and see whats wrong. WIsh we could go together but I also understand the money part of it. Having gone there 3 times this year already has gotten us broke. I sure never expected all of this to happen. I DO have one suggestions though, try taking selenium. THe fill docotr in Maryland said that heavy people seem to have a deficiency in that and she has seen many people lose wieght just by taking that supplement. I am taking it and although the scale hasn't moved, my huge stomach HAS gone down quite a bit! So, why not give them a try. It might be what you need to get back on track. Or another suggestion is to go back on protein drinks. I find myself sticking to plan better when I am back on those. And I make my own so they are very filling and keep me satisfied. I haven't posted in while either but had to get on when I saw yours. Don't give up, not yet! I was close to giving up myself, but not yet! I am still determined to be thin by my 50th birthday which gives me one year and 2 weeks! So get yourself a good goal and that could help too. And remember, I am only an e-mail away if you need anything!!!
  10. OH GOODY GOODY GOODY!!!!! And kudos to you for rescuing a shelter dog, YEAH!!!!! If you want to e-mail a pic to me I can post it for you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
  11. It's Chantix, not Champix. And I have known several people who have used it very successfully with no problems. There is no more of a risk with this than there is with any other drug. Maybe your mother and cousin had other issues that led to liver problems, but that is very rare for this pill. And actually, it isn't that new. It's been out for a few years now. Not saying they didn't have problems using the pill, just saying that it is rare and shouldn't dissuade others from trying it. It works like a charm for most people, but not all.
  12. No, I have nothing from them except the food plate from Dr. Miranda. I wanted things in writing but I have nothing and wish I did. I only ever heard that pineapple and asparagus were bad.
  13. Nah, not too bad, it's getting better already, so I think that means NO SURGERY! My web-page is petlossmemories.com you can go check it out, but it is far from finished. It's so messy but I am having a hard time with it. It's a way to memorialize a deceased pet. I've made them for people before just because, but now I have been told I should sell them because there are a lot of pet bereavement places sprouting up and are looking for something like this. Plus I have some vet offices that want to order some small ones to give to their clients when one of their pets pass away. Go check it out, and I AM VERY OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS, you can be brutal, I need to know! ((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))) Ramona
  14. I've had 5 fills and each one seems to go into a different spot.
  15. Do you mean immediately after you wake up before you go back to the hotel? I just wore the hospital gown they gave me and then my sleeveless bathrobe over it to cover my a$$. Didn't think anyone neded to see that while I was taking my walks around the halls.
  16. YOWZA BABY, you are hot hot hot!!!!! You look fantastic, GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Hey buddy!! Whats going on with you???????? I am so sorry I missed this post, I should be hung up by my toes! I do hope you are ok and feeling better now. And if not, you better get off that butt of yours and make a phone call!!!!!! You hear me? Yup, I'm yelling, it's what I do best, LOL!! I am going to keep harassing you until you make that call!
  18. Hey friend, I haven't posted in a while because I have been very very busy! Fell and hurt my leg a month ago and now fell again and hurt the other! Been trying to build a web-page and am having a very hard and frustrating time with it, but I need to get it going very quickly or I will lose the market share for my product. So, thats kind of where I have been. It is driving me CRAZY because I don't know what I am doing and I have to teach myself as I go along. I do come on here and read occasionally but don't take the time to respond much anymore. But when I saw your post I had to come on and tell you that YOU ARE NOT AN OUTCAST!! PROMISE!!!!! It was just bad timing I think. Please don't get upset over it, no-one here means any harm at all! And if we knew how badly you were feeling, a lot more people would have come on and said the same thing as me. So, please, DON'T FEEL BAD!!!!!!!!!! I do that to myself a lot and know how sad that can make you feel. But I promise, your posts aren't being ignored. And if you were near me, I would grab you and give you a great big hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So dry up those tears, put a smile on your face, and KNOW that we are all in this together and you are liked just as much as the next guy! KISS KISS HUG HUG
  19. I've had 5 fills now and each and every time the needle goes in an entirely different spot. So.....seems like it moves somehow or my insides are moving.
  20. WOW, even your face looks so different! YOU GO GIRL! You look fantastic!
  21. WOW, good luck to you! I hadn't realized you were this far in your journey already. Good for you!
  22. I order almost all my clothes on-line. Roamans or Lane Byrant.
  23. Dr. Martinez is the sexiest man alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats my 2 cents.
  24. Well hey, there you go! Thats why I have no restriction yet, I am only 5'2" and have a really fat belly! But not for long!
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