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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. Last week I took a rather large gulp of water and immediately PB'd it with lots of slime. But I know it was because the gulp was too big.
  2. Back in January when I found out my insurance didn't cover the surgery, I was crushed. I figured I'd never get it done and was so depressed about it. Then I watched that show. And I KNEW it could easily be me in the same predicament. In fact, I used that show as one of the reasons in my letter to my insurance company begging them to pay for it. They did not. Iknew I had to find a way because I KNEW I would be those people in a very short time. So, I took a loan from my 401K and had it done. Although I had heard about banding years ago and wanted it done back then, that show in January WAS the catalyst for me to move my butt and go forward.
  3. Could that be why all of a sudden I can feel mine too? And it is kind of sore when I press on it. Not pain, but I can feel it more than I ever could before.
  4. I want to add that you can buy the GAS X strips yourself and not rely on your doctor to give them to you. Also, the sores in your mouth probably come from wahtever it is you are drinking being to acidy. Maybe you need to try something else to drink or at least water it down some.
  5. You've only been banded since August 29th and you ate already? I don't mean to sound harsh, but if you ate already then you probably shouldn't have gotten the band. Didn't your doctor tell you that you absolutely cannot have any sort of food for 21 days? Didn't you realize the damage you could do? Gas pains or not, you cannot have food. I am sorry to sound so mean here, but it doesn't sound like you were ready for the band. I know that I am someone who usually offers encouragement to people and not meaness, but it's only been a few days. It's not like you are near the end if your 21 days and snuck in some thick soup, you ate chicken nuggets. I think you need to get serious with yourself and say; right here and right now, NO MORE FOOD and that you WILL follow the diet exactly, or honestly, you may as well go have the band removed for it isn't going to do anything for you except maybe hurt you since you will more than likely stretch the band and hurt your insides.
  6. Geez, what do you think I can burn renovating an entire house in 3 weeks? I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired.....WHINE WHINE WHINE And it was all my idea so I need to shut up and just get it done. My mom has a rental property she was selling 'as-is' and I thought, hey, lets renovate it and get more money. So we are. And I just realized today, that we actually 'flipped' this house in 3 weeks, and for $4,000. Just like on TV. But tons of work. The place was such a dump! I can't believe how much we have been doing and I sure hope this is going to rasie the price for her. I mean, it was not just painting, but whole wall repair before painting. We have gone through an entire tub of spackle!!! One of the huge contractor buckets!That ought to let you know how much repair we did. And the floors UGH! The kitchen was disgusting and took us the longest to get done. GRRRRR Ok, enough complaining and whining. I hope that counts as exercise because I have had no time whatsoever to do anymore walking.
  7. Good luck honey, you will be just fine! And no, you will not be hungry until about week 2 after surgery.
  8. Some people get acid much worse after surgery. Drink lots of water to dilute the acid it and even take some tums. That should help. If not, then I would call the OCC. I did have lots of acid after surgery and drinking mroe helped. This could be the case especially if you are drinking lots of juice. Apple juice for me was avery acidy in my stomach. Good luck and please let us know how you are !!
  9. Yes, I DO feel like that too. Although, I have to say it has gotten a little better since being banded. I do so good during hte day when my band is tight, but then at night - forget it! I keep lots of flavored water in the house and try that when I get an urge for food. I think it is just going to take a long time to get over the food habit. I am reading this book called the Law of Attraction. It is kind of weird, but they do have some great points in it I am trying to adhere to. I actually had a psychic tell me that I am sabotaging my own weight loss efforts by focusing on how I am not losing weight instead of focusing on how I want to look. So it sounds really kooky (The psychic and the book I mean) but I am willing to give it a try.
  10. Welcome and congratulations on your band!! THis forum is agreat place for support , questions and answers.
  11. Good for you, I am so glad everything went well!!
  12. Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What wonderful accomplishment!!
  13. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good for you, congratulations!!!!
  14. That is such a neat thing to happen!! How cool!!
  15. When I feel myself slipping, I go back on the liquid diet for breakfast and lunch and then a regular lean cuisine for dinner. It really helps me get back on track and since I love the protein shakes I make, it is easy for me. But for you, I wouldn't worry too too much. You have done fantastic and a pound or two shouldn't matter in the long run. You will get it back off easily!
  16. It is Susan Brinkley, I think. I have the info at home and I am at work now. She charges a flat $200 for each visit and that is without fluroscopy. She only does fills on wednesday. Also, she does give you a numbing shot before your fill which is nice in case she has to restick you.
  17. oh Heidi, I am so sorry. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))) First and foremost, whether your name is on that account or not, 1/2 of it is yours. Right now, get a copy of the current bank statement and keep it in a secure place. You may need it when he removes the money for himself. Get the records to anything you can RIGHT NOW, not later. You need to show what the accounts say right now as you separate, not later - after he takes the money or stops paying the bills. Take whatever money you can find right now on your own and hide it. You will need it. If you have any valuables, take them and hide them too. I only say this, not for you to screw him, but to keep him from screwing YOU and for the proof you may need later. And remember, yes you DO have friends, right here! USE US!!!! Hugs, Ramona
  18. Oh no!!! I can only imagine how awful you feel. I am so sorry you have to go through that. Staph infections are no fun. Actually, right now I have cellulitis myself and it is very painful. I am on some strong antibiotics to. I have to keep an eye out for a blood clot. See, I fell very hard on my leg and did some serious damage to the area from my knee to my ankle. So, internally, there has been a lot of blood loss and could be creating a clot. Anyway, I know how yucky cellulitis feels and a staph infection is just as bad. Just make sure to keep up with your yogurt to avoid any yeast - if you know what I mean, from the antibiotics. And I wouldn't worry too much about the band. It withheld my vomitting way back when I was first banded so it should be ok. I would stay on liquids only for a few days though to settle it down. And listen buddy, GET WELL and FEEL BETTER SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. You must have read "The Law of Attraction". I'm reading it now.
  20. I've heard it can take up to 2 weeks, and in fact, mine from August 13th just kicked in yesterday too. I had to throw up after two bites of an Arby's beef and cheddar. But, haven't heard that it could take a month, but I guess it could. Are you stressed over anything? I've heard that and pms can do it too. Either way, I wouldn't worry.
  21. Well, here's hoping you have great restriction!!!!
  22. I am not arguing anything, I was simply telling you what he said when asked.
  23. Good for you, congratulations buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And have a great vacation, but I will miss you, so hurry back!
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