oh Heidi, I am so sorry. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))
First and foremost, whether your name is on that account or not, 1/2 of it is yours. Right now, get a copy of the current bank statement and keep it in a secure place. You may need it when he removes the money for himself. Get the records to anything you can RIGHT NOW, not later. You need to show what the accounts say right now as you separate, not later - after he takes the money or stops paying the bills.
Take whatever money you can find right now on your own and hide it. You will need it. If you have any valuables, take them and hide them too.
I only say this, not for you to screw him, but to keep him from screwing YOU and for the proof you may need later.
And remember, yes you DO have friends, right here! USE US!!!!