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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. Better not, I spend too much time on the computer.
  2. ZAP that fat by drinking lots of water!
  3. Congratulations!! And don't fret over the sliming and pb'ing. Not EVERYONE does that. I'm banded since March and haven't done it yet!
  4. xerox your notes and share them Hey wadda ya want for an X?
  5. He is such a cutie. He is actually 8 years old, not 4. But she wanted to adopt an older one, and one that has been at the shelter a long time. So, Stevie has been there about a year - most people won't adopt an older cat, so we got him! So far so good. Her other cat Susie hissed and spit a lot, but she will be fine eventually. Not sure if you remember, but my mom lost her cat Oscar to horrendous cancer 2 months ago. She was just devastated. Well, we all were. It was very very sad. Anyway, have a look at my new baby brother! http://www.spcanorthampton.org/petsDetails.asp?id=1144
  6. Kim, don't stop what you are doing. The answer is simple - it just takes a little while for your efforts to show up!! I have been a walking fool for the past 2 months but it has only just recently began to show up in my weight and body. It just takes a while, but when your body catches up, you will drop tons overnight! So, don't give up, you are doing the right things just give it more time to show itself!
  7. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea why that was, but I have noticed worse arm pit odor!!! Never thought to tie it in with my diet though, so thanks for asking. Now I know.
  8. I am just wondering how many cc's you have in your band and how many fills it took to get there. I ask because I just had my 4th fill last wednesday and am now up to 8 cc's in my band. I still do not feel that tight. In fact, last night, I could have eaten a horse if I wouldn't have stopped myself. The doctor checked my band and said it was working and no leaks or anything and wasn't sure why I felt no restriction. In fact, she only wanted to give me 1/2 cc but I asked for more saying I only ever feel restriction for the first weeek after a fill then it goes away. She said that was due to swelling and wasn't sure why I still didn't feel restriction beyond that. And I found out why she didn't pull all the saline out last time; it is because with the larger vg band, there isn't a syringe big enough to pull out all 8 cc's without using two or more and that would entail too much puncturing of my belly. I hate coming on here and complaining all the time, but this really has me down in the dumps. I was banded back in March, lost 30 pounds and haven't lost anything since. I am trying very hard to diet on my own even without restriction but I can't help but be very VERY disappointed. The doctor herself has a 10 cc band and is up to 7.75 and needs an unfill as it is too tight for her. She said she hasn't met anyone who had higher than her - until me. I am beginning to wonder if they put the larger vg band in and shouldn't have. I did e-mail Dr. Ortiz about this and haven't heard back from him yet. I was banded by him and had my first 2 fills by Dr. Romero then Dr. So.
  9. X - X-ray your band once in a while to make sure it is in place.
  10. Up your water and protein intake
  11. It has come to my attention that some of my personal e-mails have been making the rounds to different people. No problem I guess, since nothing is really private on the internet anyway, but since I had not known this previously, I was unable to defend myself. I DO NOT care to bring up old problems but all I need to say is that some of those so-called e-mails of mine had been altered before they were sent. They were also responses to e-mails I had been antagonized with first. I do not now, nor did I ever send nasty hurtful e-mails to anyone just out of the blue for no reason. The only time I did it was AFTER I had received hateful and nasty e-mails to begin with and was simply responding in kind. A certain person was trying to demean my character in any way he could whether it was truthful or not. I am only sorry that this person did not include his own e-mails to me which precipitated my responses. If that had been the case, I am confident people would have had a better understanding of the situation. Again, this post is simply to defend myself and doesn't really need any further discussion. Just remember one important thing: what you read may not always be the truth, especially when the person involved has no opportunity to defend themselves. Also, If anyone EVER has a problem with my e-mails or posts or simply wants to ask me if I did or said anything, I will gladly discuss this with you privately and you may simply send me a message. I will always respond with the truth.
  12. I'm kind of thinking the same thing as you. Every month or so, this crap erupts and I am tired of it. I thought it was over for good after the last melee about a month back and everything was great. But I see the moderators are letting it continue this time. Personally, too many times I am attacked behind the scenes and when I try to defend myself, my words get re-arranged and I look like the bad guy. I think it's time to call it quits too. Maybe someone can set up a private forum so those of us with a heart can keep in touch without worry of interruptions in our little support group. So, please keep in touch, besides, you never sent those pictures and I am still waiting!! (((((HUGS)))))
  13. Oh my goodness, you don't even look like the same person! Great progress!!!! Congratulations!
  14. I walked back to the hotel from the clinic after surgery. There is no restriction on walking at all. But, anything that uses your stomach muscles must not be done for 3 months.
  15. LOST!!!!!!!! Desperate Housewives 3 1/2 men Then anything on Animal Planet, TLC or History channel.
  16. My favorite ready-mixed was Adkins Advantage. But, now I make my own with GNC 100% whey protein powder chocoltae caramel or cookies and cream. Imake mine with 2% milk and double the scoops and they are great and keep you full for a long time!!
  17. Good for you!!! Yes, I noticed you gone but glad you had a great time and nice to have you back!!
  18. Hmmm don't know either. Since both of my husbands parents died fairly young, I never even met them, so I don't have any experience with this. Not sure how this relates, but my step-daughter sends me a mothers day card every year and I really look forward to it and love that she feels that way about me. Now, this year I didn't get one, but I honestly think she just forgot. She does get her own mom one, but she doesn't really get along well with her. My husbands sister that just passed away always gets my husband a card and small gift and I just get a card, but I was happy to get that and didn't even think about getting a gift. They are poor, so I would rather they didn't anyway. But, I am not in your situation at all, so I am not sure how to take it. I would probably be hurt a little though but thankful that at least I got a card. Not sure. Maybe it doesn't mean anything. Some people just don't 'get' how things might look to others. Maybe she thinks that what she is doing is the right thing and has no idea she is hurting you. Don't know, but try not to let it bother you. I know, easier said that done.
  19. I want to know who the skeletons are. Supposedly, that is the big question and will prove that the writers knew all along how the story would end and that they were not making it up as they went along. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR I want to see it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I don't know if ANY deaths due to the lap band procedure. Gastric by-pass, yes. Many! Lap band, never heard of any and I have been studying this for 5 years. If there were any, they would have been from anethesia like Michelle said or something else not band related.
  21. YEAH good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, I am on vacation after tomorrow too!!!
  22. I thought face-book was just for college students?????
  23. Kim and Kimmy - not to start a confrontation, or anything but I was told by the American doctors absolutely no carbonation ever again. That is not a made-up statement by so-called experts. That came from several doctors here in the states and their nutritionalists at the bariatric centers. It can very easily stretch the pouch or cause slippage. Just because it hasn't happened to you Kim, doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all. When I got to the OCC I specifically asked Dr, Miranda about this because of the differences between what the Mexicans say an what the Americas say. Dr. Miranda told me that yes, they also always said NO carbonation ever again, but that they found when they said never to people, that they automatically went out and did it anyway. But when they used the 6 month time frame, they found that people tended to stay away from it all together which is the preferred method. That is why they say 6 months now instead of never. I'm not saying what is right or wrong for you, but I do take exception to the remark about so-called experts making false statements. LOVE YOU BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't get mad!!
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