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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. The majority of people have followed the rules of liquids only for the first 3 weeks so you won't get a answer on that. I can tell you that there is a tremendous risk of ruining the surgery if you eat solids before the 3 weeks. That would be why your doctor told you to follow the rules. Didn't you believe him when he said that?
  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what a cutie!!!!!!
  3. Better to be addicited to this forum than be addicted to food, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Whether you are hungry or not, you need some nourishment. So, get on the ball and force some gatorade in you. At least 3 bottles worth. (Single serve bottles I mean). You are going to get dehydrated and then start vomitting and that is the last thing you need. So, hungry or not, you MUST drink it. Apple juice would help too! Plain water isn't doing anything for your system. Gatroade and apple juice have vitamins on them and also help with the poop problem.
  5. This is NOT normal and I would never go back to him! At the very least, he should have given you lidocaine after he missed the first time! Most docs don't do that because they consider it just another needle poke, but when they have to dig for your port, then the lidocaine would be very helpful! I think you need to try to look for an alternative fill doctor. Even if it a state away, you can drive to it. Get on the phone and make some calls because I wouldn't go back to him!
  6. Well, there isn't anything on your right side. The band itself is up between your breasts and the port is about an inch below and to the left of the biggest incision so I am not sure what the right side pain would be. But, why do you think it is stretched? What did you do that was wrong?
  7. Hey there, welcome back!! Good for you for staying steady with your weight. Thats is a huge accomplishment.
  8. You are going to ruin your band if you keep eating before the 21 days are up. Pull out the notes Dr. Miranda gave you and follow them. You can drink all you want during these 21 days, even milkshakes to get you full but no food! Cathy is right, no calorie counting this 21 days, but no food either! Make up your mind and do it or you may as well throw the 8 grand away. Please, for your own good.
  9. Oh good for you being in 16's!!!!! I wish I could fit your 18's but not yet. POOH!
  10. Well, I don't ski, but I do swim! Post whatever you have! Maybe someone can use it maybe not. Doesn't hurt to try though.
  11. I did that once, reached for something without thinking and got the same stabbing pain that lasted a day or so. It's probably alright, try not to worry uinless it lasts for several days.
  12. Now that I think about it, I wonder if anyone here needs mens clothes? I have 4 pairs of casual khaki type of pants for men. They are 38 x 30. I have some medium size mens shirts too. Any takers? Lap banders or hubbies of lap banders? Anyone?
  13. I had hoped our clothing exchange would garner a little more attention that this. POOH! Doesn't seem like there is too much interest anymore. What happened? Everyone seemed gung-ho and then, nothing!
  14. Oh no!! Arabella! Poor baby. So glad you were able to catch it and get it corrected. Expensive yes, but worth every penny. And talk about bank accounts, well, I have none, LOL!!! 9 special needs kitties does not make for a lot of money in my pocket. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. And I know you feel exactly the same! I will keep you both in my prayers. Now, how about posting a picture of our precious Arabella?
  15. Donna has a good suggestion. You are welcome to call me too, or my husband. Maybe if he hears from a few people, it will help put his mind at ease. Even Dr. Ortiz would speak to him, he has done so for others. Every little bit helps. Just take it day by day. Leave literature out for him in the open. Leave the computer on with the web-site for the OCC and then another day, leave the web-site up for this forum. He may just sneak a peek and maybe he needs time to come to grips with it. But, if you are going to do that, go back in to your posts and delete them. I don't think he should see what you have said about him, or our responses. At least not the negative ones. Baby steps.
  16. Oh wow, that is sooooo cool!! Good for you!!
  17. Thanks everyone. I definitely needed to those shots side by side to see a difference. And I can. It just that it has been almost 6 months and only 30 pounds. Wish it were more, but I have accepted that it will be slow. I am not one of those who will be the 8-10 pounds a month I suppose. I am keeping the same clothes so I can compare each time I take a picture. I never did like the shirt because the material is too thin and shows all the bumps and buldges. I prefer button down blouse type shirts. They hide it better. Kind of disappointed in my mom though. She said she hadn't seen any difference in me.
  18. Oh wow, good for you!!!!! I also went and saw your weight loss photo journal and it is fantastic!! You look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. YEAHHHHH good for you!!! I know how you feel though, it has been very slow for me too. But, I do like the 10% idea. That is a great idea to keep mini goals. Gives you something to works towards.
  20. Yes, I am a compulsive overeater. I think about food every minute of the day. I go to bed thinking about what I will eat when I get up. I wake up and think about what I am going to eat. It drives me crazy that food is in every thought. That being said...........if nothing else, this banding has helped me stop thinking about food 24/7. Even if I didn't lose any weight, just having this food business out of my head every waking moment has made me feel great. Of course, I still think about food, but it isn't 24/7 anymore. And, it's funny, but my junk food craving has gone away too. This has been a very long haul for me and the weight loss is very slow. I have learned that some people are like that. For some, the weight flys off and for others it takes longer, like me. I follow the rules and do the right thing, but my body just wants to hang onto my fat. But, I have accepted that and just have to be satisfied that it will come off eventually. So, go for it! For me, it was my last hope and I am so glad I had it done!
  21. Well congratulations!!! Glad you feel so much better. And don't worry, once you start getting fills, you will continue to lose the weight. And hey, don't be a stranger!
  22. Yeah, the price they charged seemed outrageous! Fills are a great money maker for them. And thats because they know we are stuck and are forced to pay it rather than go back to Mexico. It is irritating. You'd think you would get more for your money. Unfortunately, it is probably easier for you to keep going there since then next fill will be only $85.
  23. hahahahahaha thats funny! But hey, why not? I wouldn't mind my armpits smelling a little rosy! By the way, why not sell some of your stock on e-bay?
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