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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. Aren't we all getting a little overly hysterical here?
  2. She didn't go to Mexico, she had hers done in the states, so she had to have it undone here too. I WISH she would have gone to Mexico for it but since her insurance paid for it she got it done here in Pennsylvania. Her doctor didn' say this, but acording to mostof the research on the web, the majority of the time, the band erodes due to doctor error with the stitches.
  3. Hey, good luck and have fun while you are there!
  4. From what I have read, the breast lift alone is really quite simple. It depends on how low your nipples are. Thats what it is based on. The further straight down they point, the more drastic the lift is going to be. But, even the most drastic lift is supposedly a relatively quick and easy procedure. I think implants are much more involved and a harder surgery. t least that is what I gather from what I have researched so far. I mentioned it to my husband last night and he said NO! Well, uh, being the person that I am, I gave him my famous 'look' and he knew that was the wrong thing to say. I don't listen to anyone's no's except my own! He knew he was beat. He said when and don't I want to lose all my weight first? I said, it's been a year and I am not so sure how much more I will lose anyway and my boobs are hanging NOW! I want to go back to the days of not wearing a bra! But, I did say I was thinking about next year not immediately. So then I said, Cosmed in Mexico and again he yelled NO! Said, do it here. I said, it's half as much in Mexico and they come highly recommended and LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SISTER compared to me! (Had to have her U.S. lapband removed last week due to doctor error). I feel much better going to Mexico especially because Dr. Ortiz knows him. So, maybe......
  5. Thanks for asking - she FINALLY came home tuesday! Was supposed to be an in and out thing but she had a lot of pain and her intestines didn't want to work. Plus, they couldn't take the drain out until tuesday. She is doing a bit better, but this was very major for her. I am really unhappy with her doctor right now! REALLY UNHAPPY! Just makes me all the more glad I went to Dr. Ortiz!
  6. YEAH good for you! You will have to keep us posted about your tummy tuck. I bet you are soooo excited!
  7. an estimate of what kind of money it costs to have it done at Cosmed? Do you have to be thin to have it done. I want mine lifted even though I am still fat, I just can't stand them anymore. I am just curious at the approximate cost so I know if it is realistic for me to even think about it now. And, how long I would have to stay there for it. It would be just a breast lift, nothing else so that seems relatively fast and cheap right?
  8. Don't know whats going on but apparently the hole in her stomach was much bigger than they expected. She has a tube down her nose to relase air from her stomach, a drainage tube in her side and the pain is unmanageable at this point. They are not sending her home for at least a few days. It is really worrying me now because this was supposed to be a simple - slide - out - the - band deal. Actually, it came out in pieces. Makes me all the more happy I went to a more experienced doctor in Mexico than in the US where she went!!!
  9. She is ok I guess but has a drainage tube in her side and a tube down her nose to release gas from her stomach. She had a big hole in the stomach that had to be sewn shut. She should get an upper GI tomorrow to make sure there are no leaks and then she can come home. So so sad for her!
  10. Great picture, and great progress!!! Good for you!
  11. Hope it's not too late, I went and voted too!
  12. YEAH good for you!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes for you. Just wondering, what hotel did you switch to and why?
  13. Well, after all the reading I've been doing, it appears as though lap band erosion really isn't related to drinking while eating and is more often than not, doctor error that causes it. The stitches are either too deep or too many. Alchohol, spicy foods and lots of coffee can contribute also, but the majority of the time it is doctor related. I am wondering if this is related to the problem she had last when the tubing was wrapped around her intestine. Unfortunately, she has had nothing but trouble with her band. I feel bad for her and hope she doesn't gain back all the weight she lost.
  14. YEAH, good for you!!!! I DO understand the victory in a 5 pound weight gain, LOL!! I could have beenmuch worse so thats great. I'm so glad you decided to go with Dr. Ortiz. After what happened to my sister and having her band erode, I think going to the OCC is much safer! Her problem seems to be doctor error. Unfortunately, here in the US, they aren't as experienced with lap band yet.
  15. If anyone remembers, my sister Merideth who posted here only a few times has to have her band removed. She was banded here in America January 08. Well, the first problem she has was the tube wrapped around her intestine and she had to have that fixed. Well, now the band has eroded into her stomach so now it has to come out. She doesn't want it put back in either. Not sure why it happened, but I do know, she wasn't so good about following the rules. She drank with every meal, carbonated beverages and all. I always told her to stop it and she wouldn't. Plus, when she got something stuck she drank then too. I feel bad for her and hope she doesn't gain her weight back. She is close to 70 pounds down. She's never had a fluroscopy either and may have been too tight. They only discovered it now because she had a throat scope because of the all the problems she's been having lately. Her band surgeon isn't event the one who sent her for the test. He didn't seem to think anything was wrong. Anyway, makes me all the more happy I went to Dr. Ortiz for my surger and for my follow up. I had a few fills here but went back to Dr. Ortiz in february for a check up and although money was tight, I am glad I went.
  16. Yup, major pb episode. They suck don't they? And yes very scary and painful. Just try to remember to eat smaller bites and slower. Unfortunately, it will probably happen again. And Will is right, don't drink while you are having an episode. Also, it would be best to go back on liquids for a few days now to let your pouch settle down. You are probably very swollen right now. Feel better soon!
  17. How nice to hear this. I thought I was the only one who had to get 7 fills. Never heard of anyone with 10 cc's in their band either, but thats me! It's just nice to hear I am not the only one, FINALLY!
  18. Tried to eat a small cracker with hummus on it at work this afternoon just to see how it would go because the I felt so much better. I immediately got super full, so either I am still really swollen or this is one of those BAND SLAMS SHUT episodes I hear from people every now an again. So, I'll stick with the liquids and forget giving it a try for a few more days. Too scary. But thanks for asking.
  19. I'm such a dork! I thought it would be cool to have a ton of friends on facebook and now that I do, there are too many to keep up with. So, I never seen anyone. Told you I was a dork!!!!!! Now then, if you would go and join PetSociety, I'd come round and kiss you every night!
  20. Oh WOW!!!! You look great already! 2 sizes and 25 pounds? Thats fantastic! Good for you.
  21. Depends on when you were banded. It can be sore and pull like that for a few weeks and even a few months after surgery.
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