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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. Julie Camille is 12 and is a long haired beauty. She has been featured in 2 worldwide calendars and once made the cover of the CatFancy magazine. She has lupus and was never expected to live beyond 6 months. She is my best buddy! She was rescued from a pet store. Anita Louise is 11 and is a cow cat. Black and white with a huge hershey kiss covering her nose. She was rescued from a shelter and immediately came home and had to be hospitalized for 2 weeks due to severe pneumonia. She is a sweetie now though and is very very high strung and often needs kitty valium to keep from pulling her hair out. Missy Bright Eyes who is 11 is a mommy cat who was feral and living in my yard. I fed her for several months before she had babies. We trapped her and her babies, tamed them up, adopted 2 babies out and kept mom and the next two kitties in the list. Missy has liver failure, pancratitis and thyroid disease. She was expected to die 3 years ago but today she is still alive and doing very well. She is her daddy's girl and her whole world revolves around him! Roger Bob is Missy's boy and age 10. He never tamed up and is still basically wild. I have never been able to hold him except for the time he was hospitalized for crystals in his bladder and needed surgery. When he was still anesthetized, I held him. But, he lives here and sleep with me and sometimes lets me pet him. Lilly Rosie is my little sweetheart and is 10. Missy's girl. She is the sweetest cat that ever was! She is severely overwight and has chronic pancreatitis and asthma. She is currently on a very restricted diet. She sleep swith me and cuddles with me and is an allaround sweetie. Benjamin Eddy showed up at my door one day at 5 weeks old. Now, he is 6. He is another cow cat, black and white. His crying kept me up all night until I went out and rescued him. He is so freaking cute!!!!!! He sleeps with me too. He is also very overweight and has crystals in his bladder. His 'special bladder food' is very caloric so we are working on that. Then comes Silvia Christina. She is my little tiny delicate and is 3 years old. She was a stray kitten living under my friends house and she couldn't keep her because she was going through chemo. Siliva is so tiny and so delicate and talks up a storm to whoever will listen. She rarely SHUTS UP, LOL!! The last two are my 3 year old boys, Davey George and Johnny Gizmo. They were rescued from Ohio during the Hurricane Ivan flooding there. I was out there with Noah's Wish rescuing the animal victim of the hurricane and discovered that one of the local shelters had saved them from a flooded barn (They were in the process of drowning and were saved just in time). But then this shelter decided they were too small and too many fleas and were going to euthanise them, so I snatched them right off the table within second of the 'needle'. They are so much fun and such goofballs. To think that they came within seconds of dying would have been a tremendous tragedy. They bring such joy to everyone who meet them. Johnny is just too darn cute and snuggly and Davey is a goober face! He loves strangers and climbs all over anyone who comes over. My sister in law who just died, loved him so much. We actually took him into the rehab hospital so she could see him and she was so happy. But everyone who meets Davey gets tons of attention and if you DARE ignore him, he will scream in your face and grab you by the arm and force you to pet him. He is irresistable! So that is my lot. Plsu, I feed the wild deer outisde and the birds. I must have 25 bird feeders around here. Oh, and the chipmunks too get fed. And the squirrels. I can't seem to leave anyone out. I am such a sap! But like a lot of you, would love to have a farm of all rescues!!!
  2. Wow, you are fantastic!! I simply cannot foster. I've tried. Can't do it. The moment they enter my home, they enter my heart and are mine. PERIOD! Thats how I got so many. Can't give them up. I envy you be able to help so many. I wish I was as strong as you.
  3. I'm going to have to do this when I get home. Will take too long here at work, LOL!!!
  4. I still have my pedometer on and haven't been doing too good this week. Last week for the contest, I did a total of 141,000. That was for 5 days. We only pick 5 out of 7 days for the official count. This week I only did about 8,000 monday and tuesday and 15,000 yesterday. Got to get that back up!!! We've been getting torrential downpours making it hard to get out. But, last night I was a trooper and took my golf umbrella and got a mile in anyway. Then the thunder and lightning got too bad so I had to quit. My husband came after me in the truck, LOL!!
  5. Yup, that all sounds perfectly normal. Don't fret. You'll be up and about sooner than you think. Good luck and feel better soon!!!
  6. YEAH CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So glad you had fun, I did too!!
  7. This is great, thanks!!! I have been saving all my receipts.
  8. I haven't pb'd yet, but have felt the awful pain of something having a hard time getting through. That must have been awful for you. Have you tried fish? Maybe you can get protein that way and it's easier to get through than meat.
  9. Not a bad idea to keep with your smaller plate. That will help limit portions and bites. Very good idea!
  10. Thats crazy!!!! Just wearing shoes isn't enough. What if they fall, then they burn whatever part of their body they fell on!!! And 150 million to replace them? Come one! Rip the crap up and place mulch, how can that cost 150 million? And hey, I am the first one to say that it is up to the parents to make sure their kids are safe but it is only human nature thats kids go running to the playground as soon as they see one. Plus, what would even make a parent think that this could happen? This is absolutely not something that anyone could know ahead of time. This is just crazy! And those are some serious burns! Wow, I am shocked that they don't plan on fixing this situation. It's just crazy!
  11. ACKKKK they better not!!! Only two more season to go to get all the answers.
  12. Apparently, mine was hit by lightning, along with several others in the area. THe computer repair shop had tons of repairs for the same thing. I DID have my surge protector on, but it was old. SO UPDATE YOUR SURGE PROTECTORS!!!! I didn't know they can wear out, but they can and should be updated every so often. So, I lost my mother board and power source but the hard drive was ok so I didn't lose any thing. THANK GOD!!!!! I make a lot of brochures, business cards and posters for different people and organizations so I was very scared of what I could have lost. I usually burn discs and save everything but hadn't done it in a while. So, that will be done tonight!!! Oh and a tip for anyone interested ~ when I am burning a disc to save all my photographs, I burn two. One I keep in the house, the other I keep at my safe deposit box. In case I have a fire, I still have a copy of my pictures. So, $538.00 later, I am back up.
  13. Yup and it still is working!! Especially at night. Isn't that weird? Usually people have problems with mornings, but mine it at night, which is great really. I'll hop on that scale again this weekend, but not before. Plus, I am going to look into joining a gym after work tonight. All that walking is good, but I need something for those wings I am developing on my arms! I am so excited now!!
  14. Well, you could look at it this way.....what good is it to put your family first if you are not healthy and fit? You family suffers when you are ill from all the diseases you get from obesity. Continue to put your family first by taking care of yourself!!! And another 'blunt' way of putting it, what good is having a rainy day fund if you aren't around to enjoy it? Get healthy and you WILL be around to enjoy it, along with your family.
  15. Oh no. Could you possible be too tight? I would stay on liquids a few more days and if you can't eat then, I'd say you are too tight. But drink as much as you can to stay hydrated. Good luck!!!
  16. warm rolls with butter, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and baby ruth bars But..................I am finally losing weight so, they are a big TABOOOOOOOO
  17. I already told them that, you're late!!! Go read the main topic forum! And stop being so technical.
  18. so whats a gal supposed to do? I pulled it out, looked down at it and it was screaming my name, just screaming, so I had to step on it just to shut it up! What choice did I have, it was so loud and waking up the neighbors! So, I watched as those digital numbers went all over the place and finally settled ..........down..........on.............259! HUH???????????????? Can that be? Why, only last wednesday it said 266 after I got my fill. Ok, get off, get back on, get off get back on..........................TWO FREAKING FIFTY NINE! confused look in my face..................10 seconds pass................it takes me while to absorb what I am seeing! HUGE GRIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally on my way down! HAPPY ME!!!!
  19. "My store next, come buy from me" I love Revolution Avenue, but I can't stand the begging shopkeepers. GRRRRRRRR
  20. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April would be best for me if that is possible. I am travelling to the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Utah in April and would like to do both at the same time. So my vote is April. Unless I win the lotto by then and can afford a couple of trips!
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