Uh, not quite accurate, my sisters insurance paid for her surgery and IS going to pay to have have her boobs lifted and a tummy tuck when she is done.
Just a note - people are very misinformed about how insurance works. It is not the insuracce companies themselves that pick and choose what benefits are covered and what are not. It is the owner of the policy that decides that. In other words, if you have insurance through your work, it is your company that you work for that picks and chooses what things are covered. So, it isn't the insurance that decides, it is your employer. So, people mistakenly get mad at insurance companies when in fact, they have nothing to do with it. They are simply the ones administering your employers wishes. Also, there are an awful lot of rules and regulations that your individual states mandate. Usually, they are for the protection of it's people, but end up costing a massive amount of money to implement. I know this, because it is what I have been doing for the past 20 years.
Another intersting note that most people don't know - Did you know that in NY, CT and NJ the state itself sets the medical insurance rates for groups, not the insurance companies. They are legally required to charge what the state mandates. And to top that off, it is usually MORE that what the insurance companies would have charged had they been left alone to decide their own rates.
Sorry, for the rant, I just get very defensive about this.