After I went to the gym yesterday (nice good workout) I came home and ate a few carrot sticks. Then layed down for an hour. Felt extremely full and probably shouldn't have been in a laying position. Then got up and ate dinner. Just 3/4 of an eggroll. Went to bed at 10 and was very uncomfortable sleeping and today now, I am very uncomfortable. Hard to explain, but my band area and up to my esophogus (bottom of my neck) I am in pain. Not bad pain, but very uncomfortable. When I swallow, I can feel it in my upper band area. So for like 6 inches from the top of my band to the bottom of my neck it hurts. I am afraid to eat so I am just going to have liquids today. I have not had anything like this since I was banded a year ago. Could all of this be irritation from the carrots? It sure makes me paranoid that maybe my band slipped from the exercises I did yesterday. It's not acid reflux either, I can tell when I have that and it's not gas.
Also, when I took my pills last night, it got worse so I kept sipping weater trying to get them to go down or at least dissolve.
Ok, so, just now I had a sip of a cold protein shake and it hurts a little going down right through the band. What the heck????
Ya know, I think for some reason, I am very swollen in that area. I keep burping too, but it almost feels like it is having a hard time coming up from my bottom stomach up through the band to my pouch to my throat.
Just nervous !!