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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. Hey you!!!! How are you? I was going to post on 'our' anniversary too but didn't. But I am finally up to 42 pounds off. Still slow as he!!, but I am still pushing ahead. You have done fatastic!!!!
  2. BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the heck are you??????? Get on Facebook!
  3. When I fall off the wagon - so to speak - going back on liquids helps me a lot!
  4. I am feeling much better today! A day of liquids really did the trick. I am still going to do another day of liquids but I feel much better already. I was really scared because I never felt anything that bad before and was afraid I slipped the band. WHEW! What a relief.
  5. BILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a wonderful surprise to hear from you. I miss you and your posts soooo much. You have done a wonderful job and you post is a good one. Informative and truthful. Just what we need! I hope you post more often and I too, would love to see some of the oldsters back here. I miss the group from back then. But, you are right, there is always facebook. ((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))) Oh yeah, don't you owe me some flirting?
  6. After I went to the gym yesterday (nice good workout) I came home and ate a few carrot sticks. Then layed down for an hour. Felt extremely full and probably shouldn't have been in a laying position. Then got up and ate dinner. Just 3/4 of an eggroll. Went to bed at 10 and was very uncomfortable sleeping and today now, I am very uncomfortable. Hard to explain, but my band area and up to my esophogus (bottom of my neck) I am in pain. Not bad pain, but very uncomfortable. When I swallow, I can feel it in my upper band area. So for like 6 inches from the top of my band to the bottom of my neck it hurts. I am afraid to eat so I am just going to have liquids today. I have not had anything like this since I was banded a year ago. Could all of this be irritation from the carrots? It sure makes me paranoid that maybe my band slipped from the exercises I did yesterday. It's not acid reflux either, I can tell when I have that and it's not gas. Also, when I took my pills last night, it got worse so I kept sipping weater trying to get them to go down or at least dissolve. Ok, so, just now I had a sip of a cold protein shake and it hurts a little going down right through the band. What the heck???? Ya know, I think for some reason, I am very swollen in that area. I keep burping too, but it almost feels like it is having a hard time coming up from my bottom stomach up through the band to my pouch to my throat. Just nervous !!
  7. Check into New York University and Dr. Ren. MUCH MUCH cheaper and they do Mexican patients. And it would be a little closer.
  8. Welcome, so glad you are here. Yes, you will find lots of support here, plus the answers to many questions you mayhave. Keep up the great work!!!
  9. I agree, 40 is not enough at all. In fact, according to the US Food pyramid guidelines, women need a minimum of 46. The amount of 40 is for small children. And that is if you are of normal weight. Heavier people need more, but according to Dr. Miranda, not too much. It's a hard question and I think it should be very individualized. According to Dr. Miranda and the nutritionist I am currently working with, for me, protein should fall between 60 and 90 grams a day. No more than 90 or then the protein begins to be stored as fat.
  10. Don't know what this is and I didn't have any sort of test to see if my stomach was ready for lap band. That seems very 'suspect' to me. Who is your surgeon and why does he want this?
  11. Hmmmm, I never heard of this. Why did he say you needed it?
  12. If I am not mistaken, the ban on advil is only for 10 days prior to surgery. After surgery, nothing is off limit.
  13. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hope everything works out for the better and soon too!
  14. I love that show too!!! I watch it all the time.
  15. University of New York and a Dr. Ren does them for $100.
  16. It's common to be really tight in the mornings. I am. But, I can drink warm beverages in the morning, not cold. Within a few hours of waking up though, I can then go on to cold. But I still fill it sitting the pouch and squirting through within a few seconds. Dr. Ortiz showed me what I was feeling on the fluroscopy and called it perfect restriction. However, anytime after 4 pm I could still eat and drink anything!
  17. Bean are fine as they are loaded with protein and other nutrients. Avocados are loaded with fat, albeit good fat. Still very high on the calorie scale though. I'd limit avocados as much as possible but every now and then should be fine. I too, never understood the concept of avoiding muchy food and liquids and at the same time being told to chew food until it is liquid. But, the brain signal thing would make sense.
  18. Yes ladies, thats called restriction!! The gurgling sound is your body 'squirting' the food through the band.
  19. I too, am a highly unusual case. I was banded a year ago and have 10 cc's in my 10 cc VG band. I have lost 40 pounds. I have been very discouraged this past year and decided to back to the OCC to find out what the problem was. They told me I was doing everything right, I just happen to be one of those people who is going to be slow at losing weight. Starting menopause is a huge factor for me also. I don't really have any good advice for you but just wanted you to know that there are some others out there in the same situation. I do not regret my decision to get the band one bit because 40 pounds is still 40 pounds. Plus, I DO feel a WHOLE lot better than ever so I am still happy with it. Disappointed with the weight loss amount but it isn't going to stop me from trying. I have started seeing a nutritionist and I think that is going to be a huge help. Could be what your daughter needs too.
  20. Can't help you anymore than what has already been suggested, but just wanted to tell you that you look fantastic!!! Love the before and after photos. You have done great!!
  21. Sounds to me that someone up above was looking out for you. Back of a bank? Cash only, in the US??? I'm glad they didn't touch you and you got out of there!
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