Here is what I asked:
Some of us on the forum were having a discussion about the rules of eating. The majority of us remember being told (and also have the paperwork ) saying to divide your plate into 3 portions. Protein gets eaten first, then if you have room, go for the veggies and
finally, the carbs.
But, now, some of the girls are saying that you changed that recently. Some of the newer ones said that you told them fruit and
veggies first, protein last. Has someone misunderstood the rules or have you changed your opinion on the portions and when to eat. Personally, I have been sticking with protein first, then veggies. I usually don't have much room for carbs.
So, we are curious, did you change the rules, if so, why and what are they now?
Thanks, and I will be sure to post your answer so everyone can see it.
Here is her answer:
Dear Ramona:
the rules are meant for you to eat a little bit of the 4 groups. The
reason I wrote down that order was so that if or during the first week
they come to feel that the grain gets stuck and if the spit it up the
rest of the meal is inside your tummy.
I allways tell patients greens and fruits are soo important part of
the nutrition, I know evrybody eats protein it is seldomley that
somebody will not eat some protein. You may very well start one day
with the salad if you wish. No harm done.
dr. Miranda
I wonder ~~~~ when I sat with her, I told her I rarely eat meat and would prefer never to eat meat again. Maybe, knowing that about ME, she told ME to eat protein first, knowing I don't eat much of it. Maybe she tailors her instructions to the individual. Would make sense. I am forcing myself to eat meat now because it fills me up and keeps me full. See, I am one of the crazy animal activists and therefore have a very hard time with meat. I am SOOO conflicted. I wish they would make a pill for that, LOL!!