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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. I wonder if those are the rules for ALL of the fill centers. I hope not! But that is crazy that they won't fix what they break! Well, we can at least hope that our first fill will last a good long time!!
  2. Try to see if your doctor will fill you at 5. Don't wait the 9 if possible. I have to because of plane tickets and it is HORRIBLE!! I am gaining back some of the 25 I lost since banding.
  3. I just go to bed when I get crazy hungry like that and it is after 8.
  4. A small serving of oatmeal, or a scrambled egg or yogurt or a piece of string cheese.
  5. Check out Fill Centers USA, there is one in New Jersy about an hour away that uses fluro. I wanted to go back to Mexico for my first one though. Too bad I will be going home before you get there.
  6. Now I found it!! The lap band technique link is on the far right side of the page. Took me long enough!
  7. When are you going? I am from Bethlehem, Pa (I think we talked before). I am going back for my first fill on 5/24 through 5/27. My fill is scheduled for 5/26 - Monday. Did you schedule your yet?
  8. You said you have absolutely no support -- thats not true! You have our support! So use it whenever you need too!! I know we aren't your blood family, but we are your band family and we have all the support you need right here!!
  9. Everyone is different and although I felt I had a great surgery and never even took a pain pill, I definitelt needed the 2 weeks off work I took. Actually, I had 3 weeks off, but that 3rd week was nothing, I could have gone back sooner, but DID need the 2.
  10. Hmmmmmmmmmm this post has me even more disappointed than before....... I keep hearing that your first fill (in Tijuana) is not more than 2 cc's or something close to that. That the first is only slight. That it is your second fill that does the trick. Well, I am spending a great deal of money to go back to the center for this first fill and it is sounding like it isn't going to be very helpful and that I'll need to go back yet again very soon after. I want my first fill to do the trick, I don't want to wait any longer to have this work. Whats the difference in going to Mexico or having it done here when basically the first one is the same. I mean, yes, they use fluro, but if they use only a minimal amount the first fill, then it is basically the same as having a blind fill. ???????????????????
  11. I SWEAR diet coke is addicting! If I have one, I can't stop. But, as long as I don't ever start one, I am fine. As for the foods we aren't supposed to have, Dr. Miranda told me pineapple and asparagus because they are very fibrous and do not go down well. But, I haven't tried it. But then again, I haven't had my first fill yet so I can eat anything!
  12. Wow, you look great!! And that 7 pounds makes a big difference too!! Congratulations!!
  13. Good for you! I'll be thinking about all of you getting banded today. You'll do great and be home in no time.
  14. I'm getting my first fill that day! I am taking my mom, necie and husband along so look for a party of 4. We fly in the saturday before and leave tuesday.
  15. Yeah, that is cocky especially since everyone's body is different and everyone should not be treated the same. No 2 stomachs are the same, and no 2 fills should be the same. Therefore, it makes sense to use fluro since all bodies will use a differnet amount of saline. How can he know without seeing properly? It's like going in blind.
  16. I feel the same thing and I thought it was the port too, but my lump is very tiny. I don't think the port is that small is it? It feels like pea size. Baby pea size.
  17. Honey, we all did that and felt that way!!!! If it helps you to stop all the gorging, think this way........3 weeks post op you can eat again, until your first fill. So no real need to do the last meal thing. That is what got my through the rough pre-op diet and stopped the overeating. Then, when I was 3 weeks post op and able to eat again, I didn't feel like gorging. So, in short, use whatever means you need to stop the overeating now. Then, when food time comes up again, find another way to get you through the hard times.
  18. Usually the horrible gas pains are from the gas they pump into your abdomen for surgery. It has to be absorbed by the body not expelled. Theoretically, Gas X wouldn't help that type of gas, but some people swear by it, so that all confuses me. For me, it did nothing nor did the Phazyme. The gas I did end up expelling, was not smelly at all.
  19. My decision to go a day early was so I could have my last meal be an authentic mexican meal because I LOVE Mexican food! So, I arrived on Sunday morning (had to get up at 4 to get my flight) got to SD at 10:40 am and had the whole day to eat my Mexican food and went to Rosarito beach that day too! I slept fine that night, although very excited. And I only had to fast overnight while I was sleeping. Just some food for thought, LOL!!
  20. I have been told on more than one occasion by more than one doctor, that those creams actually make your scars worse. Leaving them alone is best. I think even 20/20 or Consumer Reports did a test on them and came up with the same conclusion. So for myself, I chose not to use any at all.
  21. Got a question or two .................. Does anyone know what it feels like to have a molar tooth pulled and then fly the next day? Does the pressure in the plane affect your pulled tooth? Does it hurt??? Also, I am flying in on the 24th of May and would love to visit either the San Diego Zoo or the San Diego natural Histoy Museum (to see the Mount Vesuvius Exhibit). Does anyone know if thatmuseum is by the airport, and if so, how would be get there? Cab? What would we do with our luggage? I assume we would get back to the airport by a predetermined time to get picked up by Francisco then after we are done. Does anyone know if this is possible?
  22. Oh my God, my heart goes out to you, I am so sorry you lost your papa. How awful!! I too, lost my father back in 1996 and it was the most awful thing ever. Not something I will ever get over. It will be a long time before your pain eases, but one day it will lessen. (((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))) If you band slipped, you wouldn't even be able to swallow water, at least that is what Dr. Martinez told me. He also told me to go back on clear liquids for a few days after my vomitting problems until my stomach was no longer inflamed. Good luck to you and you are in my thoughts and prayers.
  23. I was banded by Dr. Ortiz and had a mushy stage. They wanted me to eat watery oatmeal and mushy flounder or haddock before I tried regular food. But, I had 3 episodes of serious vomitting and they couldn't figure out why, so that is what they wanted me to do after the liquid phase.
  24. Funny you mention this now. I haven't lost anymore either but I jusy noticed that some of my fat is more squishy than usual. Weird, I know but my fat is very very hard. I am almost 300 pounds but ALL of my fat is very hard, and always was. No jiggles at all, not even arms. But, I noticed last night it was not feeling as hard, that it was quite squishy like normal fat feels. Wonder what is up wth that? Glad you got lose a hook Paula, way to go and how exciting to be able to do that!!! Boy, I reread this post and it is crazy sounding, but true! Anyone else have hard fat?
  25. Funny you mention this now. I haven't lost anymore either but I jusy noticed that some of my fat is more squishy than usual. Weird, I know but my fat is very very hard. I am almost 300 pounds but ALL of my fat is very hard, and always was. No jiggles at all, not even arms. But, I noticed last night it was not feeling as hard, that it was quite squishy like normal fat feels. Wonder what is up wth that? Boy, I reread this post and it is crazy sounding, but true! Anyone else have hard fat?
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