Well, I didn't get the flu, but I did end haveing horrible vomitting issues after banding. The first 2 times were 2 days after banding. At first, they thought I wasn't drinking enough and made me drink more. The second time, same day - later in the afternoon, it happened again. This time, they could not figure out why. After thinking and thinking, there just seemed no reason for it. But both times under fluro, everything was still in place and fine. They gave me IV fluids, anti nauseau, anti inflamatory and nexium. That got me on the plane the next day and home safe and feeling good.
A week after I got home, and after taking one small sip of Campbells cream of shrimp soup, it happened again. I WANTED TO DIE! It lasted 3 - 4 hours of constant vomitting. Nothing came up just some incredible GAS and air. But, I couldn't walk, couldn't talk, couldn't do anything but retch for 3 or 4 straight hours. It wasn't until my husband got me someliquid anit nauseau medicine that it stopped. Called the OC and they kept thinking I ate something, but did not. Have no real idea why it happened but they said if it happens again, I would not be able to get a fill and would need to go back and get a thorough check.
They thought I might end up being one of those people who never ned up needing a fill. But, now that more time has passed, believe me, I need that fill! I am going back to Mexico and they will check me over good before they fill me.
So, not the flu just some unexplained vomitting. Hopefully, my bad is still fine. It all feels fine. I think I am very very lucky to not have had a slippage with all that going on, but I don't think I do.