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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. Wow, he told me he was training to be a lap band surgeon. I wonder if that is considered plastic surgery to him or he just tells people different things.
  2. Yes, this is true! My sister was banded in the U.S. and does not follow the rules. She drinks soda and drinks with her meals thereby invalidating her band. But, she will be the first to complain it doesn't work.
  3. Good idea. I too stayed extra days and was very glad for it. Made the plane trip that much better. And I had to fly from the east side of Pa. Plus, that gives you more time in case of any issues that ight come up.
  4. Well, I didn't get the flu, but I did end haveing horrible vomitting issues after banding. The first 2 times were 2 days after banding. At first, they thought I wasn't drinking enough and made me drink more. The second time, same day - later in the afternoon, it happened again. This time, they could not figure out why. After thinking and thinking, there just seemed no reason for it. But both times under fluro, everything was still in place and fine. They gave me IV fluids, anti nauseau, anti inflamatory and nexium. That got me on the plane the next day and home safe and feeling good. A week after I got home, and after taking one small sip of Campbells cream of shrimp soup, it happened again. I WANTED TO DIE! It lasted 3 - 4 hours of constant vomitting. Nothing came up just some incredible GAS and air. But, I couldn't walk, couldn't talk, couldn't do anything but retch for 3 or 4 straight hours. It wasn't until my husband got me someliquid anit nauseau medicine that it stopped. Called the OC and they kept thinking I ate something, but did not. Have no real idea why it happened but they said if it happens again, I would not be able to get a fill and would need to go back and get a thorough check. They thought I might end up being one of those people who never ned up needing a fill. But, now that more time has passed, believe me, I need that fill! I am going back to Mexico and they will check me over good before they fill me. So, not the flu just some unexplained vomitting. Hopefully, my bad is still fine. It all feels fine. I think I am very very lucky to not have had a slippage with all that going on, but I don't think I do.
  5. Before you get too upset, remember, we were banded by Dr. Ortiz, the tops in this field. The U.S. Doctors are way behind him in experience so maybe those bad results were due to bad surgery. Have confidence in your surgery. And remember, people like to complain so thoe might be exagerrations.
  6. Is that skinny dark line in the band area the barium flow? If so, that is so small, how could any food fit through that? Wow, that is cool!
  7. Aww that sounds so cute! (About Barney). Yes, chocolate and onions along with the lilly's are extremely poisonous to cats. So be careful. Wow, 15, and I thought I was bad, LOL!! I'd have that many if I could afford it. But most of mine are special needs kitties and have some sort of medical problem which is very expensive.
  8. Hi Nicole!!!! Glad you feel better now and hope you lose lots!!!
  9. I too have heard it actually cures type II diabetes.
  10. You got me thinking, since I didn't stay overnight, do I get a discount for that? I never got a refund or anything.
  11. AHHH thank you, I too thought Dr. Martinez was the cutest thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was the only one. Hope you heal quickly and welcome to band land!
  12. Thanks so much!!!! Those pics are so helpful in explaining the lap band to others.
  13. I was wondering the same thing. Although I have no idea if they were helping me or not. But since I still have them, I ought to finish them. And for me, I think they will fit. Seems now that I am 4 weeks post op I have no trouble with anything I swallow. Although I wish I did!
  14. I think the semi private runs $300 cheaper - I think. It's a room kind of in the hallway though, but if you don't mind, go for it. I would have been fine with it, but as it is, I got to go back to the hotel the same day anyway. I was doing so well and I think I was done by around 2 so I got to go home by 7 ish or so. (home being the hotel).
  15. Thanks for the pics!!! I love seeing others experiences. I too posted some pics in the gallery of my trip. I'd love to see more pics from others too!
  16. Ihad the terrible stomach bloat and bruising around each incision but nothing more than normal. Is he has more than that, she should call, like the others said.
  17. Thanks for the explanation. But, yes, it does kind of make me bummed! I haven't had a first fill yet and I was so hoping for good restriction because I am eating like a hog!! I wouldn't care about going back for additional fills, but I have to fly so far and the cost! I am very jealous of your self control, you are very lucky to be able to have lost so much. I have been trying to get back on track and I am having such a hard time. For God sakes I had ice cream cake last night!! Then, Girls scout cookies! WHAT A SLOB! But, I guess I should just shut up, stop worrying and just wait and see what my fill is like. If I have to go back, then I have to go back. I think I need a second job. Being busy is the best thing for me. I wishmy job now was busier. We are so slow, I sit with nothing to do most of the day and think about food food food! Anwya, thanks for all your posts. It's good to read about your experiences. I'll get there sooner or later.
  18. hahahahahaa thats cute! But you DO look great. In both pictures. You are well on your way. Isn't it exciting to be so close? But, I agree with compliments. I too have a hard time with them. I'd rather give then get.
  19. My stomach was horribly bloated and stcuk out for a good 3 weeks! It will go down eventually, no worries.
  20. If you are hungry, try to drink more fluid!! Maybe you are not getting enough. Good luck!!
  21. The part about not drinking shakes is for after your first fill. They want all your nutrients to be food form because the band was not designed to restrict liquid. I myself went back on shakes for 2 meals a day but that is because I haven't been filled yet and don't want to gain back what I lost so far.
  22. Thats too cute!! Mine (and I have 9) try to eat whatever I am eating no matter what it is. My one cat Johnny, takes his paw and literally pulls my hand to his mouth to try to eat what I have. My Jule just HAS to have her share of whatever meat we are having for dinner. I feel like I have to buy extra meat just to feed the cats!! Just don't let them eat the chocolate shake. Chocolate is poisonous to cats!
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