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Everything posted by mona-camille

  1. Karmin, are you understanding that the band isn't supposed to restrict you until AFTER your first fill, which you cannot have until 6 weeks after surgery? So, if you are hungry now, thats perfectly normal. The restriction and weight loss doesn't happen until after the fill itself. You must heal from the surgery before they can give you a fill. Just drink as much fluid as you need too to be full and it will pass. Once you get your first official fill, you will be doing much better. And incidently, there was a day or two during my 3 week post op that I thought I was going to die if I didn't eat. But, I didn't eat, didn't die and the feeling passed and I was fine again. So, just hang in there!! It will be ok in the long run.
  2. Can't think of anything off the top of my head. Good luck though!!
  3. Hey Bobbi!! Good to hear from you and glad you are doing so well. 2 sizes already? That is fantastic!! Unfortunately, food is once again in my top most thoughts. Got to get me that fill, but I am not going back until memorial day. So, I forced myself to go back on the liquid protein diet for now. Hows the kitties? Mine are good, except for Missy, my little liver failure girl. Now she has thyroid problems too. I just dropped her off at the vet today because she is very very ill and not doing well at all. My husband is afraid his 'little shadow' is hiding and trying to find a quiet place to die. God, I hope and pray she doesn't leave us yet. Anyway, hope you are your crew are all doing good. Say hi to your husband for us also!!!
  4. Or you know you have a problem when..............all you think about is food all day long and then can't wait to get home to eat eat eat!! I am banded but not filled yet and having a horrible time. I decided to go back on my protein shake diet for the time being. It is definitely easier, and forces me to stay away from food. We all have to find whatever it is that helps us, so good luck with it!!
  5. I just went to the gallery and saw your pics. They are great and you are doing wonderful!!
  6. Thanks so much!!! Your instructions were awesome and I now have a new ticker! :cheerleader:
  7. mona-camille


    Wow, you look fabulous! You don't even look like the same person. WAY TO GO!!
  8. Hey lighten up a bit! If you are so angry about certain posts, maybe you shouldn't be reading them. Or at least direct you anger to whoever it is that is enraging you and not the poor gal just looking for some advice. And by the way, bleeding out your ass could be a simple hemrhoid or it can even occur from passing a gunea pig like someone did earlier this week. Not always an emergency call to the doctor is needed. Maybe that person was just looking for some reassurance while she was waiting for her doctor to call her back! Here's hoping you have a calm and relaxing evening!
  9. Had my sugery on 3/24 and although I am only on real food for 2 days, I can already tell I am eating like a horse!!! I can't get back to the center until the end of may for my first fill. So, my question is, can I go back to the Adkins Advantage shakes and lean cuisine for dinner until my first fill? I know we aren't supposed to rely on liquids, but isn't that true only AFTER the first fill? I am so afraid I am going to gain back the 25 pounds I lost so far.
  10. Wow, lucky you!! I haven't had a fill yet so I can't help you. But it's cool you don't feel hungry. Thats what I am afraid of.
  11. I think I do have the 10cc band, the bigger one. But, what do you mean a different treatment plan? What does that have to do with the size of the band?
  12. I was there a total of 5 days and of course I had to pay for the extra time at the hotel but it was only $80 a night. Well worth it for the extra healing time. And I did have mexican food the night before surgery. No way was I going that far without eating my favorite food! When I go back for my fill, I intend on staying 4 days as a mini vacation and so I can try some more food before my fill.
  13. There are specific instruction on what they will accept for the final payment. You'll need to review your paperwork to do it the right way. I had to get a cashiers check. I don't believe you can use a charge card or paypal for the balance. Check the paperwork and it will tell you. Or call the center.
  14. I did take a bunch of videos when I was at the OC, so yes, I guess I will keep taking some as I progress. I'll have to figure out how to post them.
  15. Mine took 2 weeks to come off. I also heard not to use any of the scar creams that those have a tendency to make them worse rather than better. I got that from the OC. I haven't put anything on mine and they look great. My sister didn't wither and you can't even see hers anymore at all. Just saying.
  16. Awww honey, don't beat yourself up. You have nothing to be ashamed of at all. We ALL have huge obstacles to overcome, or we wouldn't be here. You should never feel humiliation for coming here for support. We all need it and now you do too! You'll be fine. I have heard wonderful things about chantix. Just stay on course with your diet, it's only 2 weeks and you can do it!!!! Get yourself on those shakes for lunch and breakfast and a lean cuisine for supper and start walking!! Just go out and do it!! And we will all be behind you 100%. ((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))Ramona (mona-camille)
  17. Hi there! Is this Amber? I actually decided to eat yesterday. Had scrambled eggs at 10:30 and they went down fine. Kept me full until I had supper around 6. I had fish and veggies and they bother went down fine too. I was so afraid to eat because of my vomitting issues, but they seem to be over and I am fine. How about you? What are you going to eat first? I only lost 11 pounds post op for a total of 26 pounds since my pre op diet began. Can't wait to go back for a fill. I made plans for memorial day weekend, but wish I could have done it sooner.
  18. Wow, I am sorry you are in pain. I must be one lucky girl, because I didn't take any pain meds at all!
  19. Hmm, I haven't had port pain at all. In fact, I can't even feel it. Not exactly sure where it is. If you are in that much pain that you need to take pain medicine, you need to call the OC I think. Hope it's ok and you feel better soon!
  20. I had that awful stomach bloat for about 2 weeks. It was so bad I couldn't wear pants. I wore dresses the first 2 weeks. No matter how much I walked, it didn't seem to go away. Just stick it out, it will end, I promise!! Try jello, that might help the hunger. Or the Adkins Advantage shakes will help fill you up too. DON'T EAT FOOD!!! It is way too soon and you will ruin your surgery!! Or, try some regular soup, just put it in the blender to get it all smooth. Don't worry, eventually it will get better.
  21. Are you newly banded? If you are still on liquids, you may have frozen yougurt because it will be liquid by the time it hits your stomach. We were told not to worrry about calories while in the liquid stage so it should be ok. Now, if you are banded and filled already, thats another sotry. Then all the other responders are right!
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