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Everything posted by Lainie

  1. How did it go, JilliePooh? How are you feeling by now? Am trying to patiently wait until June..LOL Lainie
  2. It ABSOLUTELY makes sense! Let's hope whoever gets elected makes some sweeping changes in healthcare! Lainie
  3. Thanks for the support! I know exactly where you're coming from personally (my family, too!) AND being a nurse I find people quick to put down any other health care system but ours. It's a shame... When is your surgery date? Good luck to you and keep those of us who are following you posted! If all goes well, my band date will be June 19. Take care :-h Lainie
  4. Post #20 Newbie Group: Members Posts: 8 Joined: 18-February 08 Member No.: 11307 QUOTE (jankoke @ Jan 13 2008, 05:31 PM) I'm not trying to be a smart rear end. But, you sound like a fat person trying to get out of a skinny body!! It probably takes a lot of mental work just to get your head into a place you've never been before.........thin. Just a question about getting lapbands outside the US......WHY???????????????? I wouldnt trust those guys as far as I could throw 'em. And that aint far! Is the cost that much less?? You cant sue Mexican docs. I'm concerned about getting it done here in the US, but risking an operation it in Mexico, no way! Jankoke, I think you might want to do some research before writing off Mexico or other places to obtain surgery. As a nurse for over 25 years, and someone who has researched gastric banding for the last two years, I believe that OCC in Tijuana is the premier leader in the field of gastric banding. First of all, in the US the band is rarely, if ever, covered by insurance. The average cost can be anywhere from 17,000-29,000$!!!! I don't know about you, but I sure don't have that kind of money! Secondly, the average surgeon in the US doing gastric banding has less experience than surgeons in other countries. Europe has been doing the banding for years (probably close to 15). Who do you think trains the US surgeons?? Yep, the docs from other countries! And with all due respect, if your priority is looking to "sue" someone if something happens, you may want to seriously re-think having surgery at all. The risks for ANY kind of surgery are just that...risks. There are many, many mistakes made in hospitals in our country on a daily basis. Sometimes honest, sometimes not. Remember that the price of healthcare will continue to escalate if everyone sues for each and every mistake that's made. Lainie
  5. Hi Dolittle, I'm not until June, but already am getting so much out of the forum and have to applaud each and everyone on here who's had the courage to do this and work hard for the rewards! See ya around! :-h Lainie
  6. Jankoke, I think you might want to do some research before writing off Mexico or other places to obtain surgery. As a nurse for over 25 years, and someone who has researched gastric banding for the last two years, I believe that OCC in Tijuana is the premier leader in the field of gastric banding. First of all, in the US the band is rarely, if ever, covered by insurance. The average cost can be anywhere from 17,000-29,000$!!!! I don't know about you, but I sure don't have that kind of money! Secondly, the average surgeon in the US doing gastric banding has less experience than surgeons in other countries. Europe has been doing the banding for years (probably close to 15). Who do you think trains the US surgeons?? Yep, the docs from other countries! And with all due respect, if your priority is looking to "sue" someone if something happens, you may want to seriously re-think having surgery at all. The risks for ANY kind of surgery are just that...risks. There are many, many mistakes made in hospitals in our country on a daily basis. Sometimes honest, sometimes not. Remember that the price of healthcare will continue to escalate if everyone sues for each and every mistake that's made. Lainie
  7. Hi Clynn, I'm a future "bandster" and have been getting alot of good insight from everyone here on the forum. Can I just say I think your responses are awesome?! You always have such great practical advice and tips for everyone. Thanks so much! Lainie :-h
  8. Kissyfur, I am getting very motivated by reading your post and the others =D> My surgery is not scheduled until June (my choice) but the papers have been sent! I had to laugh out loud when I read about your posting pictures. I dread doing mine!!!! LOL I'll be thinking about all of you and wishing you all good luck and a speedy recovery. Please, everyone, let me know how its going! Lainie :-h
  9. Hey Ramona and Darlene, Best of luck to both of you!! I'm from PA, too, but I'm not going until June. You'll have to keep me posted on how its going and what to expect (that is if you don't mind Can't believe I'm finally doing this, but I've been researching for two years and its time!!!! You'll both be in my thoughts and prayers... > Lainie from Central PA
  10. Hi Angel, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You go, girl! =D> I'm planning on scheduling surgery at the clinic and saw you live in Philly. Who does your fills for you? Can you recommend someone or do you go back to Tj? Thanks and best wishes! Lainie :-h
  11. Hi Darlene, :-h I live in central PA myself and am seriously considering going to OCC myself. Best of luck in your surgery and let me know how you make out. I'll be thinking about you! Lainie
  12. =D> Hi Mona Camille, =D> Read your post along with others here since I'm considering doing this too. I'm also from PA so your post caught my eye! I'm a nurse and have been researching lap banding for two years. From everything that I've learned, I think OCC is the safest place you could possibly go, either in the US or outside the country. Dr. Ortiz seems to be one of the leading pioneers in the field, and I like everything so far that I've found and researched. I say go for it!!! Please let me know how you make out. Blessings, Lainie
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