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Everything posted by mlgpdx

  1. Man I am really struggling in my personal life lately and that totally sums up how I'm feeling. My band has taken a back seat lately but I am happy to say that I am maintaining my weight and not gaining.. other than a constant 2 pound fluctuation. I am scheduled for my first fill Monday the 12th.
  2. I doubt there would be any problem. Take breaks, walk around, drink fluids and have your pain meds handy. If your husband is more comfortable driving then just consider it lots of "alone time" on the trip back and forth. good luck. >
  3. Hey Nicole I had a tummy tuck 6 years ago after losing 135lbs... they actually make a BRAND NEW belly button!! It's fabulous!
  4. GinaBallerina Oh man... I would be pissed to! :ireful2: 17 pounds in a month is HUGE! You ARE doing a great job. no, not just a "great" job you are doing a FABULOUS job! Please excuse Dr. M for responding to you in a seemingly less than stellar way but please please please do not get sidetracked, detoured or pissed off enough to stray waaaay off your path. You are almost there, don't let someone else's words make you fall off the wagon. In the end you will be mad at yourself and the whole cycle continues. We are ALL here for YOU! Please post, vent, yell, scream, swear or whatever you need to WHENEVER you to ! We will offer words of encouragement and help you stay on track. I hope today is a better day. hugs > >
  5. Amber Loved your slide show! You look fabulous!! =D> =D> I like how your pictures involve alcohol. hahahahah xoxoxo >
  6. Girl you look GOOD =D> =D> =D> =D> keep up the good work!! Thanks for posting.
  7. Michelle I'm going Monday May 12th... I am flying in sunday 9am and not leaving till tuesday 6pm... wanted to plan a little xtra time for some R&R.
  8. > Amber > Nice to hear from you! I will be going May 12th for my first fill. Look forward to hearing how your first fill goes. xoxoxox
  9. I'm 39 & 3/4... can I still participate??
  10. Salads work really well for me! I am 6 weeks post op.. having my first fill 5/12.. and am having bread, chicken and other things get stuck and cause pb'ing.. yuck..! but salad.. ahhh.. salad works really well for me! greek salads.. w/ feta cheese, kalamata olives, cucumbers, tomatoe and balsamic & olive oil dressing.
  11. ahhh man Hanna.. .that sucks!!! :lb12: I to love Sushi.. I will let you know after my first fill if I experience the same thing or not. Sorry you had to Pb... > >
  12. WOW... I do not mean to sound rude but I don't really see what the issue was/is ? I think by not eating enough protein for your breakfast/lunch , actually in my humble opinion it probably wasn't enough calories in general, of course you were starving by dinner and ate what you considered "to much".... please don't be so hard on yourself.. preband if you ate what you stated above wouldn't you have considred that a "great day" ?? Pleaes don't tell yourself that what you ate was "wrong" I don't automatically think that just because we eat a piece of bread, 3 poppers and a few extra berries we should assume we need a fill. Again, this is just my ramblings/thoughts/feelings on the subject.
  13. Welcome Nebsmom! > Glad you joined us. =D> xoxox
  14. I wasn't a huge soda fan but I really, REALLY enjoy a Rum & Diet coke (with lots & lots of lime) The night b/4 my surgery I had 2, ok maybe 3, at the hotel bar knowing it would be my last hooorah for awhile. I would like to say I don't miss it but I really do miss my diet coke & Rum.. whatever other drink can I have thats low cal/carbs ?? I am not a fruit juice person and also don't like straight liquor. Any suggestions my fellow bandsters? I know I can't be the only one who misses her alcohol mixed w/ Diet Coke.
  15. Congrats! glad you are and feeling well. Welcome to BandLand. ! >
  16. woo hoo! You're gonna have to find a new goal dress soon. =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
  17. Safe trip to both of you.. we will all be here to welcome you to "bandland" when you return. >
  18. I will be thinking good thoughts for you, please let us know when you know. > >
  19. I waited 10 day, 4 hours, 33 minutes and approx 30 seconds before pouring myself a glass of my favorite red wine. I am now 4 weeks post op and probably drink a bottle of red wine a week, maybe every 10 days, and tonight I enjoyed a lemon drop. I always remind myself that alcohol is "empty" calories and I get no nutritional benefit from it.. but for me it evens out because it makes me not want to beat the crap out my boyfriend at the end of the day! :ireful2: xoxoxo
  20. Krae Do you feel the pain when you try and turn over in bed at night.. when walking ?? I had really bad pain for a couple weeks, it didn't really kick in till after 2 weeks.. but man it kicked my A@@!! I kept thinking it was a pulled stitch or something. On a better note I am MUCH better now and only feel the cramp/pain/stitch when I do to much/eat to much
  21. Being banded will not make you "choose the right foods" it is a tool to help you with your weight loss journey but it is not a "fix" that will make you not eat the wrong foods.
  22. Haaaa Haaaa... I hear you and have experienced your "pain" :bad: Phazyme did work pretty well for me, Gas-X didn't do a thing. Honestly the BEST remedy is time. It was awful for about 2 weeks. My BF and I had just moved in together 2 weeks before I got banded so I was like what the crap (literally) am I going to do about this?!?!? Once my stomach was accoustomed to eating again it got better. It really helped me to walk.. walk.. walk... I swear I would burp and fart all over my neighborhood and return home in a much better mood. That's funny about the kids.. I bet they are having a GREAT TIME with it... hahaha... !! My children, from another mother, are often at my house hanging out and are very quick to rat me out by yelling " SOMEONE STINKS!!!, WHO FARTED?" ugh... kids.
  23. Michelle Thanks for that "lesson" !! I really really struggle with not drinking while eating and it's been almost impossible for me to wait an hour after eating b/4 I drink. I thought the same thing that the water pushed the food through and we would be hungry sooner.. so while that made me think twice I still "didi it"... NOW... it can stretch it out.. which of course makes sense but I guess I needed to see it in black and white. xoxoxo
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