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Everything posted by thesecreteater

  1. Had mine on Feb. 27. Still a bit sore and (blushing) a bit gassy, but I hear all of that is normal. Have lost 4 lbs. Only 126 more to go!!
  2. The Boost shakes (for Glucose control) aren't bad, and they're lower in calorie because they don't have all the sugar. Also, for the protein powder shakes, I ordered a ton of different extracts and mix those into my shakes with a little extra Splenda. You'd be amazed what a little coconut extract will do to a nasty chocolate shake. Peanut butter and cheesecake flavors are also tasty.
  3. Actually, I would like to know the answer to this, too! I had my LB on 2/27 and am already craving "real" food. These shakes are getting old. God I want a sandwich.
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