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Everything posted by jena

  1. How are you doing poopy wise? I was stuck at the same weight for what seemed like forever, then I realized it had been some time since I had gone. Took a laxitive, drank lots and lots of water, and 3 days later I'm down 4.5 pounds. HTH, Jena
  2. Same here except mine feels like it's the size of a half dollar with a bump in the middle. Sort of like an under-the-skin nipple. Jena
  3. I understand as well. That's why I'm still eating Lean Cuisine's and gradually adding back food I cook. Have you read any books by Geneen Roth? She is fantastic. Her book Feeding the Hungry Heart: The Experience of Compulsive Eating is really good, as well as "When Food is Love". I suggest you start out with "Breaking Free From Compulsive Eating" first though. My best advice though, is when eating a sandwich, make yourself one but make sure to tell yourself if after the one sandwich you'll wait 20 minutes an if you still want another you'll have it. If 20 minutes pass and you still want it, then eat it! I bet you won't want it though. Be proud of yourself for coming here and writing about it! Keeping compulsive eating a secret is part of the lure. Don't be so down on yourself!!! > > Jena
  4. Shy, You are totally right. I weighed 318.5 on my scales, nekkid and I was easily able to lose 25 pounds in 7 weeks. I doubt if I could have lost that much if I were 100 pounds lighter. Don't sweat it girl! You'll do fine. Jena
  5. Thanks! 25 pounds was the pre-op diet, though, so 10 since being banded. Try drinking some milk or yogurt when you take the capsule. It seems to coat the pills and helps them slide on down. Mona-C, I hope things are going better for you with your mom & all of the stress. I bet that second fill does the trick! Jena
  6. I'm 4 weeks post op today and today was the first day I've experienced the same thing as you. Bread got stuck in my throat and I didn't want to force it up so I waited and waited. It finally didn't feel like it was stuck in my throat after a couple of hours. Normally I take my daily medication (5 varying size pills) with about 1/2 cup of chocolate milk (I don't like white milk except with brownies It makes them go down so much easier. After the bread incident I couldn't stomach the idea of drinking chocolate milk or eating anything for that matter. So I took them with some water and they didn't go down too easily. I was finally able to eat a few spoonfulls of soft mashed potatoes. That's all I've been able to eat today. UGH! Jena
  7. Quit weighing so much!!! You'll weigh differently at different times of the day. You should weigh once a WEEK at the same time on the same scale. The number is not your success. Making the right food choices and following Dr. Ortiz rules are the measure of success. The number is just a byproduct that honestly doesn't mean a whole lot. How are you feeling? How are your clothes fitting? How's your energy level? Give the scales a rest and concentrate on doing the right things for the band. > Keep the faith! Jena
  8. When he talked to me and my step-mom, he told us he was interning with Dr. Ortiz. Maybe it was time for the little bird to leave the nest. Jena
  9. Welcome! I was banded on May 8. The closer it came to the day I could eat solids (May 30) The more I began to panic about eating fast food. As I would drive by the places I would think "I'm gonna eat there, and there and there.." I don't even like most fast food! So I talked to my therapist about this and she said if I CHOOSE to eat fast food, be sure that I really want it and make a conscious decision to eat it. She said to have a discussion with myself about it, even if I had to pull into the parking lot! So, this is really silly, but I started talking to the fast food places as I drove by. "Hi Chick-fil-A!! I'll eat there one day but not today. Hi McDonalds! See you another day!" you get the idea. I would actually wave at the restaurant as I drove by. "See you later!" Like I said, it was so silly and it made me laugh so much, but I haven't had the urge after a few days of that. As for cooking, I'm like you. Lean Cuisines save the day for me. They are pretty well rounded and taste great. There's a huge variety too. BTW, you have lost TEN POUNDS in 3 weeks!! Pat yourself on the back, girl! You're doing awesome! If the number is concerning you too much, put away the scales and weigh once a week. Concentrate on what you are eating, not the number on the scale. Jena
  10. That's another reason I'm going back to the OCC! I have faith in Dr. Ortiz because it's important to him for us to succeed. Our success is his success. He even told me and my step-mom that if I return to the OCC for my fills, I should only need one or two fills. I've got a 10cc band and I'm afraid the local fill place would nickel and dime me to death! And, well, I think everyone at the OCC is great and I would like to see them again. <' />
  11. Looks like there are two messages. http://www.lapbandforum.com/index.php?showforum=21
  12. Your family will worry, but it is an amazing place and the care you will get is like nothing I've had here in the states. Honestly, I was treated like a queen the entire time I was there. From the driver to the hotel staff to everyone at the OCC everyone cares so much and it's genuine too. My step mom went with me on behalf of my worried family. She absolutely loved it! She has worked in hospitals for years and couldn't believe the level of care at the OCC. Now she wants to go back and get a band herself and is trying to talk my sister into going as well! Take care and relax, Jena
  13. Lisa, I would like to see the pictures Gloria took!! Ha! I'll post them when I get them. Gloria is doing fine. She's still thinking about getting the band. >
  14. Hey Lisa! I'm finding that I'm not very hungry. However, my therapist has me monitoring my hunger level so I'm very much aware of how hungry I am. It just doesn't creep up on me and bam! I'm hungry. I think it's because when I'm at a level 3, (from 1-5) I eat something or prepare something to eat so that I don't get to a level 4 or 5 which is ravenous. Maybe your blood sugar is dropping? Try eating a little protein when you get hungry between meals. Hope you and your husband are doing great! Jena
  15. Have you seen that commercial of the cartoon woman who is sitting on a couch next to her husband? She says "He started drinking Diet Soda and lost XX number of pounds. I've been drinking water for a year and I've lost nothing." what you said about your husband reminded me of that.
  16. STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALES!! STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALES!!! That's what I had to do. Put them up in the closet, in the trunk of your car or give them to a friend. What's more important? A number on a scale (that may be right or may be wrong) or changing your lifestyle, watching your clothes get bigger and bigger and doing the right things. Don't put so much "weight" on a random number. When you put the scales away, notice things about your body, how it's changing, how your clothes are fitting. Most of all, don't let a number control how you feel about yourself or whether or not you have had a good day. Put them up for a week and see what happens! Jena >
  17. I was wondering the same thing myself. Hopefully she's busy with family life and hasn't had the time to stop by.
  18. Yep, I believe it's 3 weeks. I'm going swimming tomorrow!! Jena
  19. Good luck to you Cathy!! I was banded on May 8 and just started eating food on last Friday. I'm really concentrating on what I eat and am conscious of each bite. I don't know if I feel restriction like other people talk about, but I'm comfortably full after about 20 minutes of eating. (The time it takes me to eat a lean cuisine) I've never PB'ed or slimed, but I'm sticking to the rules about small bites, chewing well, and putting my fork down between bites. I'm not saying I'm better than anyone else or more serious about this than anyone else, I'm an emotional eater and I'll eat even when I'm not hungry if I don't work hard to retrain myself. That's why I'm seeing a therapist who deals with food issues. I am dieting now along with the band. Dr. Miranda gave us all a description of how we should be eating. Protein first, veggies next, whole grains and fruit. She did say we have to learn portion control. I am so grateful for everyone here. It's through everyone sharing their experiences that I learn more and more. Jena
  20. Hi Mom12! Me too, same problem. When I talked about it with my therapist today, we agreed that I should put up the scale for now. It's "just a number", not a true representation of the work we have done. She wants me to get in tune with my body, not just hunger wise, but in every way. So, in the top of the closet the scales went! She also suggested that if I go to the doctor that I turn and face away from the scales and tell the nurse I don't want to know the number. Wish me luck going cold turkey on weighing! Jena
  21. If pus comes out, call him and go to see him immediately. Keep draining the liquid out. You might want to put some Neosporin or some cream like that on it. You may also want to pour some peroxide on it to clean the wound out. 3% Hydrogen Peroxide is used to clean wounds and release the dead skin. (you can find it at the drugstore for about $1.50) Good luck to you and don't forget to let us know how you're doing. Jena
  22. I would tell the doctor so they could check and make sure the band and port are in place and are not damaged because of the accident. If they have been damaged, it would be the responsibility of the other driver to pay the costs of having it fixed or a new one put in. Dr Ortiz gave me two cards with information on them about my band. You should show your doctor those cards. It's no different than having a hip replacement. Would you be afraid of telling your doctor you have a hip replacement? What if the accident affected the implant, would you expect to handle the burden of paying for the costs to repair it? Of course not, the other person would be responsible. Good luck and I hope you feel better! Jena
  23. I have always been under the impression that even with the band, I would still continue to diet until I've lost as much weight as I'm going to. Isn't that why it's called a "tool" and not a "miracle weight loss" band? I'm not talking about you Lisal, > but of others I see here who talk about the big meals they can eat and all the bread, etc. I just don't get it. Why are people still eating the same meals they ate before? Dr. Ortiz told me before I was banded that some people "test" the band to see how much they can eat and that these are the people who have the least success. Did any of you hear the same thing? Jena
  24. The hotel provides you with plenty of bottles of water. No need to worry. Jena
  25. Good luck from me as well!! =D> And your name reminded me of something. When at the restaurant at the hotel, try the Flan! It's the best I've ever had!
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