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Everything posted by jena

  1. I won't tell y'all what I thought a "blinky" was until it hit me what it REALLY is!! Jena
  2. Wow Amber! What a sweet, SWEET moment!! Jena
  3. I've been telling my best friend that I've finally felt my band working (2 weeks out) and that if I eat too much (over 1/2 cup) I get these horrible gas pains. This morning I told him that I did great last night. I just had a wee bit of gas pain because I ate too soon after eating my first 1/2 cup of soup. So, he says, "Can't they do something to make the band work without the pain? Like, an alarm system so when you've had enough you hear "Beep, Beep, Beep, STEP AWAY FROM THE TABLE!" I have been laughing all day about that! Jena
  4. He may be single now, but he hasn't met me yet! Does anyone know if he like fat women twice his age? I'm almost sure he does.
  5. You should be fine to go back to work. Plan ahead though, Have bottles of juice, Special K Protein water, Gator Aid, Vitamin water, propel or whatever you like. The Special K Protein water would probably be very good for you since it has protein, fiber and carbohydrates in it. It also comes in pre-measured packets to add to a bottle of water. Keep drinking all day so you don't get dehydrated and you are getting protein, vitamins, carbohydrates and water. If you have a freezer at work, keep a box of popcicles for a change of pace. You'll do fine! Let us know how it goes. Jena
  6. Thanks for the reminder Monet! I bet that's why I'm stalled out. I'm not eating that many calories, yet I'm up a couple of pounds. Before I added the soups I was peeing all the time, like every hour. Now it's like 3 or 4 times a day. I'll be sipping on water all day and see what happens! jena
  7. Bravo Jann!!! =D> You've got your head together! "Perhaps baby steps with Sis, have her log in and read the forums here. When she sees the level of support, the wealth of information everyone here shares and the sense of comfort and belonging it brings, it may allay her fears or concerns and she'll catch the "band bug"!" What an awesome idea! Why didn't I think of that? LOL That's exactly what I will do! Jena
  8. Thanks Jann! I envy your centeredness. It's such a good feeling. What you said reminded me of what my sister told me the other day. She's quite overweight herself and I've been talking up the band trying to encourage her to think about it. She told me that she just isn't in the right place right now to be successful. She's dependent on the food and knows it. That's a hard place to be and even harder to admit it. Hopefully she will resolve her issues and make room for this step. Jena
  9. I have added the soups, but there is only so much potato soup I can eat. I did find a couple of really good ones, both by Campbells. One is Cheddar soup and the other is Southwest Monterey Jack soup (or something like that) I had it for lunch today. The trouble with soups are that I LOVE soup and can eat a lot. 1/2 cup just isn't enough. Jena
  10. So, anyone thinking about the fills? Mom12 are those firm dates for you? Let me know so I can make my reservations. How is everyone today?? I finally feel my band working!! Yippee! Jena
  11. Hi Alana! Funny you should ask this question! I saw a therapist today about this. I liked her very much and I think it's going to work well. I know from my losing weight in the past that I get to a certain point and sabotage myself, and I know that many people are not successful with the band. I wanted to give myself all the tools I need to get this weight off and keep it off. The band is one tool, exercising is another tool (I hired a trainer and took swimming lessons so I can swim laps), and a good therapist who specializes in the full spectrum of eating disorders, not just anorexia or bulimia. I'm giving myself everything I need to overcome my weight problem. I know I won't succeed with just the band alone. Jena
  12. I was banded on May 8, two weeks ago. The liquid diet to be followed the first 3 days made me panic! I can't eat real food for THREE WEEKS!!! ( After that I totally lost it and was "testing" my band. Without any ill effects, I made it through the next few days eating without thinking. I was beginning to wonder if I even HAD a band! Finally, I got myself together and had a great day yesterday. Slimfast, protein water, beef broth, jello, all the right stuff. For dinner I decided to have some thinned down garlic mashed potatoes. I had about 1/3 of a cup, eaten slowly and all was well. A little while later, I said, hmmmmm. I think I'll have some more, and I did. BIG MISTAKE!!! For the next TWO FREAKING HOURS I was in dire pain! Left side of my chest, thought I was gonna die. I know what it was, thank goodness. It was gas and I needed to walk it off. I walked and I walked and I moaned and cursed. Finally I took a couple of Tums. FINALLY, my band is WORKING!!! =D> Tonight I had my own concoction, pizza sauce (no fat) that I watered down and sprinkled with a little parm cheese then I baked it to heat it up. Yummy!! There was 1 1/2 cups of liquid and I served myself about 1/3 cup. About an hour later I took another couple of bites, then I felt that same twinge. I immediately stopped, even though I wanted to eat it all. I didn't want to go through what I went through last night. I am sooooo happy I'm finally feeling the band! Jena
  13. I can change mine to those dates, and renting a car would be fine with me too.
  14. I checked on Air Tran and these dates look good for me June 24-26 (that's Tues - Thurs)
  15. Hi Gals! Mom12 and I were discussing getting together to go to the OCC for our first fill. Is anyone else planning to do this? Maybe we can all go at the same time. Jena
  16. Up your calories to 1200 a day. You can do this by just drinking a yogurt smoothie or having something else. For whatever reason, to get optimum weight loss 1200 calories is the magic number. I know I lose more eating 1200-1500 calories than I do 800-100. Unless you are nursing, then you are going to need a lot more calories! Jena
  17. At the Lucerna they all speak English pretty well. They are so used to Dr. Ortiz patients and it was even on the bill! The restaurant knows exactly what we are supposed to eat post banding and will let you know, because it's not on the menu. If I go back for my fill, I would only stay there. Jena
  18. I don't know about the new hotel, I stayed at the Lucerna. But I can tell you that a 5 star hotel in the US is NOT a 5 star in other countries! The Lucerna was nice, but not a 5 star by our standards.
  19. I'm having soreness around the port area. Speaking of donuts...a vendor came to the office bringing 2 boxes of Dunkin Donuts. Now, I'm a Krispy Kreme girl, but I just had to peek in the box. Darn it if I didn't end up eating the gooey filling out of THREE donuts! 2 lemon curd and one pastry cream. Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. The worse part is, I didn't even get sick, burped, have gas pains or feel restricted. :lb12: Where has my determination gone???
  20. I have nothing better to do tonight, so I was working out the costs of me going to the OCC for my first fill or going to the Fill Centers USA in Roswell Ga. (20 minutes from my house or office) The cost of Fill Center $549 The costs of going to OCC - Airfare $279 but I would have to go on Tuesday July 8 and return Wednesday July 9 Floro at OCC $100 Hotel - something like $80 Transportation ?? Honest opinions wanted. Which one should I do?? Jena
  21. Hot picture Ute! I would like to know how much you pay for your fill in Roswell. I'm trying to decide if I should go to Dr. Ortiz for mine or go to the Roswell fill center. They told me it would be $549 for the first fill and floro. Sheesh!! The cost is pretty close to me going to TJ! thanks for any info, Jena
  22. We stayed on the second floor. It and our room smelled like someone spilled an industrial size can of carpet fresh, rose scented, on the floor and didn't vacuum it up. We left the sliding door open to air out the room. There was banging going on all day long, but it stopped around 5 or 6. We never could figure out where it was coming from!
  23. Yes, burping. I think it's my punishment for being the only one of all of us that didn't have pain from the surgery gas at all. DAVID COOK BABY!!
  24. Excellent!! I hope you know you are a great role model for us. Jena
  25. hahahah! We are sisters in bad breath! > I brush my teeth, I brush my tongue, but like you said, it goes all the way down my throat. I have not been drinking as much the last two days. I'll keep my bottle by my side from now on!! Jena
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