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Everything posted by lna228

  1. Thanks for the link I have been so busy that I didn't look at the board for a few days. Looking forward to our trip. I hope to see some more of SD this time. Linda
  2. Great news on your fill results. Where did you get your fill done. I am going to OCC this week for my first fill but after that would like to go to Tampa or St. Pete. Linda
  3. Dr Miranda also told us to dilute your juice with some water. Linda
  4. I guess everyone is different I had surgery Thursday and went back to work the next Monday. I was a little slower but the more active you are the quicker you recover. I can't imagine that you would need 6 weeks. That is what someone would need after major surgery (C-section, hysterectomy etc.) Linda
  5. I'm glad that you shared your story. I had a similar story, I broke out in a rash on both sides of my abdomen. This was exactly 2 weeks post-op. I am a nurse practitioner so I don't think it could be related to the surgery but I too could not find a reason for the rash. Maybe it was too may liquids Ha! Ha! I took some benadryl and applied hydrocortisone cream and it went away. Linda
  6. Thanks Hannah, I tried Priceline for the first time. They put me at the Omni for 100.00/night. Can't wait for the first fill having no problems with food.
  7. I was so excited to eat !! I had a luncheon which they served fajitas!! I didn't have the tortilla and only a small portion of chicken(I was afraid to eat the beef). The hardest thing was not to drink with my meal. It's such a habit! Everything went fine but I don't have much appetite (not complaining) For those of you still on liquids that EAS Myoplex light is awesome. It has only 170 calories 2 grams fat 5G fiber and 20 grams of protein. It really kept me full longer that slimfast. I only tried the chocolate flavor. Linda
  8. Did you have to pay for this? I always wondered if something were to happen what they would charge. Linda
  9. Hi Makenzie! I am a little nervous about eating real food but I am also sick of soups and liquids!! I am going to start with soft foods and see how it goes. Linda
  10. Hannah, I will be there on the 19th!! Are you going to spend the night at the Lucerna? Linda
  11. We talked about the 17th which is a Thursday. Do we want to schedule the fills that day or the next morning? I can get a flight into San Diego arriving at 11am but not sure if that is enough time to get a fill. Let me know as I would like to make plane reservations. I would prefer to come in on Thursday and only miss 2 days of work. Great to hear from you Lisa, I don't think I could bake cookies and not eat any!! Linda
  12. Hi everyone this is Linda from Florida!! I just know have found time to post. I have been reading all of you accounts and have experienced some of the same experiences. Hannah I am with you there with the constipation. MOM is my friend. I am getting tired of liquids and counting the days until I can have solids. I am planning to go back to Dr. Ortiz for my first fill. Is anyone else? Linda
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