Hi. I'm new to this website. I had a lapband put in in 2000, when I was living in Italy. Initially it was great, lost 70 pounds, had alot of energy, etc. Then my marriage started going downhill fast (apparently my weight really wasn't the problem!)and I went back to my old ways of eating and found ways to absolutely cheat the band, My band is as full as is safe too. We all know buy now that ice cream, butter, sugar, etc slides right through the smallest opening. I have been in therapy with an eating disorders therapist for over a year. I wish I had seen someone beforeI had the surgery. I probably wouldn't have had it, but maybe I would have startted working on some of my food issues before I developed bulimia. Sorry to be so negative-but I was not expecting to be back at my pre-surgery weight 6 years later, and I am, and I want others to know.