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Posts posted by Maytee

  1. I have seen that many of you guys drink small amounts of water at a time. I am able to drinkk big gulps of water without a problem. Does this mean that i need a fill? I have been wondering about a third fill since i am not loosing weight, however i feel that i have restriction when eating. I do however eat every 4 hours since that is how long the so called fullness feeling last. I really never feel full, i just stop eating because i am not longer hungry. thanks


    I think your doing great as far as hunger goes. Have you been counting calories and excercising? I think that will get you loosing again. I have been loosing every week since my last fill and started counting cal and exercising.


  2. So, I have been struggling the past 2 weeks or so to get my weight below 181. In fact, it has been anywhere from 184 - 182, and I was getting so frustrated because it would not budge below my lowest 181. Well, today I get on the scale and the scale reads 180!!!!!! :D I jumped up and down because I was so friggen excited. My next mini goal is 179. When I see the 170's I will have more motivation than ever because in every diet I have done, the lowest I could ever get was 180. I would get to 180, get stuck, and after maybe 2 weeks I would get frustrated and say 'screw it!' and start eating like a pig again. SO, I am a little bit scared right now because its like dejavous... I feel like I am in the past, on another diet, and I am soooo afraid that I will be stuck here and go back to my old ways. I know this is different, though. I can't set myself up for failure, I have to set myself up for success, so in light of that I am putting this post out there to all you other bandsters so maybe you all can help motivate me to stick to it. I am proud of myself, though, because I did not give up these past few weeks despite being stuck and some days even being 3 lbs above my lowest weight. So thats a good thing! Yay for the band!


    It's so awesome to past that milestone! Keep doing what your doing because its working soon you will be in uncharted territory and it will be bliss!!!!

    You Go Girl!!!! :lb24: :lb13: :girl_dance: :girl_dance: :girl_dance:


  3. I have been working out 4 to 5 days a week. Two of those days I have a trainer that comes to my house and beats me for an hour. I find that I do eat more calories on the days I get my beatings. I had my 2nd fill June 2nd and with the training, doing DVD workouts and keeping track of my calorie intake on weight watchers online I have lost almost 6 pounds. If you don't eat more calories you won't have good energy and your body will go into starvation mode.

    Your doing the right thing eating more on the days you workout. Keep up the good work! =D>


  4. Well, I own a salon and spa and I told my staff. I had 2 give me a hard time about it, but it didn't bother me. My thought about what people say is, they are concerned for you but they haven't lived in your body and going through this process is not done without a lot of research and deep thought.

    Most people will be supportive. Feel good about what ever decision you make, their input won't really matter in the long run. For me it has been the most healthy decision of my life and I would do it again and again. :rolleyes:

    Good Luck!


  5. I went to TJ and saw our friendly Doctors. Dr. Romero is so nice and so handsome! He took out what I had in and I was surprised that he removed 1 cc. I had 1.2cc and .2 dissipated. Now I have 2 cc total and man can I feel it. I have to eat very slowly taking very small bites. If I don't give the bite time to go down and quickly chase it with another bite I am in trouble. I this is going to be hard. I haven't realized just how fast I have shoveled food in my mouth.

    I finally made it under 230 this morning and I am so happy and motivated! I have started weight watchers online and have been counting points. I didn't realize that I was still eating more than 1200 calories a day. I am eating less now that I have 2 cc a lot less.


  6. Well, I have been working out with a trainer now for a week and 1 day. I feel so empowered about working out and the Endrophin release is great. I am finding myself really struggling with food this past week. I have lost another 2 1/2 pounds but boy has it been a struggle not to snack. I constantly am thinking about food. Being home for the weekend was aweful, I had to get out of the house so I wouldn't eat!!!!!

    Anyone have any suggestions? I need some good advice!!!!


    Maytee :((

  7. Hello all, Here are a few pics taken pre-op - in February. My surgery was March 17th. My cousin got married Saturday which was exactly 2 months post-op so I just thought I would post a few pics for you guys.

    Sorry if the pics are too big - I'm a little new at posting these images to the forum. Oh and sorry - I just realized I was under the Forum Policies & Tech Help Topics.....anyone know how to move this?





    2 months post-op



    Wow! You look amazing!!!! You go girl!!!!! :girl_dance: :cheerleader: :lb13:

  8. Hey Maytee,

    Sounds like you are not joking! Keep up the good work. What are you eating in a normal day???



    Thank you! In the morning I 42g of liquid protien that taste like jello, and a small bowl of Kashi cereal, lunch mostly salad or progresso soup, dinner what ever my mom made. I am Puerto Rican so I am trying to break her from cooking all the fried foods. I do miss her fried chicken its the best! :lol: Oh, well that is what got me here in the first place. I am using the small salad plates and I eat a lot of steamed broccolli I try to stay away from the carbs for dinner.

    What about your daily menu?


  9. Thanks Everyone for your encouragement.! :rolleyes:

    I got banded March 11th. Today we hiked up a very steep hill in my neighborhood. I thought I wasn't going to make it up, but I did and when I got to the top you could see most of the city I live in. We got back down and she killed me again with push-ups and lunges. I am so sore from Tuesday and I know tomorrow I will be a total body sore. My abs are one of the most sore and we really didn't work them that hard. I did tell her that I couldn't do a lot of ab work until the middle of June due to the port. When I got my first fill Dr. Romero told me I have a lot of scare tissue on and around my port and it looks good.

    I am almost to the 20lbs mark and I can't wait to post it on my signature. I live in Mesa AZ and my trainer said we could do a boot camp if anyone out there that lives here is interested. Let me know!!!!!! The more that can join me the better!


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