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  1. HI - i am getting a fill on 5/1 by Dr. ortiz. i don't have any restriction. Am curious to see how the fill changes this as i am losing hope. how are you doing? my incisions are healing and i don't have any pain. goodluck with your fill!
  2. Hi - i am finally feeling better, how about you? am actually going to schedule a fill for my 8 weeks post op. how about you? will you go back to OCC?
  3. thanks!! i would never have figured this out on my own.
  4. hey gal - are you going to schedule a fill soon?
  5. Hi -can i ask what you mean by the bus and trolly? how much does it cost? i had a terrible experince with the pickup and drop off with the van and am trying to see what other options are. can you let me know?
  6. yes!!!! i think mine was from all of the sugar in the vitamin water and yogurt. I was in so much pain. i actually took about a half an hour to slowly eat a slice of bread and this helped termendously. I was so miserable unti lthen. i know they won't recommend this, but i was desperate. i couldn't sleep and was uncomfortable no matter what i did. good luck!
  7. today is day 8 and feeling much better. I had to eat a piece of bread to calm down my stomache. i ate it very slowy and let it dissolve in my mouth. it helped me tremendously!!! i finally have gotten rid of some of the bloating. the incisions are getting itchy, so i know they are healing. Not very hungry, but have ofund that i used to nibble on everything i made for my 3 year old. I keep forgetting that i can't eat what he is eating. now that i am no longer in pain and all bloated i can actually entertain a fill. Still haven't tried to schedule one yet.
  8. Amanda - i actually had terrible transportation too. they were over an hour late picking me up on sunday. on the return the driver got to the border and said we would have a two hour wait. i said no way - i will miss my flight. he drove to the other border like a MANIAC. i almost threw up. we had to walk across, but he was at least waiting for us. how are you feeling?
  9. thanks for the kind thoughts. i am taking gasx and tylenol now and feel much better today. still have the gas and bloating though. protein shakes are allowed on day 6......one more day to go!!! i dreamed of eating warm bread with butter last night. thought it was odd i dreamed this, i like alot of foods!!!!!
  10. Jan - i think 5 or normal. the gal in the room next to me showed me hers and they were almost identical. i did receive a reply from another member telling me when they glue comes off they won't look as big. the smallest incision is directly up from the belly button but only about an inch below the breast bone. about another inch down there is one to the left about an inch. drop down two more inches and there are 3 more. one on the very left side of the stomache, one almost below the top incision and one right a few inches. Hope this makes sense.
  11. I was banded on 3/17/08 by Dr.Ortiz. the wait for surgery was long. I was last of seven and had to wait 6 hours. they never did my dental check, although they did all the others, not sure why. :-? the surgey was fine and the Drs are amazing. answered all my questions. they all have a great bedside manner. i slept, watched TV or read a book most of the time that day. the second day we returned to the hotel. water and broth went down slow. i am surprised how bloated i am. the gas pain eases with walking, but i wish i would have brought the gasx strips. i am also surprised how big the incisions are. i have 5. 3 are about an inch and 2 are 1/2 inch. the port incision is bruised, but nothing major. i am a little uncomfortable but no pain. the hotel is great. sat by the pool for an hour or two and read a book. i would get up and walk around every 15 mintues or so. seemed to help with the gas. i just wish i could so something for the bloating. i am happy with all so far, will post again in the future.
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