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Skinny Jenny

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Everything posted by Skinny Jenny

  1. Coach, I emailed Dr. Ortiz and he thought the modified version would be okay to do of the Body Challenge. First of all thanks to all who "whoohoood" my weight loss. My confidence is at an all time low and I really needed this! Coach please tell me what I need to do from here to get signed up for the challenge.. even if it is modified.
  2. HI Coach! You're the person I've been looking for.. I think. I am three weeks post op would your plan work for me? I have a post on this forum about PCOS and insulin resistance but no one has repsonded. My weight loss has been slow at 17pounds that includes the preop diet also.. I've been walking 15min in the morning, a mile at lunch and two miles in the evening and may manage to lose a pound a week. Any ideas?
  3. HEY!!! IT is so great to hear from you!! I'm so proud of you for loosing that 23#'s. Yippee... Linda's done really great, she's down about 25 or 26.. me well it's coming off slowly. I'm down about 17 and that's okay. Yeah Linda and I have really been hitting the pavement. We walk at lunch and after work. So what kind of exercises are you doing at the gym? So when are you planning to go back for your fill? Linda and I are shooting for the first weekend in November, like the 3rd or 4th.. Please keep us posted! And tell your hubby hello for us too! I know he is so happy for you too.
  4. I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS, poly cystic ovarian syndrome. My doc tells me this is from hypre insulin sensitivity. I am and have had a really hard time loosing weight. I was banded on 9-21 and have lost about 14 pounds and this included the pre-op. I'm a little frustrated. Does anyone else out there suffer from this and what are you doing to get the weight off and regulate your blood sugars?
  5. Hey Girlie... Sorry, Dixie and I have been buzyyy! We've started walking at lunch and in the afternoons. Dixie's down over 20pds and I'm just stuck at about 14. Do you have any ideas what will help make this come off faster? We are eating solids this week and I have found that bread does not go down very well. I suffer from PCOS and my blood sugars have been kinda wild. I have an appt 11-1 to see an endocrinologist so hopefully that will help me get this insulin resistance under control. I'm not doing as good as you are with the smoking. Keep praying for me though. Hope you and George have a great time in Vegas. Dixie and I have to go back the for the first fill in NOvember. Did you see your weight loss pick up after that? I could eat the backend out of a hobby horse I'm so hungry. Let me know
  6. Hello everyone, My port site is a little tender but not until the end of the day. My experience has been a pain that is sometimes like someone is "goosing" me in my left side. Sometimes it is a very sharp pain and other times it's dull and achy. Has anyone else experienced this?
  7. J Hi there I met you in the lobby the day of your fill with my friend Dixie Darlin. We were both banded on Friday and have returned home and back to work and so far so good. Just wondering if your weight loss has resumed since your fill?
  8. Hi Deb, Housecat, and yes you too George! Dixie and I had a great experience at OCC!!! I was a little groggy all day Saturday but did go and walk around at the mall. Our flight home was very crowded and I got to sit by a woman who wore her coat over her head for two hours... ahemm! Anyway, all is good, trying to make it through the last three days of the clear liquid stage. Haven't lost but 1 pound myself, Dixie, that tramp, has lost 6!! I'm planning a huge comeback when we get to eat tomato soup though. So Deb, how's the weight loss since your fill last week? House Cat if only I could look like you I'd have it licked! Hope you both are well and off to a great October start. I can't wait to come back in November and see everyone. It was great meeting you girlz and guys and maybe we can "hook" up again like that in November. I haven't had any discomfort except for a little catch everyonce in awhile on my left side. My incisions are healing like I was from outer space.. I cannot believe how quickly they are going away! Y'all keep in touch!
  9. Hi Deb, I've been so busy at work I haven't been on for awhile. Just getting your note back and I really hope that Dixie and I can meet you on Thursday 9-21. We get in at 10:00 so I would think we should be there by 11am so maybe this will work out. So you are having your second fill? I thought we got one every 6 weeks? WOW you must really be loosing great. I'm hanging in there on the salad and protein shakes. So what did you have for your last meal? Dixie and I are thinking hamburgers and steak about now. Keep me posted
  10. Nita- Yes I spoke w/ Dr. Miranda yesterday and she told me to discontinue the Atkins and start the pre-op diet now. I'm drinking my shakes and eating my jello.. it's just like putting my cigs down.. It will take me awhile but I'll get it eventually!!
  11. Hey Lit, I'm chewing as I type.. So have you had your surgery yet? How has your success been?
  12. Okay all of you new bandsters, I will soon be able to make this "claim to fame" on 9-22. I am struggling with the pre-op and very fearful that I will not lose the weight prior to the surgery. I was on Atkins last week and managed to lose 3 pounds, I'm now doing the pre-op for the second day and wondering if I'm going to make it... Please I need encouragement. My BMI is right at 49, I'm 5'3" and weigh a whopping 286 as of this morning. This surgery is an answer to a prayer. I've quit smoking and know I need to add a little exercise but honestly I'm so tired from dragging this fat everywhere that when I get home I'm ready to fall on the couch.. hence this is how I got here. Suggestions?
  13. Hi there Deb! I would love to meet you. Our flight is scheduled to come in at 10am so we actually won't be at the clinic until 12ish. My friend Dixie Darlin' and I are scheduled to get our pre-op that day and then the band the next. Will you be there for any length of time at the hotel maybe? I would love to meet you too. Tell me.. the pre-op diet is killing me. Today is my second day doing protein shakes and greens. Oh great one give me your wisdom on this? How did you make it? Before when I would diet if I got hungry I smoked, now since I quit that nasty habit what's a girl to do?
  14. Hi Deb! I haven't been able to log on for awhile and I was just wondering how your first fill went and what your weight loss is to date. I'm three weeks into being smoke free and still want one bad. My surgery is 2 weeks from today and I am elated. A little worried that I won't lose any weight before surgery or that I want lose enough. It is taking every dime I have to get this done and I do not want to mess it up or jeopardize it in anyway. Let me know how you are. Jenny
  15. Hello all Getting banded on the 22nd.. two weeks and I cannot wait!!! I was wondering about the no caffeine thing though. I hadn't remeber hearing about that in the pre-op phase. I can do decaf but what about after surgery? Can you drink high test then?
  16. Hi Okie- Keep me posted on your rash. I'm getting banded the 22nd and if there is anything I can do to prevent that I want to.. I'm sure it's out of my control but nevertheless, it sounds painful and itchy!
  17. Thanks Pam!! I need all the encouragement I can get. My husband is my rock, he told me this morning that I was his hero. I cried all the way to work. I went without the patch as long as I could stand it today. I don't crave a cig, it's just like I feel I need to be doing something I just don't know what. I'm going to start working jigsaw puzzles again like a mad women. So have you been banded yet? My friend and I have exactly a month from today!! I'm so excited I cannot wait. We also want to gradually get ourselves into the pre-op diet as soon as we can. Hopefully it will make it easier. How long have you been banded and how far have you come? I need some encouragement! I went from 318 to 132 about 7 years ago. I started my diet in 1995 and was a skinny bride in 1999. As soon as I said I do, it all came back and I haven't been able to loose a pound since. I'm back to 287 and I have about 140 to loose, I just pray to God this works.
  18. Hi Deb, Just wanted you to know that I've laid them down finally. Monday August 20th first whole day without a cig. I've started the patches and it made my blood pressure go up so I had to take it off.. whew what a day, It's 10:45 et and I'm ready for bed and my first day off. It can only get better from here on out. I'm also going to have an accupuncture session to see if that will help me also. I've bought gum and suckers today and that's helped, just not like the real thing, I know you know. I haven't started dieting yet, I have to go to Atlanta for the next 3 days for a convention for work, so I'm going to remain in control, not overdo it but still be able to enjoy myself. So how ya been? My email was down last week and I missed speaking with you. So how's life, the band and your cravings to smoke?
  19. Hi Deb, Thanks for checking in on me. I haven't laid the cigs down yet but this weekend was a milestone of sorts. I am buying pack to pack thinking this will help.. I smoked one pack between Friday afternoon and Sunday. I am also trying to wait at least 30min before smoking after meals. I am waiting on pay day to get my patches so hopefully they will help me quit all together. I did tell my family that I was quitting and hopefully just telling people will help me curb my smoking too. I also really cut back on the eating this weekend and said goodbye to my favorite.. Coke. I drank water, coffee and tea as much as possible this weekend. I didn't weigh this weekend since I started, so I'll check that next week. I see where you've lost another 15 since 7-25, you "go girl". You are such an inspiration to me and I only hope that my weight comes off like yours has. How many sizes have you gone through in the last two months? Keep me posted.
  20. Oh Deb, Thanks so much for all of your advice. I don't know you and you feel like a big sister to me! I cannot wait to do this. My husband stays after me all the time to quit so when I told him I had to, needed to, for the surgery I thought he was going to cry! He was so excited. I am a big coffee drinker and cannot imagine it with my morning smoke on the porch but I will just have to put on my Big Girl Panties and get over it now want I? You have been such an encouragement for me. As I told you my friend and I are having the surgery together. She and I have supported each other on almost every diet you can imagine and when Friday hits we are the first one's to hit the pizza palace or whatever else we can get our hands on. We are all new to this and have only really been researching it for about the last two or three weeks, so when we read on the forum that some people had not lost any weight at all we were both panicked!! Believe me I do not have one extra dime to spend and this is a HUGE step for me. I guess if the liquid is all you are really eating for the first couple weeks you can't help but loose. So how's your energy? Were you hungry hungry during this? Please stay in touch and keep me informed of your progress.
  21. Cutie- Where can you get Jay Robb's product. Is it available on line or in health food stores? How about the taste?
  22. Hi Cindy- I was wondering what kind of progress you have had. I am going in for my band on September 22nd with a friend and I am so anxious about this. I have approximately 140#'s to loose and one of the things my doctors have told me is that I don't eat enough protein. How are those supplements working out for you? Have you seen an increase in your weight loss since taking them? How much weight did you have to loose to begin with?
  23. Hello House Cat Girl- My friend Dixie and I are getting banded together. She and I work together and have really supported each other through all of the fad diets together. We are so excited that this has come together so fast!! Two weeks ago we read an article in People and now we are scheduled to have it done ourselves.. unbelievable. She and I are a bit apprehensive of what the future will hold. I have about 140#'s to loose and she has about 80. We are scared that the weight will either not come off at all or come back, God forbid. How are you doing now. How's your energy level and have you noticed a hair loss? That is one of the things that bothered me about a friend who had bypass surgery. She really lost a lot of hair. Have you experienced anything like that?
  24. Hi Lori- Wanted to let you know that my friend and I from Virginia are scheduled for September 22nd. She got her days off and I finally got the financing to go right for me. We are both so excited that we counted today and we have 6 weeks from Thursday before the surgery. I am a little nervous about giving up food and smoking at the same time. I have been a smoker for about 20 years. I smoke less than a half pack a day but am still a smoker. I read Deb's post about being sent home due to her breathing capacity. Is there anything that I can do before I go to assure that when I get there I will not be turned away because of my lung capacity. I plan on getting the patch and quitting at least a month before I come but I would be devastated to get there with my friend and she have the surgery and I have to come back home with out it... advice?
  25. What a journey. I am scheduled for banding on September 22nd. I have been a smoker for about 20years. I am mortified they will not do the surgery on me. I have never had any breathing problems or asthma so I am considering quitting the end of the month so that I will have about 4 weeks of being smoke free. Did you use the patch and was that helpful to quit? HOW DID YOU DO IT??? I have been overweight my entire life and this is like a dream come true for me. I have approximately 140 pounds to loose and I am scared after all of my past failures that this to will not work. Oh please give me some good news.
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